Show LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS I 1 FROM FROU DAILY JUNE 27 THE SHOOTING CASE the case or of the people vs oliver 0 obey for the killing of C 1 dolson was before justice clinton this afternoon there was some difficulty at the commencement ot et the case on account of the absence of witnesses none having been after the expiration of probably an hour and a half however two witnesses were brought into court and the examination proceeded the first examined was mr W W angel who testified that he was in the post office close to obey and dolson when the shooting was done and was close by when the latter was pronounced dead by doctors HAmil hamilton tori and tait dr B R S knode another witness also asti testified hed bed that he be saw the shooting ile be knew know that the man who was shot was a tall person and we the one who did the shooting wa was of smaller stature but he would be unable to identify either of them witness was wai a stranger in this city only having been here heres a few weeks he saw the shorter man of the two fire three successive ess iv 0 shots into the tall ones onea back the examination of this witness was proceeding when our gur reporter left the court too MANY or THEM salt sait lai lal lake laue ce city is at present flooded with more than her proportion of low grade lawyers and no one ac acquainted quain ted with that class of profess would do otherwise than chaa admit that they are anything else than a blessing to any community I 1 and their way of obtaining a livelihood Is not always what might be termed legitimate iti mato mate suppose suppo o we give an instance A transient gentleman some tune tume since purchased a suit of clothes from a party in irk town promising to pay when hen he receive received t a sum rum of money orom from a cottam certain source the money was received after arter bank hours in the form of a draft and pay payment merit for the clothing was postponed till lowing day A limb of the law being aware of the facts in the meantime thought ho he could make a few dollars by getting up tip a case he persuaded tho the gentleman from whom the clothing was purchased that the purchaser intended to put out for other quarters immediately and on these grounds grou ads a charge or of at tempting to defraud ac was entered and the gentleman in question was wag arres arrested ted As a matter of course the charge was not sustained and the defend defendant arlt arit was accord ing dismissed the lawyer however had bad ga gained nied died his point so far he conducted the case for tor the aff lant and we presume got his fee feo he was wa not content with this ho however w hot bot for he be afterward afterwards went to the gentleman koil tle tie against whom the charge had been preferred and endeavored to persuade him mim to commence suit uit against against the tha other party for damages or some such charge aadot to conduct the case for him for a cont cone con sider bider atlon the offer was of courso course ro re fused we cite the above as a sample of the doings ofa certain bertaln class of persons persona abor op deavor to exist by preying upon their fellows follows and of which this city has a very large representation at present we do not arnde allude to this subject with any any desire to throw reflections ou the legal profession or those legitimately engaged en age in it tho the calling is of itself an hono honorable one and the bar of this city can boast of a number of gentlemen eu engaged in it who would do credit to anibar any bar in the union but tho the pettifogging mischief making bumping bumming class of lawyers are certainly no ornament to society it would conduce to their own and their count rys good itchey would leave their present occupation and engage inoue in one more fitting to their capacities to be an able and successful lawyer requires more brains than a great many who essay the profession possess |