Show i 4 — STUDENT LIFE AUGUST 12 1965 Cadets Award Given Get ROTC Award Two USU This Week At USU In a non-schedul- ed ceremony at Utah THURSDAY State University a MONDAY AUG 16 8:30 “Destry Rides 6 pm Steak fry and Again”pm USU Amphitheagames Malibu Recreation ter admission charged area Logan Canyon The TUESDAY AUG 17 games beginning at 4 pm Dean’s Council 2 wth meal served beginning BoardpmRoom at 6 pm 3:30 pm “The Flower8:30 pm “Destry Rides ing Peach” USU AmphAgain” by Opportunity itheater admission chargTheater USU Amphithea- ed ter admission charged WEDNESDAY AUG 18 FRIDAY AUG 13 8:30 pm “Destry Rides 8:30 pm “The Flower- Again” USU Amphitheaing Peach” by Opportun- ter admission charged ity Theater USU Amphi- THURSDAY AUG 19 theater admission charg8 pm Union Building ed Party games etc in the SATURDAY AUG 11 Union Building 8:30 pm “The Flower10 am Board of Trustees meeting Board Room ing Peach” USU Amphitheater admission charged 8 pm Guinivah Outdoor Lecture Series “Rec- FRIDAY AUG 20 reation Researchs” J Al8:30 pm “Destry Rides an Wagar Guinivah Am- Again” USU Amphitheaphitheater Logan Canyon ter admission charged 8:30 pm “Destry Rides Last day of classes for Again” USU Amphithea- Summer Quarter and Secter admission charged ond Session AUG 12 4-- Two Utah State University students Peter J Lacey and John W Obray are among 600 college students who have been selected to receive the Reserve Offirst ficer Training Corps scholarships ever given by the Army The awards are being made to outstanding ROTC students who wil lenter heir junior year of college this fall two-ye- scholarship will pay tuition textbooks and fees and will provide the recipient with an allowance of $50 a month for the duration of his award Cadets Lrcpv and Obrav have ccmnlAfed two vears of POTC training at USU Thev wprp nominated for the scholarship bv the professor of M’iitarv Science and collego officials on the basis of their academic anH record performance during thei first two years of ROTC scores received on ROTC test physical qualification Qualifications and interviews by Army officers and faculty members to determine that they are highly motivated toward a career as an Army officer The scholarships are the first to be awarded to students in the Army ROTC program which provides approximately 85 percent of the new officers entering the Army each year This is apprixi-matel- y Each extra-curricul- Graduate Receives Promotion Thomas ar M Market-Montgome- ry C Patronize Your Advertisers four-yea- R-OT- C tea-che- rs 1 SWIM AT LOGANA PLUNGE 25c Discount For Students With Cards LARGE HEATED OPEN AIR POOL PICNIC TABLES AND SUN DECK ar Kowalski a to trust officer in the probate graduate of Utah State Uni- and estate department of versity has been promoted Wells Fargo Bank’s trust division San Francisco Calif Kowalski previously asGROCERIES trust officer joined RUSSET POTATOES 10 lbs 49c lg sistant eggs 2 doz 79c milk 75c per gal Wells Fargo in 1947 He has twenty times the numolives 4 cans for $1 shrimp 39c lemonade 13 cans for $1 Swanson's served in the bank’s ber of officers commissioned TV dinners 49c grapes 15c lb office and the at West Point annually cold melons 3V2c lb etc GERBER'S AG MARKET 502 East 9th North head office trust division This year about 11800 RO-Tgraduates from 247 colb leges and universities are commissioned as second lieutenants in the Regular CLASSIFIED mathema- tics professor was presented Reserve of the a Kentucky colonelcy Army with Army The scholarships including Prof Joe Elich chairman 400 to high school graduates and leader of the National Science Foundation summer r who will receive institute for high school awards were authorized of mathematics was reby the ROTC Vitalization Act which President Lyndon B cipient of the honor He received the certificate Johnson signed last October It authorizes additional Army from Kentucky State Senator scholarships to be awarded Clay Gay who represents the each year until a maximum 21st district and is Republican of 5500 are in effect by the majority whip in the state 1970-7school year senate be-in- 14th North 4th West Logan Utah 752-211- 2 n M SAVE SAVE SAVE DISCOUN- --C- T- Premium Quality Beeline Gasoline All Brands of Motor Oil — GASOLINE FREEBlanks Time You Drive Get Your Lucky FREE With Each — 7 Every Into North State Rand-McNal- Road Atlas ly Lubrication and Oil Change — $198 Value North State Oil Co 615 North Main Logan Utah The Country Kitchen I i Restaurant Your "Extra Effort” Store VARIED MENUS Delicious Food - 1 49 East 4th North Reasonably Priced Country Kitchen Fried Chicken Sizzling Steaks - Seafoods Crisp Salads - Sandwiches Fountain Drinks am Open 5:30 Breakfast Anytime Homelike Atmosphere - Catering to Parties Antique Decor - Up to 35 By Genial Host Nyman Logan Dial 752-964- WEEKEND SPECIALS Potatoes 10 lb Russet 49c Dog Hunts New Crop Peaches 4 cans $100 Halves or Slices 6 633 South Main St Ample Parking Extra Savings At Albertson's MANY OTHER EVERYDAY LOW PRICES |