Show STUDENT LIFE From my conics to a showdown point of view the track meet yes-” terday was a forerunner of “None of your horse jokes now” Repcte chirped “give us some dope’ “Well as I was saving” Dauber trekked on “yesterday’s meet showed up some good material Kadletz and Ingersoll are good very excellent good hut what their chances are in the state meet is another question They are fairly fast track men “Practical” John and Hansen are doing heavy stunts and are hut fair nothing extra Phillips is one of the best men we and hurdhave His ling will bring points to us at Zion high-jumpi- ng in ‘May” “You don’t mean to say that those fellows are the only ones of the whole crowd who are worth the talk?” questioned the business man “Xaw there are some more fellows who are good and who have worked faithfully and deserve Arboi Arbor Day exercises were held at the college Saturday April 15 beginning at 10:30 a m Dr Engle Prooffered the opening prayer fessor Langton acting as chairman intrtoduced Mr Gardner of the Sophomore class who read a brief well written paper on “The Peauties of the Plant World” T59 credit as well as thanks for their labors But for them we would have had no athletics this spring” ended “Dauber” as he kicked the waste basket under the table and hiked from 37 “Say are our athletics a morgue candidate or not ?” growled the eye bespangled ad man “Yesterday’s meet seemed a mere formality How about it?” “It was a formality all right enough but the best society is saturated with formalities so the school may consider itself well up in the social scale” the wise editor “piped in” “As for me” announced Repete as he grabbed his Gluck Auf “I am for plain unadorned society if all formalities are like some track meets Let’s go to class there goes Rasmus Olaf’s bell” Soon 37 was silent but for the scratch of Stoopsy’s busy pen leaving a track of black misery behind it D01J Mr Melvin Ballard our favorite vocalist then rendered the sacred song “The half has never been told” assisted in the chorus by the college choir Miss Edith Rudolph representing the Senior class advanced the idea that speech making is of little importance as compared with the actual work of planting trees and |