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Show ,T, ' CAMPUS CRIER Page 4 HOOP ROSTER ANNOUNCED Atkinson revealed Monday that he is pinning his hopes night on a roster of sixteen men for the coming count campaign. Squad pracCoach tice sessions show a lot promising talent. The boys are "green"but experience will round the team out before the season is too far along. The Squad is as. follows: Wr :J5TMINSTER COLLEGE velop an intramural basketball tournament for the coning season? All who are interested night see the coach. He has all the details and is anxious to get such an activity Sounds going within the schbol. I some a fine ideal like Lets get intra-scho- ol competition going this winter 11 MEYER RADIO & APPLIANCE COMPANY 11 TH RADIO-PHONOGR- 17TH S. E. APH APPLIANCE SALES SERVICING AND "YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED" CALL The 7-4- 238 LANGUAGE CLUB firstbemeeting club will of the language held Tuesday, Oct. 22, at Ferry Hall. The program will include an adoption of a constitu tion, the election of officers, and one by the French and skits, the the other by Spanish students. Following this there will be games played and conducted in French, Spanish and German. The program will two in singing An aunounc-ne- nt be closed with a group NEW ATHLETIC FIELD west cleared area adan Foster Hall is going to just be ditional athletic field by the time tpring rolls around. The area will 'e used as a practice field for , archery or what have you. Come next May, more green will be cided to our campus. (Tough luck or the groundkeeper ) The new field "'ll complete the effect of a green blanket, except for the Burma Road hich separates the field frafn Fos- -r Kail) When viewed from 17th outh Streets 3f The newly the various languages. will be nodesoon regarding a contest to be held to choose the best name for the language club .The rules for this contest, and whether be open to all, or just to it will the members will be announced later by Miss Myra Yancey, club sponsor. CLEANERS PROFESSIONAL so-tb- all ATTENTION MEN How many cf you would (continued next to like nn1ur-.nl de- - 1649 S. 11TH " DEPENDABLE QUALITY SERVICE" CASH L CARRY HOURS 8AM PHONE TO 7-6- 392 6P M- - , |