Show LOCAL AND OMER OTHER luhers ETHERS FROM THURSDAYS DAILY MAY 81 8 WANTS HIS address john johir brown brownt who arrived at lockport Rock Bock port ports summit county where he now lives in november last is desirous ot of discovering the whereabouts ot of a mr iem jem lemney cyp formerly ot of strawberry vale P rich eyl cyl county of 0 middlesex england who can tell him L LOST 0 st A man named samuel milligan who has recently become demented from the tho effects ot of a stroke ot of paralysis left Ho mansville utah ico some time since gince and when last last seen was at union fort any person meeting with him should report to the die proper authorities that he may be de returned to his friends THAT tuat omert OTHER cage CASE the city quarantine physician Is of opinion that the present case of smallpox in the eleventh ward must have arisen from the child coming in contact with some article thrown out of 0 the canuteson house which had not been dis infected this shows how careful people should be in sueh such matters the new patient lives next house to that occupied by mrs canuteson mar MAn marbre BrE mr P margetts has some borne fine tine specimens of aured marbie marble f from rom boston he is 13 the agent of the company owning the patent right to sell it the patent for this territory it is believed that the material for the manufacture of the article abounds here herc hereabout abou t and it if this Is the case it can be made at a very cheap rate the che specimens are really beautiful the old chief Seg witch and about thirty of his bis indians cincu I 1 were in town today to day just in f from in t the e northern part of the territory they cy are mor moi e clean elean cleanly y and hather tather l better detter looking t thau au most of the indians in that part of the country they called at the tithing 0 office ce today to day dayt where they received a donation of three quarters of or a ton of flour that Is the way to do the fighting with indian indiana treat them well never break faith with them and they will then k ow that it la 13 to ter their thein r best interests to be peaceable and 9 as a general rule ruie they will maintain that kind of an attitude by deseret five fire at nt tilie ilie riama mine adra ALTA tattie lattie little tattle Cotton cottonwood ilay may mas eth ath at this morning a fire fine broke out la in the engine room of the emma mine and before besore it could be checked it spread to the carpenter and blacksmith shops comp completely ebely destroying ying them there was the usual force of men working in the miney mine and only for there being another means of esc ese escape ape apo they would undoubtedly have been suffocated as the buildings were over the mouth of the tunnel and shaft and the air pumps could not bo be worked the men succeeded in escaping through tho the illinois tunnel the engine and boiler were saved and it isco isdo is probable work will be resumed in two or t three ree days HUGE OATS yesterday we were shown a very remarkable specimen of oats it was in the form of a big boulder weighing seven and a halt half pou pounds iidA the party who brought it to this office and exhibited it to us stated that this boulder was one among a number of others of the tho same description which a person had sold to a produce dealing establishment degn lish ment nt among a quantity ot of oats and which that establishment unconscious unconsciously lv als posed of to a customer the latter as a matter of course considered them hard feed and as such might disagree with his horses the person who would be guilty of perpetrating so mean meant contemptible and dishonest a trick as this la is too insignificantly small for consideration in any way whatever except to bo be put in the penitentiary it if ho he should not repent it is to be hoped he be will be caught at one of his tricks that his meagre soul may be taught a salutary lesson by the administration of an appropriate degree of chastisement these boulders were too big and heavy to have been placed in the sacks inadvertently similar disreputable tricks have been resorted to occasionally by parties disposing of paper rags at this office a few of which have been discovered la in good time 13 DUCA TroxAL we wc have been permitted to make the following extract f from rom a letter to school superintendent R L campbell from mr J S RawlIn rawlins sp a young gen tieman of this territory oryl who la Is now at the bloomington indiana college finishing his educational studies your inquiries are aro interesting and I 1 shall endeavor to answer them candidly the studies I 1 lam iam am pursuing at present are civil polity latin tacitus philosophy 11 hydrostatics and pneumatics CIS and physiology si As to the studies taken heretofore I 1 have pursued all those found in the classical course till the end of the junior year these you will find by reference to the catalogue I 1 send you your I 1 have also taken several in the scientific course I 1 have not had the pleasure of visiting normal schools the little opportunity I 1 have had hal to examine into the various modes of instruction S st truc tion I 1 havo have endeavored to Im improve provey and frequent visits to some of the public i schools in this state as well as conversations with teachers and the perusal of articles upon the subject have given me some information 1 I was an associate editor of the indiana student during the greater part of last year and at the beginning of this year was unanimously nominated by the students dentson of the college for tor the chief editorship but other duties dudes prevented my acceptance I 1 have aided in its publication both this gar rac year tor and last as a proofreader proof reader and contributor your intimation concerning the establishment lish ment of an educational paper la in utah etc lias luas led me to consider the chances for the success of such an institution to be a success I 1 think it would be necessary to give the term educational its generic meaning I 1 iam lam am in full sympathy with the educil educational cause in utah and your our laudable efforts in that direction SALT lake laake C CITY may ath mthr IS 1873 editor deseret news sews it seems beems to your correspondent that it is high time the tho penitentiary quest question lon ion of this territory was settled the warden a appears par to bo be entirely at a loss to know evere where t to 0 place the prisoners under his charge for bate sate keeping A few days ago application was made for permission to have the lately constructed iron cages placed on the ward school house lot and to lock the prisoners up in the tile base baab ment of the school house at night and unaccountable as it may appear somebody or other must have granted otlie itlie the request only onix think of it a day school in operation with a large number of pupils in attendance while a bevy of double dyed rascals foulmouthed professional jail sall birds are perchance uttering oaths and disgusting obscenities ta inting the very atmosphere of the place places which should be pure as the breezes of heaven only think of singing and praises to the great eternal Eter nail nall and andi curses and imprecations going on in close proximity at the same time I 1 am a twelfth Twell th warder sir and I 1 certainly object to the schoolhouse school house being turned into a penitentiary or a den for unclean things and I 1 trust that every resident of the district will utter atter his hia protest against this strange action in thus writing I 1 have no desire to find fault with the warden who la 18 only seeking to obtain a place of safe sate keeping for the prisoners under his hia charge nor do I 1 think that there was any intention to do wrong on the part of the party or parties who gave permission for tor the prisoners to bo be locked up in the schoolhouse school house or on the lot but that the result of 0 such action would be evil I 1 have not a particle of doubt respectfully protestant we live must say that the matter treated upon in the above communication appears to us in about the same light as it does to protestant NECROSIS or THE femur which in english means death of the thigh bone is the name of a ill lil disease sease for which dr joseph benedict performed an operation this morning in the ath ward of this city upon the lef left t thigh of a robust soung young man 19 years of age named morton cutler f rom nom glendale Glenda letin in southern utah the patient has been lame for the past five years and has suffered intensely during the whole of that time finally finding every remedy tried and all assistance hitherto sought vain and his disease becoming worse he sought the best medical assistance in this city when his affliction was pronounced to bo be death of the bone bon C caused by inflammation of the membrane which covers jit Jt and induced by cold and the only hope of 0 relief the extraction of the th dead portion thereof the tho pre operation was performed in the presence of drs urs hamilton anderson nelson fowler fowier richards richardb inc lUc hards and bush the four gentlemen first named assisting dr Ren benedict edict at 12 minutes to IS the administration of ether to tho patient was commenced and at 24 minutes past insensibility was produced ile ho was then placed in a proper position and on thelander the tho under surface of his thigh about three inches above the knee joint an incision was made about eight inches iong long investigation showed that tho the whole shaft of the bone sor for at least five inches in length was dead and the doctor being unable to remove the dead bone on account of its size enlarged the opening in the which nature throws around a bone when it la IS diseased the tilo operation occupied until ten minutes to one oney when the patient t was left in a tolerably comfortable lon condition ion the case is likely to be a tedious oney ones one but on account ot of his youth and strength the chances for a successful ter 1 tul lul nation are rood good it will wiil probably be several weeks before another operation can be perform performed edv edt the hope being that in the interim nature as she generally does in such caes cales will produce a sepal adon between the living and dead portion portions of the tho th a bone so as to enable the whole of the latter to be removed THE ane PALEsT PALESTINE mu PARTY panty pero hero is an extract from a letter from president geo A smith dated off constantinople on onboard inboard board the S S hafs mars april ath th to brother robert L campbell we spent fourdais four days in constantinople visiting many of the most important points in that remarkable city and i hipped on the ther ath for our visit to the kingdom of greece expecting to change changa steamers at syra this afternoon elder little and daughter and T IV jennings continue with this ship to trieste and will bo be in venice on the lith the other five fire of ual us after our visit to expect to be at trieste on the 17 th 1 1 1 ho he weather is fine the sea smooth and we can but reflect that 0 are having a assembly at the yb tabernacle at our annual conference our short stay at Constanti constantinople mople mopie and the great extent of the city and suburbs of necessity it nade hade ade our examinations limited we visited the mosque of Suleiman yet the that of sultan achmed the old church of st sophia which by taking out the images and crosses and erecting sour four tall tail mino has been converted into a Moss mosque que the tombs of se several crai cral sultans those visited answered us as specimens of the 1000 mosques said to bo be in and around constan sl nople we also visited the treasury and beveral other points in the large enclosure called the 1 seraglio wo we called on the american minister malster gen boher bober he received ua us very courteously and remarked it if we stayed ten days davs he would ask for us an interview with the sultan we also had a pleasant interview with the german minister the city elty and its environs are said to contain igi igl inhabitants and occupies one of the finest sites in the world please show this letter to those I 1 have named and thank them for their letters which lack of time and other of ces prevent my answering more rull full fully ruilt y b by this tills mail as it Is 13 very difficult as you win rl see by the penmanship ship in motion and then have to watch a I 1 chance for the tables to be clear of which there Is little time when they prepare them for fer four meals a day I 1 wrote to president young from constantinople on the 2nd and we are all in good health and feel very cheerful over the good news we have all received after being some thirty days without any most of the americana we have met as also other people have considered that we are to be immediately crushed out PERSONAL L R morton and B A phelps called upon us today to day I 1 in n company with 01 0 ol 11 the two former are staving at the walker house have been here and purpose leaving on sunday or monday going eastward we the first named gentler gentleman IB Is connected with the dry goods house of dodd brown co N fifth street st louis and the second with the hat bat cap and millinery firm of gray kimbrough Kimbro ugh cox co coa of the same street and city they appear well satis satisfied nned fled with their business success in this city elty and find speak spear in lilah hish terms of the pleasure their visit has afforded them FROM FRIDAYS DAILY DAMY MAY 9 SPAN SPANISH isil ISri FORK FonK may ith 1181 1873 1 editor deseret ws there are four tour cases of smallpox small pox at salem alem city pond town in the family of nai thaniel Hame hatchett Ha mchett hett the disease was taken there by the children of brother huggins who died of smallpox small pox at nephi and after it was supposed that there was no danger of infection all the cases lepor reported d are doing well th residence of Han hanchett chett chott Is quarantined respectfully WILLIAM creen CREM INFORM information ATIO atlo N WANTED of 01 the where bouts of mr air benjamin carman carpen carpenter carpenters tery resident of salt lake city cuy who left his home three weeks ago for sandy and intended visiting dry Kan kanyon yort yori lie ile had llad ons ont on when he left bomea greenish brown striped or corded coat pants of the same color but different cloth copperas colored jeans jean vest small brownish hat bat etc any information of 1 will be thankfully thank tuly received b by his anxious wife and family adress address mrs M J carman box dox IM salt lake city LECTURE we understand that gen geo U J bates will deliver a lecture at independence hall three weeks from next sunday night the subject upon which he win w ill lil treat is I 1 the Provi dences of the almighty in which ho he will allude incidentally to the development of the northwest and circumstances connected therewith the known ability of general bates will be likely to have the effect of attracting a large arg e audience and the broad character of the subject affords ample scope p c for the exercise ol 01 his abilities as a lecturer ARTE ARTESIAN slaw SIAw WELLS welts it has been a matter of t astonishment to many people that a persistent attempt has not been deen been made in this part of the country to obtain artesian wells and certainly it has hot not been because they were unnecessary that such an effort has not been made in fact it if artesian wells can bo be obtained hereabouts it would be the next thing to impossible ble bie to over esti mate the benefits that would result from them large tracts of if land which are now arid and unproductive would as it if by the hand of the magician become verdant and fruitful there are broad acres for instance on the west side of this valley weil weli well weil situa situated tedi but beyond the reach of irrigating waters and consequently now unproductive which could by sueh such means be transformed into beautiful farms |