Show SPECIAL TO tim wim DESERET sews sewa ceo ced BUFFALO 24 A strike is imminent among the different trades or organizations several re representatives p of the strikers of new york and jersey city are here yore yoke 21 the strike of the piano makers is ended and all the men have resumed work at 10 hours weber Stein steinways ways employed emp loyes got an advance of ten per cent the cabinet makers and sewing machine men still hold out and still hold meetings and are receiving encouraging dispa ches from othol othel points BOSTON 24 the oratorio today to day passed oil off agreeably to the strictly musical portion of the moderate audience the remainder of the audience being wearied of the 36 arias and choruses unrelieved by the popular elements that will hereafter form fi a great attraction israel in egypt was well rendered by a chorus of twelve hundred from five societies in and around boston president grant will be present tomorrow to morrow washington 21 contrary to reports from geneva it is ascertained from an official source that no negotiations are in progress for a new supple mental treaty such course being cov coo eldered unnecessary in cousee consequence cerica of the decision ruling out ot of the tribunal the during darlng claims for indirect damages during daring a recent conversation conver catlon cation with president grant he said that everything which had been done by secretary cretaro fish in relation to the treaty of washington was with his full fuli concurrence and therefore the responsibility of the diplomatic action did not rest upon that officer hars hari FRANCISCO 24 A fight took place at the globe globy hotel this morning in which many participated sword tiff knives anti and iron broft bars bara were freely used two of the combatants were badly audly cut and are now at the cal cai caim ealm aboosh belleville ont out 21 A post mortem nop examination was held this morning on the bodies of the killed by the late accident on the grand trunk B R B R the number of deaths up to this time is thirty principally lumbermen and tele telegraph raph builders in the pro province viRce of quebec the cor coroners onera jury fully exonerated one rated the company eug eng engineer ineer from all blame me the cause being purely accidental the engineer was sober and wiil elli clent elent and the man died at his post h NEW 15 5 brur hundred bundred employees of the custom houe hoube will petition the collector of customs tonight to night for the eight hour rulo rule to apply to wei ghers Yester yesterday daya dayn a party of strikers visited the tho mill at 60 first st dislocated tile tiie machinery and threaten threatened ed the men with death unless they resisted desisted des isted from work the police arrested many gf at them the employees in the soap factory jersey city have gone to work again at a meeting of tammany last night horatio seymour was made the sach m preparations were also made for a great ath 4 of july celebration james jamos brooks was chosen orator it is ia stated that the secretary of state ou on sanday sunday telegraphed to bar bat croft davis a statement of the object of the U US S in presenting the indirect lh direct claims and the reasons for not asking a money award ah alao niso ao the reasons why they should not be I 1 taken luken as an element of df consideration in the gross award davis responded yesterday aliba hla his ba lief was that a majority of the board would accept our view glew the new york carpen carpon carpenters ten tem will resume work on the old terms the barbers have resumed on their own terms seventy thousand deorle attended the boston jubilee on the 2 uh ian yan SAN francisco 5 25 the conduct of the woman last night in at tempting to prevent the lecture in opposition to the move men and the flourishing of a and aud threatening violence has diz disgusted many of the frienda friends of the cause and it is commented on in anything b bit it flattering terms by y the general public I 1 NEW yorm YORK abe the the genava special last night says as the meeting was late the proceedings were limited to a formal presentation of papers and an agreement cement was made to discuss them fully on thursday the IL B S withdraws nothing its claim is that hoth both parties are before the tribunal bog land however persists in her demand for fora oora a long adjournment A geneva correspondent under date of june gih says the impression there is that the british government has as pertained certa ined that judgment will be given in the court arbitration in favor of the U S on all he the various courts bostos buston 26 the tho irish organizations lons ions have hav e voted to parade in full fuli force and cincinnati 26 it Is well understood here that groesbeck lt shows respect to the tho action of the baltimore convention and will accept no nomination in made ade outside ou talde taide the liberal convention met at noon gov palmer temporary ducted dieted the success of the liberal movement and read the full following wing 0 letter 1 from carl schurz S st louis louls my daar sir I 1 regret ts say bay it will be impossible tor for we me to attend the convention of liberals of illinois tomorrow I 1 arrived here last night from the east and find an accumulation of busi busl business nebs nees which demands my attention besides I 1 desire to address my constituents here bedore before takina part in a convention elsewhere you have my earnest wisher in endeavoring to raly for united action all the elements ele eie menta of opposition to that of policy which la is no now controlling the government and people of this thia republic and haa not been inappropriately called grantham Gran tiam it is ia time the people of the north and south be onca more brought together by an inspiring consciousness of common nationality common rights and common duties and to this end it ia necessary that the trad traditional illonal barriers be broken down anti and that the policy of force by which the embers of civil strife aro are assiduously fanned and the bitter feelings of the past are IL nept kept opt active for part izan advantages 1 I give way to those moral agencies of conciliation and fraternal intercourse inter couse without which our cannot long endure that and party spirit must bo be broken which in the shape of a personal government govern men tru rules I 1 es our national legi legislation end and the past organization of office holders debauched with corruption demoralizes and subjugates public opinion and stands jn the tha way of every true and thorough e b re forin and to this thia end it Is ia necessary that the embodiment embody ment of that despotism the present administration be defeated in its efforts to continue in power and that thus a free field may be ba opened for a reformatory movement untrammeled by selfish part izan I 1 control troi chethel whether Vh ethel we shall be able to accomplish com all we ve desire or not WO we certainly can accomplish this thia if tor or that purpose we unite in energetic e effort ind and our bur success will be a great steb step in lii the right direction although 1 I cannot no be with you tomorrow to worrow morrow I 1 hope hopa to be able to i bo operate cooperate co with you to that end in the tha cause of tue the present canvass 1 very respectfully cabi carl A committee of don conference ference ferenee was waa appointed to confer with a similar democratic committee the cincinnati platform was unanimously adopted the stokes juror has been secured and the case cabo is opened orangemen orangeman Oran Orang gemen emen emea have obtained permission of the board of police to parade july and will turn out SAN FRANCISCO 26 the tho boot and shoe store of S wolf co market street wa was s considerably damaged by fire this morning mornin g mrs emily pitta pitts stevens steven in a card declares that the stater statements of numerous eyb witnesses that ahe bhe drew a pistol on hon hou david meeker are untrue she says bays she is ia afraid to open the drawers where her husband deepa his hla derrin derringer der grea and belongs to the peace society what whal she bhe did have in her hand she does not state siu baie sie certainly meant foscaro to scare him bim her friends claim that it was only adum a dummy my but others think differently new york strikes continue fifteen thousand thoua and people attended te the boston jubilee yesterday yester dd the jesuit bill has bas become law in prusia prussia SAN francisco 26 harv harvest eit laborers demand 3 50 60 per day the hop raisers of sacra sacramento mento vailey are bend send ing lug to nevada for pi fi flutes utes as aa pickers pick plok ers erh the grain crop is unus unusually mally maily light the heralds geneva special says ss the members of the tribunal are lees leas cant and yesterday communicated the fact that the representatives representative const consi considered amed the business was iii in hueh huch a shape that the would give a d decision ci favorable to the preservation of the treaty the of the american and english governments have visited each other and aud interchanged courte courtesies sies washington I 1 D C A dispatch states that bancroft divis davis D ivis lvis telegraphed to the state department yesterday that aa on tuesday he submitted the instructions sent him last monday to the board of arbitration chien were mainly in that the US insisted upon the arbitrators considering all the claims the that they decide upon the amount due the tho U 8 for alleged violation of the rules of otnel n eu during war tenterden Tent erden replied that the british government had in str acted him to dispute the statement of the american agent claiming that england had acted upon the de domand demand mandof of the U S for the award of a gross grobs sum and to dispute the claim for lor money J insurance the prolongation of the war and other indirect claims tenterden Tent erden further contended that it if england was in any ady way culpable her commissioners had bad already expressed regret which regret is recorded in the treaty but if the US U y still in insisted slated upon a money award for indefinite claims then england would interpose the objection that the tribunal was not empowered to decide anything but the amount due to the IL U S for the violation of rules ruled of neutrality agreed upon in the gih article of the treaty tenterden Tent erden concluded that he would submit the arner Atner american lean ican agreement to his hia government before assenting a tribunal proceeding and he asked un an adjournment to thursday S SAN AN FRANCISC 25 A most disgraceful scene beene occurred at platts hall fast imatt night mrs Loo loomis lecturing against woman guffra I 1 aud and was vas repeatedly peat edly interrupted with hisses and jeering remarks by leading women suffragists UT who were present evidently for the purpose of breaking up the meeting the assembly assemblyman min speaker finally addressed miss emily pitts stevens telling her ane she behaving herself most disgracefully sharp words and abusive language passed back and forth and it wab wah sometime before order was restored then at the he e end n d of the lecture miss ulsa stevens we went nt for meeker with a derringer in her h band hand and demanding an apology but a b bystander y stauder stander caught hold of her and com corn belled her to put it in her pocket it Is stated that the pistol was given her during the excitement by mrs ura churchill another leading suffragist A letter to jab jas grant from irom prescott gives the particulars parti eulars eulara of the indian attack on the goldwater party col jas jab and michael goldwater and dr jones were traveling in a two horse carriage between prescott Prescot fc and skull valley when the apaches appeared in force and fired upon the defenseless defenceless de parties one ball passed through dr jones coat sleeve and two shots passed through M Gold waters hat jas jag Goul dwater was shot in the back but was not seriously wounded and und the carriage was riddled with balls they were rescued by the fortunate fart arrival of a party of miners coming from walnut grove to Pre bre prescott scott Ecott the indians tied didd EUROPEAN GENEVA 25 it is announced that the tribunal of arbitration meets to morrow instead of wednesday count Si se lopis the president of the board having today to day recalled the absent arbitrators by telegraph fele graph the earlier meeting in confirms the belief thab that a settlement has been made A london dispatch states that the lockout of the builders carpenters and joiners is the result of the refusal of the men to accept the compromise offered by the employers twenty thousand are on out t 0 of f work the masons and bricklayers have joined them the reason given for the strike la is the increase of cost coat of living GENEVA 24 dispatches received since saturday last have induced the american agent abent to request count selo pis pla to summon su the conference at once he accordingly telegraphed all the members to meet at 2 0 on tuesday it is not known whether the indirect claims have been withdrawn at eight all the members of the board had lad arrived here how TO GET BID RID OF superfluous FLESH not long ago a Pent gentleman leman of threescore who had hardly ever been sick bick in his life thought he was too fleshy and began to he Bucce succeeded eded famously and boasted to his friends that he had got rid of ten pounds in a few weeks A little later he be was attacked with a painful and dang dangerous ercus erous malady from which he haa has been summer buffer ing more a year a man can sleep 8 soundly has a food bood up p etite with after meals the bodily habits being regular every day he had better leave himself alone whether he is aa big as a hogshead or as asi thin and dryas dry as a fence rail several beveral cases of brights disease have been reported by medical men of reputation as a directs direct result of practicing ban tams P plan an for getting lean the very beat and adest way to get rid of fat la is to work it omm oft this may be aid ald aided edby by eating food which contains a large amount t of nitrogen and aud a small amount of carbon nitrogen food is that which gives strength power to work as lean meat carbonaceous foods are those which make fat such as chee cheese cheesed seg sed a potatoes rice corn peas beans tapioca ar arrowroot ro wroot corn starch milk sugar syrup and oily and fat food raw baw fruit and berries largely eaten are great aids to reducing weight but bat after all ail the great reliance should be on exercise and work in the open air barclay the great english pedestrian pedestrians who perro perfo performed amed greater feats than weston lost tep pounds po ends in two or three days walking walkie g and was waa never the worse for ff alls journal of health 0 te the question of the right to control her own eb children ildren lidren is one in which every mother ls Is deeply interested A mother in troy puts it to the school teacher thus thug mi miss i 1 want you to kno bisno that I 1 am the boss ot of my boy and when i say i want him to cum bome home at recess i mean business and dont donit want him kept till school Is ia out if mothers aint to say what they thoy want done about such things its time somebody knode it i dont want trubbie but 1 am bound to have my iny rites truly |