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Show I 1 Arrivals At Davis Library ASG Community Election Hocultc ftl i m I - JI irn, : U v i - i j r aa ,! I r - .la a at 5,rl 4 ' i n;j " ' U A tA t f s t i i i I - ij,- , v Sit Completes Casis i rnaimrj 51 ! ' t, , j, J v iiT ' t S 1 r ti ,i ' i 111 J ' . 'ij ,4. ' tit It l. j. , A , i j . J (ll f ' t v 'f lull - ii r !j , I i , I ( t t.tai i i R ' ' Ml j r jf Met' f r 1 pit t i i ij , ti r ti 'nr " ' ' i I Aorn ' Lihrc.ry Personnel leaded By Gy stem Jt f I .1 a ' Ht! 4 a fs it ji j. ait i Ji ! , a , . 1 - '.V.S , ' - t t i J Jfiv r '' J Vr I I . 3 V U . u ' . 4 - t r a mmimh f '.'if! ' V , l.rl ,1 ' J e , , !f iff - ,.( t . I ' ii , t " Si.. f !, If! j. ' V.Dbl M 1 i t k r! is. f ; k Lr t Inf1 15 al'4 I j fr i illt Sill. 't'-a- i . 2 rirsi. 'rf tutl M M J h I 1 I I1 T a! I Id JI I I t i i ; a i uu ro i - I t I i it : , i . t i f i Lri'.tin.lx tm I.iliil til l.b bn I i : i vt r.il niijih , llimi is i i tiild I l.gh up j M xh.li !I tm- itiii !. i! t Igtll UN I It ! II,'. , 'I It GliniSTfdAS TOYS mi til .it if; hi!" uii i' t i .1 i! -l Ji .1, i ,f Ini i d hi i' N l ( . ,f I ' I if ,f ; Jt ( I I t ! ( ) t , , , , t t r . . ! ' i ' ( f (Ki I M ' I ' : v 1 ,ft; Oii?4 L ' A ? a W ? il U A tUi .ii? ) l ' 11 i . ' KM'.i, i, Hi, - i i How ( in IlUttl'Hiil i t 1 r 'i ii , M i . I I I ( ' 11, s I Ii i (iii rxo(iit . i EMU K. hni .1,.. .ig. ni a 'I County i H Liitl Stuff1 I nr.cr smn Sen sugi; 'is i it f, oncenlt.ilr In s i t miv !,... n ;i . a i ill helping ,nn pit leen !; the l.tnnh bet nmc nils. ( i , i i ,u i n del. i ii i ' ' .ip! !) i i ll III,! : mi I . ' ! .1 fi . . . in i ,ik n tp. ). m: i j ,i il I M I t t , , ' '' . .I, J I t J ifctfk- - 2 i , Kom i I ' in i t . r. Hcsaivcs lave! Commission ' I ' i ; ii !u . i tit , m i ft okpej ft A2A v FM0?i ft n Dill Owner-Manag- LILES, ft? er n Ll ft J ft Wishes For I Prosperous fJciv Year m ills 1C i ,Vi rr' tin1 V 'l ,ft arts Greetings! IDS t 11 T s, n il i pi fio!-T- i 4t til ,'i jhili'y ID.'I ,1 It I I i f H III l a ii ilk, dll I'c f , t IP VOIR t.in.ip.t k 11IIW h Fluids Will ' lint turn less pits" to v n n t he' b st ;ui'. uu.11,1 kiiuA ih wh.it they eat U it t j Ii t s t hi r uppe II, ill! C and pep, thf 1! Iijtr f ir mini', ninlivalinn to ill ( hon.e i - i .1 iLhts funds - not oniv for luiu In s and any ot her meals taken away fiom home hut also tor their many snai ks, ,Vs. 'Ihnrson said. or mine intormaiien on nods and Nutrition programs, iimtaU Ms. I at the I tali Stab University nopei ative I xtension Stivue Offue, I arminpton, Utah 807 2211, ext. 2tI4 or 245. 1 335 cast Gentile Street - 4 Pfea -- lut. tions Some 93 percent of DFA membership voted with DEA Van Dave President Langeveld commenting, "I'm sure many members still have very mixed feelings, but I think were all better informed. I know DEA leaders gained much insight and direction from the mem- this THE vote been overwhelmingly opposed to HAD retaining membership in those groups it would have 'taken affect in September. The DEA officers, executive board and representative council did not recommend a newsletter from the DEA said tb disaffiliation, ! , At', rt I'H 'i Di-'- r!.-u-- . i. i' t , u. i , IH Children A(b f'll.'s ,uu) s.TI ii' 'n 't 2.00 1.50 1 .00 KnmnnH S regula- C d ' RESULTS of a vote held Dec. 13 showed 594, or 86 percent of elementary school teachers, 220, or 72 percent of tumor high and 282 or 83 percent of high school instructors wanted to retain membership in the two teacher organiza- process. ' 'd Adults Students fisvyDuty Associa- through . 3. Il'l M u- friended tions bership " n i - - p I! if,,;,ii.rs i . - i f ; .! .' Retunns From - Layton . - u ( 11 & graduate of lear-ftelHigh School, and a 1978 graduate of Weber State College, Ogden, with a bachelor of science degree, he joined the Navy in Oct. 1977. Just FARMINGTON more than 80 percent of (cachet s associated with the Davis Education Association have voted to retain membership in the Utah and Na- Jan. 4, 1979 unitorm A 1974 Oli Gnlig WITH THIS COUPON you can save $2 00 off the regular price of any large or $1 00 off the regular price of any medium sized Pizza Hut. pizza or both' Choose famous regular or pile on the toppings with new SuperStyle One coupon per customer per visit Not good with other coupons Good r . all participating Pizza Hut restaurants including Ah,' ir ' 'it,1 " "I til 1:15 H H Mat 4:45 tions; seamanship; and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Uols To Stsy isfjsr SAVE$2.00or $1.00 or both , I ( frl & Sat naval commands; military courtesy; C tional Education . i ' . i ' 9.03 OCS, LOCATED at the Naval Education and TrainI ing Center, Newport, R , is designed to prepare students to assume the duties and responsibilities of commissioned officers course, During the candidates studied the principles of leadership, manpower management techniques, navigation and communications. They additionally studied Navy history, traditions and missions; the structure and organization of i f . their , iuiii! HI ; IO ' . " !' V U t f I H ; & Week Hites 7.30 Only ttlewell, son of Donald V and Gr.u c Kettiewel of 1125 East ) 100 South, ( has btn commissioned in his present rank upon graduation from Officer Candidate School (CX S) hor-Mi- Valid Through iii M Sat Eve Ki n v .1 it Wishe: ii ll i ! i ' ;s b ih X 01 i j W.rk Now , i. ! till,,; i mil lll'lp 1(1 'hi ir , .ini I, " ... t i r .ippt i r iii in I , C37 it t , !i inn ' , , H lit .up M. ! mik, Hi i fi k Mi'll i i i l 025-- 1 IS,'' : $ f ft ' i " M i ; i i! , M & 7:33 w I S ' , i i ih ,n. ii j , ii - I i, KH 'KI U Frl . i lit .1 , i , ni; li.i I th nl , . Shaw Timas ' ,1 l 2 WATT x CAN at ..'rafi.lt I 1 & HEAVEN s , I I v ; JUU - ' t Jan. Centers 3c:. About Despotic: I ' , t Dec. if, J 376-527- 2 i I t THEATRE ' f 1 $ ? r i s : f . , I , , t . t i. " . h' ii - i4, m ' i ; r f :raxrr KAYSVILLE i ' i ( ' i r ' ' i u it M) N 1 f ' . i Mt'U i I t i f r : i iff . " t , i i Navy Chief Data Processing Technician John Van Orden 11, whose wife, Shirlene, is the daughter of Josie Barber of 444 E. 700 S , Clearfield, has returned from an extended deployment in the Mediterranean Sea HE IS assigned to the combat store ship USS San Diego, homeported in Norfolk, Va While deployed, his ship operated as a unit of the U S. Sixth Fleet. During the seven-montcruise, his ship participated in various training exercises with other Sixth Fleet units and those of allied nations. Port visits were made in h ' Italy, Spam, France and Greece. THE SAN Diego serves as a "floating store" for the fleet and is stocked with more than general and technical supply items. While deployed, she provided underway resupply for other Sixth Fleet ships. Van Orden joined the Navy in July 1962. 25,000 Why do we emphasize circle of friends while other banks emphasize their full circle of service? Because were the bank that pays special attention to customers: all of them, in a great big way, no matter what service or services they use. The bank that thinks of customers as a circle of friends. And the nicest thing about our circle is that its always open. Theres always room for one more. How about you? HIGH BANK INTEREST ON SAVINGS Clearfield State Bank Sunset Syracuse Clearfield - - Clinton - Deposits Insured to $44,000.00 by Federal Deposit Inc. Dorp. Everybodys Bank in a great big way SM 1974 Leon Shaffer Golnick Adv. Inc |