Show advice to a young man get married my boy come up close and look me right in the eye and listen to me with both ears get married if you never do another thing in the world marry you cant afford it your father married on a smaller salary than you are getting now my boy and bo he has eight children have to work very harband har dand every year he pays a great pile of your sour little bills billa that your salary wont cover and your youn father was lust just as good a man at your you ago as you are now certainly you can at anford afford ord to marry you cant afford not to no pm im not going to quote that tiresome old saying that what will keep one person will keep hesp two because it wont A thousand dollar salary wont keep beep two one thousand dollar people but it will keep two five hundred dollar people nicely and thata ail all you are just juat now my boy need not wince nor get angry let me tell you a young man who rates in the world as a five hundred dollar man all the year round monday as well as saturday the day after christmas just jast as weli weir as the day before the fifth of july as well as the third he ia is going to rate higher every year until he is a partner almost before he hoped to be bookkeeper good reliable fl nive five ve hundred d ollar dollar young men are not such a drug in the market as you suppose you marry merry and your wife will bring tact and love and skill and domestic genius and womanly economy that will nearly double sour your salary but you would have to deny yourself many little luxuries and liberties certainly you would or rather willingly give them up for greater luxuries and you dont want to shoulder the burdens and cares of married life I 1 see you do not and I 1 see what you jou do not realize perhaps that all your objections to marriage are mean and selfish sel sei niah fiah you given one manly reason for not marrying if you do marry you are going into a world of new now cares new troubles new embarrassments embarrass ments you ore are going goinz to be careful and worried about many u are going to be tormented with household lio iio cares and perplexities all new and untried to you you yon are going to bo be pestered peat ered and bothered bot hered hereU and troubled you will have to walk the floor with ten pounds of baby and a barrel full of colic when you are nearly crazy for sleep you will have to tell stories to the children when you want to read you will nave to a toy youn young when you ought to be writing letters you yon will have to stay htay at homo home in the evening when you used to go to the club the baby will rumple your jour necktie neck tie and the other chi children idren laren will trample into your lap with their dusty slices your wife will have so much to do looking after the comfort of her husband and children that bhe aha wont be able to bin sin sing g and play for you every evening as jour your sweetheart did your time tim e will not be your own and you will have less lesa leisure and freedom for fishing and shooting excursions camps in the and yachting trips along alon aion the coast than your bachelor friends of your own ago I 1 admit sil all this but bat then you will be learning self seit denial denia you will bo be living for some one belov ing come ono one better than you y ou 10 love iove ve and mora mors than a thousand fold that compensates for all that you give up why you want to remain single low now my boy just because you are elphand the longer you sin gle the more selfishness will grow krow up on you there are bome come noble excel eions among bachelors I 1 know and some mean ones among marrit married men and a selfish married mah man needs killing more than any other man I 1 know kno w but bu t as a rule nule ru le lust just J look around your own friend sand bee see who are the unselfish men who it is that gives up his hia bent sent in a street car carlo lo 10 a woman notia notta not ft pretty youn young g gi gul hl but a homely wrinkled woman in ink a shabby dress who Is it heads the charity subscription who payi payl the largest pew rent who fedeli the beggars who finds work for the tramp who are the men met foremost in unselfish lih work I 1 kuon knon youa yong young bachelor friends are not I 1 stingy 0 no I 1 know jack pa paid ld last week for a new now buggy it is light as a matchbox match box and hu has such auch a narrow seat that he never on can ask a friend to ride with him and it at the same time dick slocum who married your sister alice five yean ago gave for foi the cyclone sufferers I 1 think the angels langhei all that af afternoon ter noon my boy but I 1 dont think it was because jad paid for his new now buggy if you want to shirk the bill ties 0 of life my dear boy you may if yon yen want to live forty or fifty yean longer with no one under the heavens to think about or 0 care for ci or plan for but bat yourself go ahead ani and do it you sou will be the only loser the world wont miss you nearly a much as you wil will misa miss the world you will have a mean i easy time and unless you are a ran rare exception to your class little children will wiil hate you and the gods never yet loved any man whom the children disliked burlington 1 |