Show As summer quarter draws to a close preparations are underway for the opening of the fall quarter at Utah State Veterans eligible to attend college under Readjustment the Veterans Benefits Act University Sept 22 Orientation for new stu dents will be conducted Thursday Sept 22 with registration for new students set Friday Sept 23 with former students enrolling Saturday should file applications as soon as possible so in papers can be procesed time for fall quarter regisof 1966 tration That was the word this week from Asa Beecher records officer and veterans co- J 5 ?!S i jM 1) fi f) I ordinator on campus Forms for applying may be picked up in room 11 of the Main VetBuilding or from any erans Affairs office Utah Receives 2000 Information on eligibility under the benefits can be obtained from Mrs Bymece Chapman Main 111 or from the Veterans Administration regional office in Salt Lake More than 2000 applications for certificates of eligibility had been received from Utah veterans as of Aug 1 according to Elmer Smith manager of the regional office in Salt Lake Smith indicated that figure is somewhat above the national average Plan Check Delay VA has advised back-to- school veterans to be prepared to pay their own way for the first two months It will be that long before many ofwill rethe veteran-student- s ceive their first check The law requires the VA tomake payments to the veterons only after the VA receives certification from the veteran that he has been in for a full month made Payment is normally af- month on the 20th of the ter the month of attendance Last Student Life Until Fall Term tTSUsIS publication sch- Summer Quae- - edule for the ter Regular stupublication of the will resume dent newspaper 23 Friday Sept of the fall quarFirst issue ter will be an enlarged Back three-times-a-we- ek Sept 24 order STUDENT DANCING will be the from Thursday and Friday Young people Uta and New Yrork Arizona California in Main Audiperform for the public learned torium in presentation of routines school during summer dancing Will Here's Advice For Registrants Concerts Continue In Dance Program cuaci shurr these Mark Ryder and Naomi melman have been workng with the students in the workfor these shop preparing dance works Performances in Main:15Audipm torium will begin at 8 dancers o of the Twenty-twSta--rtnn- stu- - high school Students attending Summer Quarter but who did not register at USU spring the quarter should contact Records Admissions and office if they plan to enroll here fall quarter A spokesman in the Admissions office said it would be necessary for students not previously registered spring quarter to complete application forms will Registration packets stuunless be not prepared dents complete the forms the spokesman said Graduate students should have the forms signed by the Graduate School Michad Nestor an artistm Dance students iron New ?YlWhrwmapresaenfa Testing for entering freshmen and foreign students English placement will be Wedne s d a y administered ua Sept 21 Classwork officially gets underway Monday Sept 26 Fail quarter activities will include traditional Aggie football games with Homecoming scheduled Saturday Oct 29 Thanksgiving recess is scheduled Nov 24 and 25 with classwork ending Dec ents have been participating summer dance v ' here since July 18 of are from the West fesManv different forms in Dance classes for this held represented been have concert festival concert tivalthe USU LDS Stake in dRet Suites “Dance d Flutes” (from e Nutcracker”) by by haikowsky choreography reconstrucand Ivanov from the Labanotation and campus policy and Declared a very coveted Procedures For example the score by Naomi Stamelman Modeaward among colleges and devoted to along with “Andante cho’the Time and last issue was Chase Each with universities” rate” by Brahms President Daryl Stam- Life Inc Award goes this issue features some aspect of reography by Naomi t0 Utah State Umver elman will be presented with campus life Suite alumni magazme acAn East Indian edA summer issue of the magchoreography and narration rding to Gerald Sheratt ready azine is expected to fbe nfv-L'the USU magazine several Jor next S' Ma’baid on Gwen n recognition of the in the mat enal includes m- ?he Na?ya Sastra is the is F area e theatre formation about the etectro of form a tite oldest P lab o from Magazine is now- dynamics dance This suite drawsdancemissile p the with nected top seven magthe ancient school oftlu-e- as- - jheu nagram of its kind in the drama and presents Ahumerous recapitulation peciroF the ‘art" namely the Tch-scho- ol Alumni Magazine Wins Award - - t’ gitoS five-stat- e will to School edition and lege student wdl A section of the paper of orientation be devoted to the freshman on the Utah IHsXIvs: 2L examination of Editn v m School are also presented the forthcoming issue dance work to be presented Qf The inree A was cna New IrSxS 2Ss3 £££ raws® j T!and’F1 mid S‘‘‘Through is--"- "3 nUm poccngp” & Ma?azine to broader ap- give of sub- peal and wider range unu0naa rwuia a 9 Final examinations for the fall quarter will be given Dec 12 through 15 with the Christmas and year-en- d re- 16 cess running from Dec through Jan 3 This Week's Calendar Monday August 15 American National Poulbetry Science Conference gins on campus 1G Tuesday August 2 pm — Administrative Council Board Room Family Life Building Wednesday August 17 4 pm — Written Com-nrehensi- ve 1-- Examination for the MBA Program Main 131 8:15 pm — Dance Concert Ballet Jazz Ethnic and Main Auditorium Modem Admission charged 18 Thursday August — Summer 7 and 9 :15 pm “Adventures movie Quarter UB of Huckleberry Finn Admission by Auditorium card activity 8:15 pm — Dance Concert Ballet Jazz Ethnic and Main Auditorium Modem Admission charged Friday August 19 QUAREND OF SUMMER 5 TER Grades due in by pm Monday Aug 22 rick’s research of author Jack London No longer is the alum magto gradazine geared solely now has uates of USU it to stumaterial of interest and dents profesors dum Sherratt townspeople said |