Show THE FORTY FIVE LIMNED we referred last week to a memorial addres addressed ed to congress ly by a number of people styling themselves sl ives non mormon voters of salt lake lako city charging the polygamous brigham and anti his zealous follo followers with certain crimes and misdemeanors mea nors very unpleasant it seems to the non rion mormon voters from this memorial we learn that brigham and his liis apostles and elders have havo been guilty of the tile grave of bense of using figurative language of a military sort in their sermons wo we have from our earliest childhood considered such auch fighting imagery from the pulpit as something of a bore but learn now for the tilo first time that it is an offense against the peace and dignity of the state if thisbe this be correct tile the right bight rev major general john P newman and all the modern teachers of the later christianity are aro open to indictment for they invariably represent the church as the army of tile the lord and the devil as belonging to the engineer corps building fortifications over against the battlements tle ments of heaven li eaven two thirds of this memorial is made up of extracts from sermons full of such military figures the other third is given to charges of abuse upon the part of the mormon church in reference to these last the oppressed and abused mormons cormons petition congress to send out a committee of investigation this the non mormon protest vehemently enny endy they do not want the these so charges investigated well knowing they cannot be sustained and they are also well aware that any fair exhibit would show to the world their designs C upon the tho property of others we have been at some pains to learn the status of these non mor mon men voters who seem to be so full of pious zeal and patriotism we attach the follow following dg statement from a gentleman not a mormon and for some time a sea ses resident se ident or of salt lake city it did not surprise us to learn that the leading men of these indignant christians aie apostate mormons cormons Mor mons who approved of and andall andali all ali thebe these the so called crimes until ai it became their pecuniary interest to join the crusade against the church which fos they are a pretty F hel eel feet fet et of fellows to make charges against others in this case ense distance lends enchantment to the view I 1 if f we had bad the non mormon voters a little nearer clearer the seat or of government they would be pleading to indictments in all probability instead of lire preferring er cli cil charge arge 1 against others but here heie is fi the biographical sketch for the truth of which we are prepared to vouch jeseph joseph B R walker chair chairman ma n went to utah as a mormon for years after sermons to whiz which he now objects were preached continued to pass as such brother brigham ostensibly being the object of his respect as judge c Cradle cradie cradlebaugh bagh while there was or of his ills aversion his bread and butter came from the mormons cormons Mor mons but the army wet went to utah there were conti contracts acts to be had and money to be made b by y bein being 0 non mormon then walker turned non mormon normon his zeal for and against the mormons cormons has been graded with barometrical nicety rising to gentle and falling to 4 mormon as the prospects of one and the other rose and fell if mormon prospects should rise it would not surprise any one obe who knows him if lie he were to ou er to pay his tithing samuel A merritt a delegate to idaho known among his acquaintances as bragging sam his chief delight ty to a good listener is to tell how low much money he has and how liow many women he the ierna lema remainder inder inden of the sentence is not so complimentary as it might bi bed bej B N baskin there was a funeral in ohio and lie he went to utah he furnished the brains for the mckean crusade thomas abrow aften bore testimony to the sermons he now dow condern condemns ns bearing testimony and dilating on the future glory had fondness nor for but the idea crept into his brain that he was not properly appreciated zions glories were too far distant for him to await them he became a merchant and gradually acosta sized apostasy apo stacy manifesting itself moro more violently as mormon patronage decreased H W lawrence in raised ased a mormon and while it paid to be such apparently a devoted one in fact to strengthen his influence took a second wife from an influential family his character may bo be understood der stood by the statement that Brig liams bams grants grant s or anybody alses sermons or alleged murders never troubled him about four years ago the operative cooperative co cc mercantile can cau tile tiie stores started his business was threatened he and other otiler merchants joined golbein a then suddenly a conception of the wickedness of the dior Alor mormons cormons mons mong broke upon him sol siegel bonkofsky Bou kofsky watters walters colin kahn adler and sholes shoie sare are jews who care neither for mormons cormons nor gentiles so long athey as thes they can make money As the mormons cormons generally patronize the co operative cooperative stores they have hut little to hope from them if they refused to join in the measures of the tile ring they would make the town unpleasantly warm warna for them A S gould is known as lying gould could it was he lie whose dispatches garnished the columns of the daily papers last year and gave ve hight night frightful rul ful accounts of affairs fri dri in utah he was then agent for the associated press pressas at that point A here follows an In flattering epithet who if half betrue be true which is rumored against him leads a scandalous life he is a precious fellow to worry over polygamy jolin chislett an ox ex preacher and duplicate in conduct or of brown thomas W V armstrong and benjamin G ray Bay bould ex mormons cormons S the one was lawrences laurences Lawren ces bookkeeper the other walkers tiley are u pair of nobodies who expect to obtain favor by echoing 0 their employers er charges C 0 clement clements who lias has recently been superseded as surveyor gene ral of the territory ivl B callahan a small hardware dealer G M scott not known harvey hardy not known C C wallin harness dealer but little known joined the crowd for the same reasons probably as the jews john cunningham a counterpart of Chis chislett letL W P appleby App lehy leby a low ignorant fellow whose ambition is to be a pliant tool of the officeholders office holders raised a mormon but shunned by them because of his antecedents dennis J an irishman and blatherskite bohemian whose chief success has consisted in break down newspapers thomas H bates formerly engineer on the union pacific railroad R P N Bo bertson robertson said to be a very poor lawyer r C W bennett lawyer dont know his reputation a stranger str anger auger pat H lannan a whisky dealer and butcher butch pr has a hard name jos V F broken down banker W M gillespie not known J C lawrence a hotel keeper who thinks he cant to defuse befu so the ring this favor charles king an ex mormon carpenter carpen terin i n the petition blossomed into all an architect thomas marshall attorney a vain fellow who if he could be sold at the value lie he places on himself and be bought in at his real value might make some money J M joelson merchant not known mark mckimmins liveryman from what I 1 have heard the best one of the lot lol W haydon a man who by an accident became a probate judge in nevada and has rejoiced ever since in the appellation he Is ic in western parlance a muggins 11 A heavy beavy witted ponderous talking man with an owl like liko expression such jis as a might wear washington Mis hington capital march |