Show the politics of the governors and legislatures of the baates A few years ago the democracy had bad but one or two governors gover nom of states in the union now they have a majority how is that for a dead party we give below at a table that will be of interest the asterisk M denotes governors and legislatures elect republicans in romandel in italic independent lu in SMALL caps CARS the ther fl fega iff I 1 attires tures tUrea or of f ali all alifonsa fonIa ounla 4 regg regi niale ae classed us A hid lid e ad ebb ai inde fa nyda them a con don tro lUng ba balance lance lauce state dve ir ngu leiu leiv ratum alabama Ala barna barns G S em cm califore Calif ori oni N awu ox boutu IND dewor demor amm ant rohn john P e an dem florida mx arcellus D Ge georgia orfia orria smith edom atle ri dire rna ina axa ino andiana Tn dlana diana thom thoran Thor nn irin peca men ater wk p kansas thomas bo as aa A hip ft p ken Keh kentucky tucky P dmn JK louisiana wllliam pitt maine j neson din uin iney toey Jr jerep nep Rep Bep mar maaland land jamck jamen Jam oramel cB B broomf jem iem ma iya tiam liam ref J liapi it alfy ykes rep sota K adelbert adeibert amps ames dep mis nis ouri cagie cagle croie H jem iem ia baka gilad i arbr leep loep lt ep nanda L inep new Hampshire aw A 1 I lac to dem lem new jer hey fer D adle dICent Ba lent leng new york turn tem curtla curyla curtt curit sh H ohi obi allm airm pm Dt CT oregon ormun olg afa ia ette broto IND hu hit F D Q yn pi Rhodel sl how hou at d R M P 8 south C pati dati I 1 aa H ahnes T anea 1 ee rames ramps D axas Tx ap deot lomm de JJ 3 Ver monti lubel peck it kap p virginia james tames L I i dm dem west johnj om J baw tag iem bem Wi IL tatlo |