Show STUDENT LIFE wings on fire The throbbing in his head and shoulder began to feel like blows from sledge hammers and he fell to cursing excitedly the sun the coyote his horse and the luck that forced him to come out alone Then a fly walked across his bare and he was unable to wink eye-ba- ll him away so he closed the eye with his fingers lie tried for another drink but was too weak Then he slowly forgot the terrible heat and the throbbings and the black swarms of hellish flies and went to sleep 1 1 is horse came running back to 187 the ranch and we guessed from the dirt on the saddle what had happened We saddled up at once separated and rode out into the big flat on many trails I got sight of the red handkerchief about noon and fired my Colts half a dozen d times This brought the and we got the poor fellow to a doctor and the hospital as buck-boar- quickly as possible It was months before he got well and came back to us but he swears that he wasn't in the hospital half as long as he was out there in the sagebrush Shakespeare on College The college world’s a stage And all the simple students merely players : They have their pensums and conditionals And one man in his course works many bluffs liis chief roles being seven The prep bov first Mouthing and mocking at the masters’ backs TPp Freshman next with wearv ashen face Creeping by back lanes to the eating club: Then the Sophomore smoking like a furnace Sad sight but one year gone he was a Freshman Then the Junior staid and dignified The college man! Yet groomed in all his glorv Dauber Life Seeking to lose a Freshman year condition Even at the Dean's back door The Senior next Capacious head with varied know- ledge lined Full of old customs which are out of date The next And so they graduate age slips the Into goggled stooping thin' P G is youthful joys forgot a world too gay dull grind Last saddest of his For 1 1 all— The poor old grad out in the wide wide world Dreaming of happy days that come no more Sans pipe sans bowl sans song sans evervthing —C'G B in Tiger |