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Show Page itiiiim irainKti 2. "sons of STAFF Hie knar Editor -Associate Editor Sally Taylor Feature Editor Phyllis Cotro-ManHerbert Dunn Sports Editor Detweiler Publication Manager-Bet- ty Business Manager Dewey Hillmu es REPORTERS CONTRIBUTORS Bill Lukey, San Coonbs, Kumar elas, Fanny Zacharies, Stoven, Olive Wilson, TYPISTS Mary Barbarj STEN OGRAPHZRS - -- Maxine Calevas, Gene Montague, CAMPUS COnJ'ucT Betty Detweiler. AS- - y CAMPUS CRIER There have been sufficient announcements and personal warnings to acquaint every student with the smoking regulations on the canpus. However, just as a reminder to those continued offenders, smoking except prohibited on the campus at the aside the section set routh end of Payne Gymnasium or in private automobiles in the parking areas. In flagrant abuse of this new of smoking on the campus, privilege students have carelessly and casual butts at ranly flipped cigarette dom in the rear of Converse Hall. This is not only very unsightly (field strip that snipe, assoldier) a fire cut also dangerous both hazard and as an effective means of privi getting the campus smoking There are storage side of the lower rear entrance to Converse in which are frequently kept chemicals for the labs and gasoline for the power equipment on the canpus. .This en tranceway is often used, too, as temporary depository for cartons of trash from the classroom waste bas kots. It doesn't take much imagina tion to realize what would happen if a live cigarrette should be acci-- l dentally flipped or blown into this highly inflammable and explosive For these and other reasons the Salt Lake Fire Department has wagged a forbidding finger upon smokThey ing in or around Converse. wagged it officially, thus making it slightly illegal as well as w&u OLD WESTMINSTER blase (accent over the ") air of cosmopolitan sophistication Westminster tes enrolled students this semester from three countries , fourteen states, and thirty two cities, towns, villages, burgs, and whistle stops in Utah. With a To break this down a have seniors, and freshmen. we little, sophomores, juniors, from out of Enrolled the country are Pedro Delgado from Puerto Rico, Marieco Matthew and Polly Ong from outh Africa and one student, as yet unmatriculated, from the Philippines. The states represented are California, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Pennsylvania,. New New York, and Missouri,. Jersey, The list of counties and communities in Utah would lead you from the state to the other, as well as, in and out, up and down and here and there. inyway,- "variety is the spice of life," (they say) and with this delightful combination of various ideas and personalities this is sure to be another "red letter" year for Westninster one end of -- L SMITH SERVICE SO IS STA. A. LEAVE YOUR CAR FOR M lubrication DURING CLASSES YOUR CAR READY FOR ! Ci ! SEE US S OON I matter where you smoke, watch but WaTCK WHERE YOU that butt, SMOKE I : Editor - -No ' |