Show ALL KINDS of order receil nd certificate books printed and bound at the tho NEWS office 1 I MIT T aca uza ra jill pidu vidu lul lalu lilu PP P P 14 econ C ea pa 4 I 1 IF P YOU yott ARE GOING TO nut BUY A cr as cc mcc ASK TOUR YOUR HAS bain wagon ho he will tell you it gives beater BETTER satisfaction than any auy wagon ever used in utah M 0 alc MUM the BAIN WAGON at OGDEN and LOGAN maving having taken tho the place of the Schult let ler wagon which is good evidence davi elvi dence of its pai first waon wagon depot south of the theatre atre year yearly y ON M 3 eu l mip WIP 20 bbb AID 1 01 natt SATT lalle laile CITY NOVI OMEn ath 1873 F prom ROM THIS DATE AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WE WILL SELL hell THE ci ia and wen well known fish bros and mitchell alf all wagons afons to farmers foar folh FOR foh GRASSY AT THE in HIGHEST oah E V T M A in K E T price R 10 E I 1 za we witz warrant TA thebe these 6 magons wagons 1700 PROVED D AS ARE to Parri rayni farmers jur fur forAS AS LONO LONG A lue LVE T AS ANY in this market is warranted U ta um r 1 P A 47 V aa 5 a IN EN USE IN EN THIS HIS TERRITORY OF THESE WAGONS SOLD SON BY US list bast summer and not one spoke the last year which attests their well or tire yet looe loose we have not been deserved wave have made many ashir ed to do it a dollars worth or of repairs important improvements in them thom in the tho on tle the hist 1 three throe 0 o these LIVO liyo 1 I wagons are confes confessedly sedi the llie lile c best in hi the market mar Har kaA kad NO ONE SHOULD duy BUY A WAGON WITHOUT FIRST GIVING US A CALL 0 o WE ane ARE A HE AGENTS FOR FOIL THE jones eplow plow the ehe liy 1 teion in tle the tib world worlds look at them and you vill will say so try them and if you dont agre agree emith enith with us worrill we will wiil take therm thorn back za VOT we ve have tho the best and pokily only complete stock of hard wood lumber and wason wagon 0 material in utah a AGENTS OP OF J r CASE CO COS S T H R E S H I 1 M A C H I 1 N E the dorsey combined reaper and mower blower and the iron md clad M lauwer ower owen W leowell oWELL Lu 8 aliu eliu will wili wv 1 tle tcp oot ww 9 sit sli WT ly ca N E corner east fast an ani and I and 2nd south streeta streets bt reeta salt fait lake city PAPER apt amt rust received A FRESH SUPPLY 0 J of a good quality ot of wrapping dilg papery paper THAN foit roil ai i plots P lots SIZ six x 30 26 wor for eor sale at this J fl 51 IN F U T J R X ci X bj it T K JL P almb TT U T i FA and manufacturer of mattresses ac gt colt Coit nult Nuit orpo oi phelto elto tho the housey douset house sat SUT eake LAKE CITY tU tah tf hansfield mansfield atchison steell WINE LIQUOR MERCHANTS 51 MAIN STREET thre three doors above weila fargo co 1 tv C whisby Brand JB brandli randy ii gin runt ami awl ani ni leor beor lefor leyor saie salt in or packages pac pae baues purd purs and arul ssu eso vla ly F U M 17 1 0 11 3 M P S I 1 D J 31 ST barst ERPS errs FOR SALE THE nest BEST ann AND K IV C cheapest antl anti freezing fi bezin force and lift alfi pumps for deep or shallow wells also patent points for drive well weli pumps rumps with suitable iron pipi nir pumps rumps repaired and anil fitted upon reasonable term at mork WORK ta tn 0 del DEM f wic alc ly t TRAPPING PAPER C i i t t A L detter better than formea I 1 olig ot size SO 25 5 x to CO it 1 x as por POP FO R SALE AT THIS TITIS W R P r I 1 x a P PAPER AP HR |