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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 16, 1978 Share Thanksgiving i r i t j L AT I f ? k swt toys J y. At uupmi book i oils, i until uul i t! it $U) w is ON I 1 ash, lot tl reported miomg limn looms D tv Nor th Mt tin tl i i Serfs? Citirees SO MANY of the students me far from their own home and ate vt ry apprei lattve of the family Betting mid hos pitidity that Is bo characteristic of the pt ople In this St ste If you would like to become better acquainted with tht se young people and share your Thanksgiving tall f leal fit Id Job Corps at 773 14 H or 521 71 to nit i m I i Kiii b Hi vt I U Ktney ol 141 )v( n in I ay ton ant R indy J . i kt i ol 20 lat kson in ( i, t n v i v f tA r A 001 1 B X 1 tools ml t ' J? . jr'srSiflktV I he AKMMD mysteries of hypnotism wifi he demonstrated I burst! ty at to p m in ( learfield ( High St hool s auditorium by hyp , i It!- GO - i, l dt n r s I n Ai fl N ( not ist lat k Dool hdiij't i 111) , nth - (If tltu d it $ id wiii l tkt n fiom a t mist r m i om in s ml Ii rry ,o Somh mijih. I, it v m il . i M, ' 1 i nl n ii i HE VMIL he presenting a show to the public at a cost ol $2 a pt rson for adults and $1 for stutli nts Proceeds will go lo the school s Boliv ia Partners of the projt ct Arm-ma- cthens with an in Mill'll INTI RI STI D in ihev qaalify lor this help should t ill tin ( (immunity Action Ptogiam, finding out , f 7 soil s Si if 2 jr JiSIt-M- i iit nsion h()7 2 il.l to 29 i 'tr mi s it i j, p i yttsgu Id , II ( 1 nmr Si tome under $! 925 for one ptrsun household mid $5,2oo for a two pi rson household mav be eligible tor the following wmti tt itton ht tps insulation, storm windows and door repairs of hi tike n windows wiea (het sti ippmg and minor toof n paps ( i PfccCT Set for r at Ii year the uttrens of northern Utah invite some of the students at Clearfield Job ( orpx to part u tpate with tie tr families in the traditional Thanksgiving dinner f jmi J V.';fciizatiea til Ii I s ml AN Hill I tie i dm l)i I 1 Mkt n Ii ff'i i wluli Si I esraaioci! (It mjUl; of a ,'ft lopii't r i i hi u I m t it h mot nui), unlit It v ill p m t nh wtk night n n mi opi n until midmj lit on S tuiiii tv (late r houi ni n b in mgt d w il h pt mi pt i ht c lub w ill he mi um ) c lost (1 on Simd ns I Hu mtu s P i r k n. h h will mt a i n i thri t in n uruli i a i ii i ompU un' 447 Noith M tin Sin ns K 1, v III ( HARI I S SHI M A K h R , Hu snig r t id In Robt Ruiim Is in1 p it in in tin multi m I1 n toll I it d to bt Mai kt thorn f mil I projiet Hit off u t IhimiIi ip i i i, (ompktion in ilit t mji I hts tonipl' x will nt It (it d restaur till, whole tit id fail plumbing shoo md ot ht r business tstablishnn nt , U the communm, as a t, l x i t will irnlv' mt t n lu f ut). ol th through the (lub mu until r i div nil. il tmlv 11 beautiful teritation euniplex wtlieh wi'l bt krmwh is the Rerky Mt Ra que t C ih SPAlIOl S urn u, i complex will pin ido he blowing at litn , tw. w i Jtquet ban lb ih ct ui is, swimming pto1, dimple it spt lat ilit it s tor both mt n and a oint n, Itu kt t s, wt ighr room, ex cm c lse f u. mi n s, x pa v loom, prog! mi,, outdoor lighted u nil s courts md pu shop IS IF 1 din club til! bt pt it fr 111 b U THl nldrt c B Will M uiuJi r 14, v II 1 n i ns me of whtn iicomparmd hv 3 p nt i t, gu. rdian, nistun im In edchium, ( i another idull n will h. wc U ome to a ( h i(ii tge ) ol u quetbaP, t mied mg nn s and i( isses or 1 pat ' VELVET will Ii w nun t t ii t , ill II I i i In ni) l Ftm::!TunE Silin ol Always Prompt Courteous Service II Kt AVIS of I , H pm I. tl he Ik me of a tin uni h tmt ra, b ns, t (mutter and t ight tr it k sit reo, total value W VI Nt t !h Quick Drymg Insured Experienced Steam Method The Gentle Method" Safe for ail types of Carpet Mr. R Vogt All Work Guaranteed I 1 ENJOY FRESH CLEAN CARPETS i e BILL LILES owner-manag- Free estimates er $4(5 s regular their partnei of tiler ficdit.es in u s Mr is the eb recreational 1 1479 Mr Shumtkir, Husingtr and Dr Runnels invite cvetvone who is interested in joining the Super - pt m I ston must bt present in tin i itt art r- in t rdt i to as sun the suit t of the e mu! and the propet atmosphere it v YCSy VG DO ashing " riiF PROJECTED opening organiz'd hioughout tlu ill th w c i number , ( I immunit at inn le Iters konit n will have their own Im kt r rooms, whirlpools, sit im ind saun is and of t iui sl nrivalt showers Howtver, ihev do shaie the spoils and athletic activities win h in all t tH durational so tlut thev mav play tennis, lat quetball and other sports i mothc i r I the is e onsisi i md til i hildit n tin tp iif 21 sing It mt m bt sh.p (on ms (1 (ii e n t , r r i .hip t t r i t iui, I it il It d v w it d bv , it 1 i pi Ml MBERS U 11 I rtettve dist ouiits md incentives such i spe e tal discount on tennis md rat quetball equipment, tie I ht se opportunities will bt announced to the members IDWdl d he T t i to e ! i i I howt vt r, a gu( si hat gt d whu h will saint privileges mt mix r nov s R a I HI RO( KY Ml qm t lull h ts pi qt ltd silts if lppiiximit ly kou imhi ma tit rships I his sill pits i t u li y t h it w n ( V. time, will bt t pri vt or t fit priv ikg( being t bust d I ht g lest tt i will pt t mu lilt gut si lo t njeiy the ft C n i tt ativ t HMgstje i, in pot k it w Mi ii till Il ill ParEi Ss t ho il A ( 1 Rockv Mt Ravquet flub to purchase their membership now while memberships are still available This is a tremendous opportunity to bet ome involved in recreation iiiti proper exercise for ones or for the entire family st 1 Ht BUSINESS Park, .s issoualtd with Brtiugh R alty and they will be handling the marketing of the business development recieitfonal facility is what the community needs ind these partners are p.ovtdtng that much needed icilitv or additional infor- tunes Vnv of tin mt mbt is gut sis a id bt wt P timed to the e tub 11 I 1 mation one mav call 731-00- 1 1 op Srmn Umi For Summer Csstip - The SOUTH OGDEN snow flurries may be flying but signup has already started for summer camp reservations at the Boy Scouts of America Lake Bonneville Chapter in South Ogden CAMP FEES for 1979 at both Camp Bartlett and Camp I oil are $16 regular or $14 per Scout with discounts All units with $25 deposit paid before Feb 23 will receive $1 a bov discount In addition, all units with total balance of boys fees paid by June 1 will receive another $1 a boy dis- SPECIAL get a fantastic hair cut and your next hair cut, or a friends cut at Vz price. Phone: address: b, 360 S. Fort Lane, Layton, Utah 376-365- count 1 Reservations can be made weekdays by calling tb 399-559- 3 FRUIT BASKETS STILL IfJ Thanksgiving ideas from our Green House 349 Glooming F1ums Blooming Cyclamens 6 28 Blooming Exacums 5 Follaga Plants large Variety 1 98 For your Plant Care Complete line of plant foods and potting soil also large selection of pots and plant to choose Irom Excellent quality 6 Pots reg $3 98 Now Largs Specimen Plants many to choose from 15 baskets. and up 14 African Violets ! When we first offered these exclusive, limited edition buckles as a salute to our Intermountain West, we had no idea so many people would want them But since you do, we still have them available In large or small sizes, brass or bronze, with belts available too Theyre perfect for giving or getting For wearing or collecting They're available at any First Security office in a choice of designs, at $10 95 each Or you can get your buckle for less money or at no cost with specified deposits Produce For Thanksgiving Dinner Cranberries Yams Celery Hearts 2 lb Bags Carrots Banana Squash rk 00t9 3 Mixed Huts . M n if But they'll be gone soon. So buckle dowf1 and latch onto yours now. Plus sales tax fSm jll Buckle D play Plaque $44 8b Three buckle Utah collection is also available on handsome display plaque Silver buckles can be yours by special order. 351 49 GARDEN CENTER also Deliver to Restaurants We Layton, Utah Phone 376-121- 1 Open 8 30 a m to 6 00 Closed Sunday p m. 1815 W. Gentile 2 Miles West on Gentile Members FOIC F fSt Sprur F fsl F rsi S cur Wu !y R y B ty ink o' U ah N A N A O ink ol I b t k SitLjkpCty SS F F Utir F Secur ty Si ne B ink ot Kaysv st Sc ur ty Ba 5k ol M Kray NA rsl Security Bank of Lc qan N A r$f Me F rM Spcik ty Bank ol O civ N A rsl Srcur ty Bank of Rock Sp nqs Wyo First Secur ty Slate Bank of Heipe F J |