Show 4 — STUDENT LIFE AUGUST 15 1966 a Two of the barer var- - matter which gender mro puns tent Upward Bound Ends Phase On-Camp- us FASHION among the man leans toward cut off levi’s with a wide variety of tops Make sweatshirts and the “Lugo look” Decide for yourself if it is teen- y-runners casual ' ! -- S' A r "t r' - A & X A 1 " m ' I i ' Va Professor To Iranian Post USU With an aim to help Iran expand 55000 acres of cultivated land to 300000 acres Dr Leonard H Pollard on leave from the plant science department at USU is leaving the latter part of August for two years in Iran Dr Pollard has been engaged by Development and Resources Corporation of New York as one of two agricule proturists on a gram for the unified development of the 58000 square mile Khuzestan region in the southwest part of Iran He will be responsible to give advise on crop production incultural cluding varieties methods harvesting methods uses of crops etc As the land is made available for cultivation he will help decide on the size of economical units to proportion on the land for best use By establishing feed he will assist in development of a sound livestock program for the area Working with the college and others there on assignment he will also help cary on some educational work and training of Iranians to take over extension programs of various kinds long-rang- m t 14 Upward Bound students who have been here since July 23 participating in the government program for high school students completed the “war on talent waste” program and returned to their homes Saturday “Parent’s Day” held the weekend before last was the final activity to explain to the parents what has happened to the students this summer During the formal program for the parents held Aug 7 in the UB Auditorium many made comments on the success the Upward Bound program at USU this summer Chris Anderson an upward bound student and MC at the parents program stated that “it showed that if you really ' ’&& A 4 -- - - v XI wrx3 FLOWERS ON the pants and thongs on the feet is the fancy for many USU summer coeds Sunglasses are a must and as few books as posible should be carried ONE FASHION group quite noticeable on the summer campus is the dance school No matter what variation goes on want to you can get something Now I’m sure I want top black leotards are standard uniform to go to college” Parents were favorably impressed with the advances made through the program this summer Teachers di- rectors and tutor counselors join in feeling that the program was a success One of the instructors stated “The thing that impresesd me was that the students had a lot of support from lots of peo- ple” Support from the University includes tom A through the various colleges and use of many of the facilities On the role of the directors teachers tutor counselors and the University one instructor stated “I think we’ve shown them the best that we have” The Upward Bound program on campus this summer has been under direction of Dr Frances Halstrom with one of its objectives to kindle an interest among the students to attend college Gun Safety Must For Youngsters Utah hunters who are under 21 years of age and are going into the field for the first time this fall are run- ning out of time to complete their hunter safety class requirements prior to this year’s hunting seasons Utah law make sit mandatory for all hunters under 21 to successfully complete a hunter safety training course before they are eligible to purchase a hunting license for birds or big game animals The hunter safety course calls for a minimum of eight hours training before the certificate of completion is is-u- ed Juveniles past age of 16 may also present a certificate showing they have successfully passed the equivalent training in the armed services ROTC NRA or show their hunting license from the previous year WATCH THAT lens it tickles A Peace Corps Volunteer derives the mort from discussion groups if comfort is stressed to the maximum Clark Leaves On Tour (Continued from page 2) tuticns throughout the United States in which research programs in Aeronmy are supported by the National Science Foundation At USU Dr Clark a professor of Electrical Engineering has been teaching and directing research on high altitude atmospheric relationships with support from various government agencies Dr R D Harris and Dr A W Shaw will carry on this Aeronomy research program assisted by graduate students D R Jensen and G Paul Francis In early September Dr Dean F Peterson Dean of Engineering will return from leave in Washington D C where he has served for the past year as a member of President Johnson’s Science Advisory Panel A replacement for Dr Clark as Director of the Engineering Exanperiment Station will be nounced after Dean Peterson’s return Dr Clark was President of the USU Faculty Association President of the in 1963-6- 4 1957 Logan Kiwanis Club in Scout has served in the Boy program as a district scouter since 1947 and is presently active in the Logan 20th Ward of the LDS Church Mrs Clark will accompany v Dr Clark to Washington an in C where they will live apartment in the District Columbia |