Show starting a young man it is related of a wealthy philadel ahlan who has been dead these many a young man roan came cams to him one day and asked for help 0 o start in business do you drink drin fe inquired the millionaire iio lio alre aire occasionally stop iti ill stop ii IL fora for a year years and then come and fee me rne 11 the young man broke bloke off the habit b abit at once and aud at nt the end of the year again ed hemsell do you med the great sasa vasa yes yea yen now and then 37 stop Sto piti ill stop it for abear a year and then come and see me ane young man went wont away and cut cutlo loose ohe ote from the habit and an dafner after worrying through another twelve months once more faced the philanthropist do you chew ayes yes j stop Sto piti iti stop it for a year and then come and see me s but bat the young man never called again when some one asked why he make one more effort he replied I 1 know what he was daiv at hoyd hed have told me that as I 1 had hada topped stopped chewing drinking and smoking I 1 must have saved enough to start my myself wail wal News 0 M C |