Show Photos by Larry Owens r F - 'V' i t $ ' i ? V Hie I mer tht: ind Bilhiuls totini iinuits Bowling nion (ounul been slated The tournament mil LB lue also spnnortil h ueekh dm mi the sum continue thioinh t!n with in (jmie room rt p u picas lust I 111 (lie n nn h M M Ml I III ll dis U r uu during (In eiilnc Sunimt "I Jim iliiatiiMi lu dtr I imkr "Inn Night ' laid lisi weds as (lie scmml siiicu siul thit la lilt hmli ( li'iiriun ci (Ins (in kiiren hi ill who it ind uinvtd suaessltd lull lam Niilits tuiild Hue kn in SUMS rilieslinants in Kuah Mimn sl iltcndul list W eiliasdn s "I in Night' utilities Ihi I s (i 1$ 1 i Sole: Photos on this summer activities ire pige bv the Summer sponsored Lnion Program Council This is the initial year for this proUnder the advisorship gram of LeRoy Dennis Ass’t Coordinator of Student Activities the Council has also estabstudent-bodlished the office of Currently this president is held by Joe Blanch position I till or s y |