Show Campus and Corridor Class-Roo- m “We still live” Iife” these days Who thinks of sleeping" and eating ' Lost: “The fatted Calf” Please bring back the halter Consolidation Amalgamation Duplication (you finish it) The Sorosis : “Ask ye and ye shall receive” Ask the Logan merchants who were the bread winners at the barbecue Brown (at an operine) : Gee she has got ’em on backwards Kind of a coincidence in Annett’s black optic and deed’s battered nose Wasn’t it? Miss Love’s sister Lou spent several days in Logan recently visiting with “Mrs Hardcastle” Several of our musicians and dramatic artists are booked to appear at the Novelty luring the summer Xo “Simple season Chambers (in chem) About 4 percent of sea water is common salt and 3 per cent of that is Sodium Chloride Our old friend Dave Olsen came in on a south-boun- d breeze just in time to take part in the “craziosi-ties- ” on “steer” day He marched in the parade and proudly packed a placard “But boys don’t you see you are delaying me and I won’t be able to catch my train ?” “Never mind this train goes south” Who was the wise philosopher who remarked : “Eight to ten beats to nothing?” Miss Moench’s “hippodromatic” forty-thre- e steed recently created a sensation by attempting to do a “clog dance” on the front steps of the experiment station Incidentally it might be remarked that the lady now prefers walking A school not a thousand miles from the Main street of the capital of Utah is going to establish a ' medical” department Another “duplication” We teach veterinary science A traveling photographer has been taking views of the college They are to be used in a |