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Volume 62 Utah State University August 12 1965 Number 99 Season Tickets Trustees Board Still Available Meets Saturday For Ag Gomes August meeting of the USU Board of Trustees will be held Saturday in the Board Room in the Family Life Union Facilities Building Current USU football season ticket holders must reorder for the 1965 campaign before Aug 14 to get their choice of seats This year’s Preceding the public meet-in- g a joint session of the Building and Grounds and Finance Committees held at 7 :30 am season tickets are $12 for the choice seats in Romney Stadium and $9 for fringe-are- a seats Those ordering tickets for the first time have until Aug will Free At Party The second Union Building Party of the summer quarter will be held at USU Aug 19 from 9 pm 7-- Students and faculty membe bers attending the party will be allowed one free line of The public meeting will op- bowling or one-haen at 10 am at which regu- the game room hour in using those lar business will be considfacilities free Shuffleboard ered as wrell as new faculty world-wid- e games and bingo appointments and transfers are also on the activity agen20 to take advantage of the da for the evening savings The UB Party is sponsoied Season tickets will provide by the summer quarter recreserved seats for the four reation department w7ho wall games the Aggies play in Romney Stadium They are “ARK YOU READY Gyp Watson?” is sung by the furnish free refeshments for against Hawaii on Sept 11 saloon girls as they jokingly bid Gjp farewell Nolan all the party guests Idaho on Oct 9 Montana on “Red” Burnett as Wash lias captured Gvp Michael NesOct 16 and Brigham Volleyball softball horse Young tor and is going to bring law and order to Bottleneck shoes and good food are on on Oct 30 Tickets for the Utah game Beverly Palmer Rebecca Stewart and Irene Nestor play tap tonight for the second Guinivah Scene at Salt Lake City may also the saloon girls “Destry Rides Again” and “The Flower- session steak fry to be held ing Peach” continue their run through next week in the Malibu picnic area up be reserved now This game is scheduled for Nov 20 For Last Lecture Logan Canyon Games will begin at 4 pm and the steak supper will be The final lecture of the 1965 Guinivah Ahphitheater Lecserved at 6 pm ture Series will be presented Tickets for the supper are Saturday $125 with activity cards and Dr J Alan Wagar unit $250 without leader of the Cooperative The menu will consist of Forest Recreation Research will be Jon Cranney as Noah steak tossed salad hard rolls Unit at USU will speak on Waiver tests for basic phy- Student Life Staff Writer and Glenna Blau as Esther with butter mixed vegetab- “Recreation Research” sical education and swimming' potatoes pickles 'sill be conducted “Destry Rides Again” will les baked v A cro w d and ice The lecture will be held at cucumbers Friday acolives and cording to an announcement thrilled to the fast rough ac- be featured again tonight 14 cream sundies The meal will 8 pm in the Guinivah Amfrom Dr H B Hunsaker tion of the old wild West as will play through Aug a choice of root phitheater in Logan Canyon 16 18 and 20 “The Flower- - also include chairman of physical the attended chocolate and is open to the public premiere they Peach” will play the al- - beer coffee or hot ing SumUSU’s of performance of Aug 13 Students desiring to take mer Gala production “Des- ternate 19nights 17 and the tests should try Rides Again” Tuesday in Tickets are on sale at the with register the secretary in Smart Gym- the Sunset Amphitheatre Ticket Office n the Union nasium by noon The The lawless West of a cen- Building at $2 per perfor-man- c Friday basic physical education test tury ago came alive in action or $3 for both shows be jvul given at 4:30 in the dance and song as the story for adults Children’s tickets art Gym with the swim of Tom Destry’s single hand$1 and family ducats minS test scheduled for 5 :30 ed fight against the notorious are are on sale at $6 Tickets are P rn at the pool on the same town of Bottleneck unravels also available prior to the day The blumbling lawyer Des- performances Persons taking the tests try appears to be at first snould bring their health re- soon gives way to a “man of port certifying them for sati- steel” as Destry’s cool logic sfactory participation triumphs over the violence of lf pre-seas- jupper erved Tonioh Waiver Tests Given Friday ummer Gala Productions Continue On USU Campus near-capacit- ales Physical education Final Issue This s the final issue the Student Life for the Rummer Quarter The next issue will come out the irst week of Fall Quarter nd win continue on a tri- weekly basis Walker who is not editing the Student Life “ns summer because he is kTkattendinS school will bad m the fall as edi- a ls Johtt & Business Man- coming year Taylor the enemy Portraying leading roles in the musical are Ron Wooden as Tom Destry Class schedules for fa Deanne Johnsen as Frenchie and spring quarter of Jon Crannoy as Kent ad winter school year will 19G5-6Prof Nolan “Red” Burnet t as the USU students to be available Wash next at the beginning of Ofnights the to opposite Playing month according with “Destry Rides Again” is fice of Admissions and RecClifford Odets’ “The Flower- ords ing Peach” This delightful schedules include a drama is a Jewish version of The of classes offered their the story of Noah The many list and time and Noah meeting places faced that instructor problems man- the name of the the booklet parallel the problems of in listed Whether you perfer steak rare schedule kind which gives this produc- willAlso be a registration TOOl! HuPCK likillE at STJAK ( schedtion a universal quality examination final the the campus manity is mirrored in ules and a map of the the this of um- humor drama and the to all newcomers for Noah the of up Logan Canyon dramatization roles veisity Story Taking leading 6 r ”"? — |