Show P 8 si L P F R M at a meeting of tn tiit hoard board of directors direct on or of tile the put pu blo anti antl salt lake luke railway company on yesterday at a resolution was adopted approving and ratify ning in tile tiie contract made on belr beir behalf idof of tile the company by henry 0 thatcher and wiktur F stone htone while in the eart east for securing the irola ar nor tho thu th eliote line from hwe here tv las laa animas Ai iima llma some kome of the capitalist contrat nned fied with wilh are expected expect fd hee hyte from new york antl anti boston bo tou lou next week wee week k to further furt lier ller arrange for carr cair carrying ying out the contract the work ol of tion ilon will now be u with vigor pw pue ft colorado como comm rado radu door eX fua ruu uv 14 cays Q 1 1 new method pianoforte piano F fotte forte otte orte endured tv tnie thic siu cat and general press and by good 1 2 jacint 8 to be beyond all comparison the best to sa had at do bo it and awl masic music stores sent by b M U fi ii it 11 price arite I 1 leea att FF OL K WAI I 1 MT philadelphia chestnut st wio 7 ees eca K SPECIAL flavorings N at VANILLA lemos lehos ETC 0 o for flavoring ril ria oring 0 loa ioa cream cakes oakes and pastry with great care by a new process we e extract from the imm select fruits palts and aromatics Aro matics each character istle fda dia vor von and produce flavorings oj ej are of gre grgat great at strength and pen per perfect noet neet no ho poisonous pois oils ezery every favor flavor is represented no deceit each gach bottle full fuei measure holding one half more than other others purporting purport lia hta to lou lom same quantity UM usg liem onci onge once ax wid usg use no other the mos mog delicate delicious flavors ever nuz made madg so bo ai superior perlor to tyle the cheap extracts ask for dr prices special flavorings manu only by eicel EI nel emi depots CHICA 0 and ST LOUIS Manufacture manufacturer rii yit of dr prices cream icino powder DONT BUY yon jow have carefully agat asua WW man MAR Z AND r 1 ra 0 A f As ajweh we 1 ts 12 good bear IK abnis ons why they will wili do your worx arx orx QUICK fokd EASY cheap AND CLEAN UJ 1 2 hc hev y are ch cheapest earest to buy bluy b ev arg afe mat to ube use a th ev hal dam cronly and gug gut aty mc eft ett orr i H earlw vu v avi UT y y dav V ove are mado trade of 0 the fai bt best iba na baero narro teim era ero W V wt require but laut little fuei met 0 heu bleu hey tiey re ogi imo iea lio fenced II 11 ther theu cr cro mana mand aoi agi aei 0 W UJ ly T u ae eui S ed cd to all ali Y 11 11 I 1 t ie i wa wr I 1 V stoat to giec vido 03 aton sold by excelsior manig co ST looms LOOTS afo tw rby moge mose celebrated stoves are kept b ht Z C 3 M L erod end ha imm bpi brt etnis also aiso by ail all 3 the co opec aute sute aweve lu la lua tha territory lom low A NEW IDEA idaa ta fa 11 a A wilson SHUTTLE SEWING G FOR 1301 lars layn Mu chants moo Moc hanics AND jeg Z PER der aw 0 V BUY nuy THE WORLD RENOWNED WILSON VILSON mm siim mm sum imi THE BEST IN THE WORLD worlds za s the highest premium was awarded to it at ohio state mate fair dort Nort northera herz herx ohio fair arnner avier institute NY JY cincinnati exposition indianapolis exposition st louis duif duff louisiana mate state fair mississippi state fair AND georgia state fair lob FOR mung THE BEST mm thih mm i an and doing the largest and best range rane of work all other machines in the market were in DIRECT competition cst SST for hemming felling cording binding braid ing embroidering Embroider ing quilting and Sl Stitch switching itchIng faig irig fine or heavy foods it is unsurpassed where we hare no arents agents wo we wil wll a tachine machine for the price named above at the earest nearest ij railroad station of pu chasers needles for au ait cewin sewing 9 machines for sale send for circulars Ctr eulars LUtc lute list ete etc tc and copy of the wilson hea vea ejector en ector one oue of the hest beat periodicals of 0 the day dat devot deroteo era eat to faw maw ind ina Fas yas fashions wona mona dmd generel newa news and ard miscellany AGENTS WANTED addam addal haider halder alder careless IM ake uke KE CITY |