Show Student Affairs Sorosis Society The Sorosis Society continues its work this year under the officers elected in June "03 Nineteen of the members of last year remain in the society and six new members The society have been admitted aims to combine pleasure and profit and aside from the social phase follows each year some line of Heretofore its work has study in some department of literabeen ture During the coming year however the society purposes to follow out lines by which to study Masters and Masterpieces of Art This subject was accepted by the society because it is adapted to club-wor- k it is a subject of which many are ignorant it is of great culture value and information concerning it is easy of access only in a large library Before beginning the work the society has given its weeklv meetings to lectures bv Mrs ' W J Kerr MrsLeah D Widtsoe Mrs Guy Thatcher Mrs George II Champ and Airs P A Yoder The plans for the year are now in operation and the society looks forward to a successful year Poortxill iaovs entertained The football boys were entertained Saturday evening Oct 24 by the Eliason sisters conjointly with Mr and Airs McLaughlin at the home of the former feature of the evening was an excellent dinner in which our boys indulged quite freely notwithstanding the The (lelicacv of their appetites rooms were artistically decorated with the college colors Above the well filled table and suspended from the chandelier swung the football that was used in the Varsity game While the feasting was going on Aliss Jennie Eliason played some of the college songs on the piano This only stimulated the boys’ appetites and they ate on frequently giving cheers and applause The last thirty minutes before departing was spent in singing college songs accompanied by Miss Eliason on the piano concluding with cheers for their entertainers If the Agricultural College had more admirers like the Eliason sisters it would always have a winning football team The predominating roorixill MeeliiKj On Thursday Oct 29 the members of the football squad met to discuss the campaign for the unfinished season As we had met most of the leading teams in the state and the University game was recognized to be the game of the year many of the boys considered the football season ended with the victory on the 17th |