Show BY telegraph r SPECIAL TO THE TUB NEWS 11 mn PEB UNION Arn LINE AMERICAN NEW YORK 6 the board of indian commissioners unanimously adopted a report yesterday on the presidents indian policy after speaking of the causes which led to the revolt of the bodocs and often previously published the commissioners miss loners ners alluding to the IM assassination of gen canby and peace commissioner thomas say a treachery so base admits of no palliation lia tion nor can any punishments meted out to the gerpe perpetrators orators of the crime be too severe the modoc war it is held however cannot be charged against the presidents pea peace ce policy 0 licy llcy and it is also affirmed that the e misdeeds of individual indians or bands should not be charged against the innocent of the race the tile red man has no friends to take his side of the tile story and no degree of exaggeration or falsehood is too gross to be unhesitatingly accepted by the public mind against him the report says it has never been the tile expectation pec tation of the friends of the indian policy that it would ili in the short period of a few years civilize the savage tribes nor could it be ex expected ted to bring the red man in t three hlee hite years to become as free from crime as the white it is the opponents of the policy who expect the indian to be more free from criminality than the people of our most civilized country four years of trial has proved the peace policy to be a success and with the exception of the contest with a few bands of apaches and the present unhappy struggle with a handful of modoc braves the country has been saved from indian war christian denominations are invited to operate cooperate co the most inveterate indian haters baters will hardly venture to complain of the policy or results BOSTON oakes ames was attacked by paralysis at 5 last evening enin g at his residence in north easton ton and remains unconscious the its hlf J 0 symptoms are dangerous in the extreme ames has not attended business since last tuesday but he was at his office on wednesday when he was advised to go home for rest BOSTON 6 aines ames physicians have but slight hopes of his recovery his system has been weakened by kidney trouble of five years existence that threatened to terminate in brights disease ames is 69 years of age cinci cincinnati nati 6 everything every tiling I 1 now promises all an auspicious opening of the music festival tonight to night the weather is warm and favorable the rehearsal of the ath symphony closed at a late hour last night and when done theo thomas characterized the efrost as excellent and said that if it was as well done on thursday it would be the most creditable ellbry in the production of the composition that he has ever heard in this country NEW all ali the gambling houses within the loth lath precinct were closed by the police this evening nothing denn definite nite nito about the caus causa of this tills sudden action of the authorities auta orioles has been learned washington A commission will shortly be sent to negotiate with the sioux and other inc ino indians lians on the reservation in southwestern southwestern dakotah for a modification of the treaty of 1863 so as to withdraw from the indians the privilege of hunting huntin 0 outside their reservations the c commission orn mission will consist of three or four persons and the board 0 of f indian commissioners will probably name the tile chairman BI perry and ashton together with jencks of rhode island I 1 lately associated with them as counsel for the government having obtained all necessary information from books of the U P and credit Mo Xo bilier bliler have substantially completed the bill in equity against these organizations to be filed in accordance with the act of the late session of congress and ashton today to day submitted to attorney general williams a draft of the paper it has not yet been determined where the suit shall be brought but philadelphia and boston have been mentioned NEW YORK the investigation which has been teen going on for the past few weeks before chief justice daly baly and alid a sheriffs j jury ury nry into the tile mental condition of george francis train was concluded this tills evening by a verdict being rendered that lie he was and is sane aad is responsible for his acts 11 the lie lle district attorney will now prosecute train on the indictment found against him for publishing an obscene paper in connection with the woodhull and claflin paper the superintendent of police has issued sued is an order to the captains requiring them to report the number of liquor saloons saloon s in their respective precincts and the names odthe of the proprietors prie tors whether vb ether kept open on sundays ays and election days whether I 1 females are employed as bar tenders or waiters walters and various other information in ili consequence of the discharge of the tile horse in in the employ of the ath avenue railroad the horse on the ath avenue railroad struck this p m their places place will swIll be filled by non society men over congressmen have accepted invitations to participate in the excursions planned by the st louis board of commerce to leave that city on the loth for texas in consequence of the men in the blacksmith shops of the eighth avenue railroad rall bail road company threatening enin to strike for higher wages they wele were all discharged last evening and this morning non society men were substituted this action acton gave great offense seto to those discharged and and a large force of police are now at the tile shops to prevent the execution of threats to wreck the shops and assault the men at work audle judge sutherland has pronounced the shipping shipping law constitutional hence the sailor boarding house keepers who have been resisting commissioner du dunean Duncan rican must obtain license from him of go out of the business morristown WN N J the court of pardons lias has refused to commute the sentence of death of luigi susi aur quani to be executed may 15 NASHVILLE ASHVILLE A large number of fleet horses have arrived from memphis and mobile for the spring meeting of the nashville blood horse association begin beginning ningon on the dinst more than sixty horses will take part and the tile prospect for races is very flattering NEW ORLEANs the rainfall for th the p past ast twelve hours ending 6 a m was eight inches and six tenths the metropolitans itans took quiet possession of st martindale Martin vale vaie on noon and that night two metropolitans ai itans tans were wounded in the suburbs of that town one of whom has since died there was a large largo meeting this pm at the clay may statue canal st which was addre addressed add mosed rosed sed by general genel hugh J campbell and others to endorse the action of the people of st martins Another batch bateh of fifty tans will leave this evening to reinforce those at st martinsville Martins ville indianapolis the tile mourna journal tomorrow to morrow will vill contain a letter written by governor smith of georgia addressed to the farmers of the west and north west discussing the tile question of water transportation from the lakes to the sea board and calling attention to a meeting of governors and prominent citizens to be held heid at atlanta on the tile pittsburg it is understood that the pacific and atlantic telegraph company has passed largely into the handsol hands of parties interested in the western union ST LOUIS Iress rs bourland peter from R russia passe passed parsed d through here yesterday for south eren kansas and texas to select a locati location on for a colony of 40 now in russia which country they have decided to leave NEW ORLEANS budges gun store was broken into by a mob tonight to night and almost its entire contents carried ol 01 on 1 no policemen were present to protect the property north eastern mass midnight g there thero is no improvement in ames condition and lie he gradually is fall failing COPPER copperopolis cal cat 6 joseph spier aged 25 23 years was killed and horribly mutila butila mutilated ted by thoimas thormas spier his father the head of young spier was chopped and beat with all an axe to a complete hj jelly elly the deed was witnessed by t the sister of the deceased who made at a alarm when the father attempted to str strike le her and she jumped out of the window the old man is under arrest los A ANGELES from camp at date creek Ari arl arizona zonal we learn that Delhoyo one ne of the principal apache chiefs gad had had surrendered with four hundred of liis his warriors over 1400 have now surrendered at camp verde and probably as many more at other posts lava BED 5 nothing new to record the indians are supposed te to occupy the tilo same position held heid b by them at the same time of the attack alck on capt thomas CHICAGO 7 A private dispatch from washington says it is reported there thero that chief justice chase is lying at the point of death NEW YORK 7 tilo the failure of fowler and slocum sio cumm curo dry goods importers is announced liabilities about four hundred pavement laborers are now on strike in Orange NJ and the contractor acOr has asked for protection for the property the italians have affiliated with the tilo strikers according to a washington special negotiations are progressing there to turn oyer over the lands granted by b texas T exas to the tiie parisians Pari who purchased cud emd the el paso bonds and to relieve gen fremont from the J judgment of the french courts the people of newburgh new york are much exercised now liow over an order orthe of the school board closing the colored public school and assigning the pupils among the schools now used exclusively for white children there are apprehensions of a general withdrawal of the white children from the schools A letter from spain says the army in navarre numbers men one thousand being unarmed or armed with spikes only the remainder are well armed with superior rifles besides these and operating cooperating co with them are awen ty two bands numbering 2502 men orders have been given by don carlos to shoot the cure of santa cruz owing to his excesses and cruelties cruel ties but as he confines his operations to the mountains it is not thought ought tb likely that either the republicans or Car carlista lists will capture him NEW ORLEANS 7 the wha grand jury passed resolutions to have kellogg and his off omm meers officers appear before them on a charge of usurp usurping wig kig the government of lou rou louisiana i slana siana judge abell ordered the re report filled and subpoenas to be bissu issued tir tor for r the parties to appear before the grandeury gran grand djury jury also a report against the metropolitan letro fetro politan police NL NEW IBERNIA la II 11 am firing was heard this morning A courier from the citizens camp reports orts that three al metropolitans itans have ree ell been m killed and four wounded within two squares of the courthouse court house where colonel badger has concentrated his forces citizens are collecting from every portion of at ta koppas most of the recruits are of the better class elass well weil mounted and generally armed with breech loading shot guns so far young men principally have gone into the field married mail man in the towns are watching the negroes organize n e and are preparing to frustrate t t them them captains of steamboats 11 have ave avo been warned not to t transport armed metro metropolitans itans the entire bayou is under surveillance lance by well organized bodies of citizens kellogg troops can call only reach st martinsville mannins Martins vilie ville by fi fighting their way up the tile bayou it ia is generally supposed that all an engagement took place last night but no reports have been received up to the tile present hour NEW YORK the flags are floating from the city hall custom house and other public build buildings and from hotels and newspaper offices at half mask ili in respect to the memory of the tile late cl chief f justic chase BOSTON 7 oakes ames remains in the tiie same condition as reported last night but is becoming weaker CITY la 7 eigl eight I 1 t metropolitans itans arrived this ama amad aa d 40 whites the citizens refuse refused d them all shelter and they are sto stopping aping in in a small negro cabin filled with negroes they have llave ord orders ers to go to st martinsville Martins ville but can I 1 get no transport transportation ate ati on the ferry flat here has been removed the boats have been beon stopped near franklin and are guarded by citizens HARTFORD ct CL governor I 1 nger soll soil was inaugurated today to day with imposing ceremonies the inaugural address was read by the governor in person penson it begins with a recommendation in favor of caffin calling 9 a constitutional convention by vo vote te of the general Assembly to prepare a new constitution the greatel portion of the document is devoted to statistical information in relation to the financial commercial and educational interests of the state ALBANY governor dix transmitted a message to the legislature announcing the death of clinet justice chase and suggesting that appropriate action 0 be taken by both houses NORTH EASTON mass the condition of oakes ames is not improved and lie he is liable to pass away at any moment hardly a hope is entertained that he lie will survive the tile night NEW yori YORK 7 the death of chief justice anase has caused general grief throughout the city the chief j justice justlee ustice came here on saturday evening to visit mrs W S hoyt his daughter he was in unusual unusually y good health and spirits this favorable state of things continued but yesterday a in at 10 a servant went to call him to breakfast and on entering his room found lying in a state of stupor his daughter was immediately summoned and the servants were dispatched for medical aid and when the physician arrived the unconsciousness was found to have resulted from a recurrence of paralysis of which he has had several strokes all efforts to relieve him proved unavailing and it was evident that his vitality was ebbing away governor sprague and his wife were summoned and arrived in the city last evening his two daughters remained by his bedside until 1030 this am when he breathed his last he remained totally unconscious from the time his condition was discovered until his end news of his death was not received in the U S court buildings until near the adjournment of the U S circuit and district courts and as the truth of the report was not absolutely certain no motion was made to adjourn j ourn court the names of ex jud judge ge and andea ex ii S district attorney atto iney edward pierrepont are rumored asi as the probable nominees of president grant to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of the chief justice the political friends of seil Seii senator ator aton conklin are very confident that he will be the successful candidate the cheap transportation aon on bention ven tion this p m after er considerable discussion taha adopted opted all an extremely len ien lengthy thy 1 set of resolutions setting forth that the productive industries of the LT S are necessary to national and individual existence that cheap transportation for the people and commodities is an absolute necessity and that the great duty of the hour ilour is to obtain relief from present rate rates and sand to that end it is the duty of to this association to obtain from congress and from the dif dlf different state le legislation as may be necessary to control and limit by law within pro roper p r constitutional and arid legitimate lim B mits i the rate of charges on jhb existing g line of transportation to t i increase wh where ere ero practicable our present water waterway ways saRd sand and add such new avenues both to water and rali rail as our immert immensely ely lu increasing creasing international commerce |