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Show ii WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS .IOIJRNA1 NOVFMRFR fi 1 1 Up ii ijpi i ' m 9 'kl I Q7R ar tl li L U n A Melvin Criddle is convalescing at his home after being injured in a fall while SC't Hike-Bik- e The annual Vwards, sponsored by the Davis tountv Association for Retarded Citizens was held m he cafeteria of Monte Vista school, Farmington, Nov 2 working on his new home He was confined to the McKay Hospital for surgery Mr and Mrs Criddle's son, Kent Criddle, had the misfor- v S 1 V Do . M ' 1 awaids concluded the most success ' ful Hike Bike" Davis County has experienced for money reaching the $10, Out) goal to shaui her B- . Ci ,.k ' c pi hi !p the county s 2 hbh h in two dicapped persons Reid Holbrook, chairman greeted the recipients of the awards and the ,r fam Hi s thanking them for tht ir sup worthwh.lt port in this ause fdr u t 1 Chevy Chose radio, " c' ! as Junior lesion, ev or M i )f 1 PG Nov 17, 18, 20, 21 r W fl c 1 T PC'itSf Show Dates p s W lUMOI KAYSVILLE THEATER o lev isiun chi and hrough the special effoits of he Ltah Transit Authority ind B ingerter Truck Lines 15 boss and girls, and them ncyiles, were transports d rom tentimlle and Boun iful up to the Vae V less JemcnUry School in I ay ton ri 'Oi Moss ! ov t P p'a M f partu ipated Show Times & 22 7 30 & other group to mile round tup o join the nake the Goldk? Hauun e rrtek HI RI VIEWED tne das of he hike bike stating ill leople 0 a , IS I having an accident of while cleaning his rifle last wetk and the gun discharged and sha'tered his leg He has been confined to the McKav Hospital for surgery and ex tended treatment Vary , - o ' 1 p THIS EVENING of tune ' p n v E g l. if) rom the school to Antelope sland and bark Mr Holbrook piesented the oilowing with framed cer lficates of appreciation for heir participation in the Hike Bike DAVIS County Sheriff s Jet p Rinse and Davis ( ounty Sheriff s Jtep Patrol, Glen Goodin Ltah h, Authority, Senator r w w- I i w L & & r 99 ps m .iAJuV nrr4 XiiuU jf vj J3 &.o ' Transit Jaik Ban S Senator Haven Bulow Hike Bike co chairLawrence men, Supt gertir ft hikjrn V -v- V Willing Davis County School Disti it t, Git n Hill, Clover C lub Potato hips our students from Monte C R. HI OIK, By C,AR i armingidn f lid e hoc n i c n d to i I I d, rgarten vault m mean old w. itt h v i Halloween i mm-- s ,i s t I t i , to but ht rs uni1 Counts tejc I t tpuls Mrs Inn ( Holdiwav will It t x ss s S K j h c t , l i i , s i on , oids dli s , to s tv ht ip tin old sati h M s Hohi is N, Dtt iiln She gained quit, i t tmn throughout the d sti it t the w itch in blue k ' h , , she would take time Halloween to s isit m , kindergarten and fiat g tlassrooms donnt d in blat k dress and t it rs m, old bone and btnnm t s i b ) t s r v I i u f 1 t t M 0 id i ral sin! ' 11 t ( mu out t to vs out ,n in b ) t t st pul H i ! ' o' in P sum VU RI i a Kill ) II In s and f i dot iIIl pm in I tis t f 1st) iiltl M i s Hold os i i tl , i liss t shi ssoi kt sass mans uls' lit w J h pi mint ills d st u di nt s mike d ii prist no ills i i hi lli f m s lone ssi ah k n i I ts it nsnm t o 1 1 d m ri u h i to t t I WOULD dlwuvs iil lussrooms before Ha loss and ask the students it tbs believed in ss itt hes mil i si H t, ub st r id r a nsu ts k SI r THINKING, I a t O'S the highssas sh, n a trui kcr ss.is looking undi tin hood of his tar I t q pi d him on the shouldi r, and as he took one look at me r HO I i d i i TI thus, ..j j, ,ds of ts ust t n m d to it id mint or spt II, ' sn nd I'll miss i ht ir nd IIIs t spiessimis of lose that gise so fret Is i i HI ,t,i v oi ki d font ss se u , ,th I an th it h is f rs l tijos able, said M r ss ho ht g in In Id iwas ii lung t iris i in l(H2 Sin s i, in, nt it m ms its, Slltlll , t dueati an for so she says with a loves Hold iw av Mrs ctnldii n but just as muc h as n lose for children is the lose tin! aspect she has for 'ht letihtrs principals and i nit ni nmistralive per 011111 1 r t 1 1 I OR 1 I t SS of appointed bs distr t n g u s as a gi , i G i oiisult jut, a pm- itton she h s Id for On p ist lk si ns i P dt as i is s ,s i tin n m mil m ith da Is I point i SS f i b i Bl T THAT two l t k d nt i 2 I s t a rs, sh, I he most wondt rful 2i ens of ms lib Sne t iuht five s trs in t h tin nt irs si bools in k n s Hi old Boantiful and w , , urm soil t nit1 in th di t Mis Hi Id us i I r t i it i ss is in ii r is P tl! 111. t ' hi iin m d , i I ' su'l 'Its HI an, ait , ' mas .1 i i trr Mis Holdassas (tht n Mrs ( hat ' o ) beo m teai long in Das is Sihool Disti u t as t nhsntute f, ii two sst t ks t l ,s distils isi s, no ans one happt sht n b ss a him, , one si hool t m hi di i s i d as an li. Is J ss itt h itui ht r t ti r in out I HI HI l'hs all 1 i i s t t i , i t si t ts b ok s t it i d d t 0 d 'it i isis M estl uMT II, ra,si h S t s d up nail), t d h s In id e hood, d p; i d I s k h and s lid a h s t uss In I V MRS. HOI from t h Dus is M n tins tut t ist I nd is iftt t 2 s us i te,u ht t mil tnnsiilt tin disti k lutl,U Oi it's lament sjni oi , 10 missoii di p ht n t a , s t,So a ss it, h and tlit trie g mips to pit t ' Oils s I, ml II it ins,, t n i i i st t f tb a Oi i i bt t n ' d ht s , t classroom the r I I ! , I v n i lots to h is mg !, i I "i ft i s in u ii h i r on the university THI RI ARF no better ubnin tailors, counselors, ptimipils or teat hers than se base right here in Davis school District If I didn't b hese that, I wouldnt have si ived so long or feel so badly about having," she said with lug ti irsswilltrg in her eves I MISS mid ,s ho It t - Bl T I just i mild i t , a , se soung studi nts in i ht I issroom I hat's ss In le mi ait ton is and I m happs and ptoud to hast btsrn a part of Hu I EVr a M C!7. ridav, Nov 17, the Antelope Island District of the Boy Stouts of America will hold its annual Scouters Recognition Banquet, according to Lonnie Fausett, banquet chairman I S a c ' , - r R-- . - OUR PRICE - ;3 "OUR PRICE" L XN . lUi r Us, IS I U'i I 'OVEFiNG IN CUR HUGE STOCK r V .?$ DAY EVERY TAGS IS SHOW WALLPAPER - AND NOW YOU ju discount, also. r .1 THE BANQLET will honor scoutmasters and assistants, and committee members Honor unit awards and national tamping awards will be presented to scoutmasters of troops who have met the necessary requirements t . f fr. I - OjU; J3 Mb Nr ; 1 jasoD t Commissioner's Kcv Scouters' Training award, The oHCilKTOTTFHTTL and Arrowhead Honor Award will be presented to scoutmasters, and special recognition will be rnpiw 9 given six scoutmasters who have offered distinguished si rv e in scouting 11 THE BANQUET will be held at Ike I armington Stake ( enter, MV South Dtt I as! at 7 p m I ntertainment will be .ElJ " J AT provided 509 NO. MAIN IN LAYTOE by the ( nrn Shin kers, a hillbilly band 1 ic kc is for the event are $4 pc rson All adults involve d or in'eresti'd in si out- per ing are invited to attend IS HAVING AN Oil FOP QUALITY Purctass CI Cilice :rit Okayed - and yau'ro invited what Inkles has that enables Come visit our new lab! See us to give you the fastest and best service in the area! TOUR DEGIHS AT 10 A.F.l. THRU 4 P.M. -- SATURDAY, NOV. 18TH n. Til tn MpjP REFRESHMENTS & SHORT PRESENTATION I ARMINGTON Davts commissioners County approved the purchase of about $11, NX) worth of office equipment for the Davis County Eamilv and tom niumty Mental Health Center KIN CRAVENS, manager center, said some of Ihe larger items will include a voice analyzer, dermagraphic feedback unit, five dictaphones and a mail.ng OPEN HOUSE NOV. 18th 10a.rn.-4pm- . 17-St- Buying Fow.rl 589 NO. MAIN LAYTON commission that the confer handles well over TtCipipcesof mat! monthly and that 11 has been a problem In the past of gathering Ihe mail from all over and bringing tl to ihe county courthouse in I armington for processing MR. CRAVENS noted that the center is about 75 percent federally funded grb i U Hi" r y V i -- iVEHSAL BRAND AiNTS IN STOCK 'mm of the mac hine He told the SAT, QEEtnn) .tern-a 1 . a 4K.S I V. new (TTl p Q'Tn tTP t UttAf'TTT'A.id ntlfli GBBnnRui igD(niarj vX' 71 tj n cTlj J |