Show aa ua wil wll mw IShIE 0 ihl hil by G bloos iiii panno up JP STAIRS EMPORIUM BUILDINGS A full first class stocks of STAPLE DRY GOODS NOTIONS I 1 BOOTS ann AND SHOES IT AT A LOW PRICES i i 0 wholesale buyers andico and ana cooperative co operative deal rs please inspect h 6 U P EMPORIUM BUILDINGS THE FINEST DISPLAY AND assortment of nsf Y we cut 1 in 3 any ny lengths da at a smail small advance on wholesale I 1 this la Is th tha department mor tor families ill ili gig bal bai I 1 y A in ff AN BW E eaux 31 ant cons S nr ur chasers can here find an IMMENSE STOCK A and in each branch a gront groat variety L elim TOOLS wools and ana I 1 i all on the premises t va eaf miners supplies a specialty L at inn lun 1 N G department nome ROME MADE AND I 1 ivl ivi I 1 P oll 0 IRA T E ida D 11 I 1 manufactured from f 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 lone lonn nade MADE gernan GERMAN ENGLISH auth anth AMERICAN fine cloffie cod and 11 f on n hand ida lor gentlemen ordering I 1 their air own M 5 ferst firso dass fitters neen and mamen workmen MA men mex to vii H kiil orders promptly DIR dia U G T FANCY AND STAPLE I 1 mul nul 0 GS 22 0 patent Medici nos ups V lly ruy t juers in enri engi lili ale ant an ang I 1 porter averill matut patut whito white yeal geat lead ien eal eai oila oils colors flats etc z sa proscriptions prescriptions ions from Physic physicians iana tang will have special attention il JB hupt NOTICE 0 WE WHOM OM IT MAY CONCERN that whereas TO tas cash entry no lor jor the townsite Towns town tte of peola recia dummit co utan ulan territory made inne 2 22 1872 embr embracing geln seln the lollo described lands land to wit wil N E ya of see bee 23 W 4 of 8 13 E yi anan a E i of 8 K of bee sep no 21 24 21 24 in township Town T snip i 1 frouin vf range no 5 east containing acres has been made in trust for the inhabitants thereof ther eor and Is now ready to be disposed dispo sed ged of in lots to any person perdon or persons entitled thereto tb eret all persons claiming to be owners or possessors ot or any portion of said entry will take due notice and make the application as provide inthe luthe in the statutes ot or utah E A HINKLEY probate judge W 20 am LA BELLE relle lle WAGONS FACTORY established 1863 AX nono rond DU u yao xao LAC nac WISCONSIN all work warranted Warrant cd for one ono year tear FARMERS freighters ATTENTION E are now receiving a full subtly of tb these ese WE superior farm and freight wagons the la belle wagons have been thoroughly tested the past season in tho thoo and in heavy between salt lake city and Pl and have eiven elven thebert the hent best of satisfaction in all cases caseb and fur for i ight light draft they cannot be bee beaten the or thern timber Is of the very beat beit qua ity from N northern wisconsin and from three to four years beit belu seasoned reasoned As the factory builds nothing but farm and freight wagons the timber is carefully selected and only the beat best put into wagons wagon dry wason wagon stock of all rinds kinds for sale depot blocks south of theatre state stale road C H degroat agent balt bait lake city marc mare 11 ll 12 isa ifa wig vig gai I 1 apo 0 WHOM wrol IT MAY MAX CONCERN that carb cabb centry JL entry for me ine townsite Town Tawn rito rite of gosen posten utah co utan utah territory made july 8 1872 embra cing the following described ia d to wit the a 33 of 8 E R 34 fc jl A H S W ot of 8 W A 4 sec bec I 1 17 N W oan W va 13 1 N NEof E of N NE B ya bec bee 14 town wiep 10 kuutti ol of hange bange I 1 west con kod acres has been mane made in trust for ine lne inhabit ants thereof and Is now ready to te ale posed nosed of in lots jots to any person or persons entitled en titled thereto ali all persons to be owners or pw poses ses sors or any portion of said enly ent enty wil wll lire lare due ane nollia and n d makelke nna rna keine keihe application applications as pr provided ovIdea in the st statutes atutes 01 utan ulan GEO GEU W BEAN probate judge provo clay cily 3 jay uly sm am otye NOTICE OTIE app 9 ALL WHOM IT MAY COI coh CONCERN tha T 4 I 1 will ay ai ardear tear near 30 days irom date at 10 A am m at the U 8 land office in halt hait lake city II 11 T to mke dyrace m ke cash entry for the townsite am bracing the following described anda ands to 0 o wit wic tle west A 4 ot loun lour 4 and the N E five 5 in township ten 10 north range two 2 west containing 40 acres to lo make the proof prout required by law and show that I 1 am entitled to nave the entry made under a an act 0 congress forthe the relief orthe ol 01 the inhabitants inhabitant of ef cities ettres and towns town upon the public laudi approved march 21 and an act amendatory thereto approved june jane 8 11 for list the us usg and benefit of the inhabitants thereof at which timp time and place any person or per sons can appear and show cause if any there be why sach such entry should not he made SAMUEL hamuel SMITH probate judge box ejder elder county UT july 1 1187 1874 GENERAL ELECTION 1872 OTICE Is hereby given to the qualified NOTICE electors of aalt lake county that the general el election action for the year 1872 will be beheld held in the f several everni everal precincts in 8 bilu bilt ill yih lake county count v on monday the ath da of august next for the of electing a delegate to cordre con Cor grea x three to locate lands bands aix rix it to the ilat lert lerk lature one oae selectman hel hei ectman a treasurer a I 1 sheriff lin tir a coroner roner a surveyor Sarve barve a recorder Re corter corier ter and a superintendent of common schools for salt sait lake county Ss ald ld election to be held conducted con ron ducted and returns made wade in accordance th 0 o laws of we the territory of utah in relation to D BOCKHOLT county clerk S L loo co county connly clerks office 8 L county sall haht like city july 17 6 wa 2 family MEDIE lItS AVE been known and used with wih wonder HAVE fai rul success access for over give five tea m aney are certainly cent ceni almy aimy the mist mst reliable of any in the ibe world worm 0 bits pills are exceedingly cee ay iy mild ainther netlon angwill and will cure diseases of digestion BUlou nF headache andt and liver complaints r agn oterino ITter ln ci cak th lol loi olleon leou lcou a great remedy sor for forten forter 1 emale emmie aale weak nesa ilem graffenberg Gra efenberg panacea Part neen reen a safe fafe medicine dicine lor diseases to which childr tri elk are subject ien ipa ira iny tny syrna certain in all bowel complaints these remedies stion ii be in t verv very household they are all entirely vegetable Vage table for sale nnie by get an almanac andt ana ram pam pamphlet phieu phiet CO I 1 13 wlliam wiliam WU iam lam ht bt N Y |