Show STUDENT LIFE The meeting was called to order by Manager Swendsen who stated that Rev Murphy of the All Hallows College was desirous of having his team meet us on the grid- iron The squad and members of the faculty who were present were asked to give their views as to what course to pursue whether the team should consider itself disbanded or remain in training and meet the All Hallows on Thanksgiving day Profs Langton and Campbell spoke on the subject as did also Gardner Adams and Crawford It seemed to be the unanimous opinion that we should remain in training and meet the Collegians at the time designated Every one agreed that it would be a mistake to have the team disband with a season after having made such a good start All the old players pledged their support to the team and promised to be out on the field regularly half-finish- ed ins Day The initial performance of die Lyceum Course to be given at the College this winter took place October 31 when Elias Day charge terist appeared An audience f about six hundred students and townsmen were treated to a number of “stunts’ clever in t e extreme Air Day is a story teller the stories being original with himself or some other man The listeners were bubbling over for two hours not be pre-eminen- tly 53 cause of the stories for many were old as “Home Sweet Home” but because of the marvellous power of characterization on the part of the performer While most of the features were of a humorous nature the most successful chord was undoubtedly struck when the actor presented Riley’s “I haint got nothin’ to say doter” In the other vein his work as the Jew the classical musician and Bro Watkins were noticeably popular A11 encore was responded to at the end Should the other events Tamtam the high stan lard set by the their success is assured “char-acterist- ” Phi Della Nu Social Hop The Phi Delta Xu fraternity made its first public appearance by giving a social evening at the college Nov 7 To those who did not attend we can say that they missed a treat of the season To say that it was a success is unnecessary for knowing the members of the club who could expect it otherwise? The usual crowd of “Stags” was not seen standing around the door but all mingled together forgetting school work and being concerned As a result a only in pleasure most enjoyable time was had We must congratulate the club on having the happy faculty of drawing the elite of the school who were out in full force The boys with the badges were indeed lords of the occasion and to them we wish all success |