Show established 1850 1830 THE DESERET NEWS WEEKLY ono one copy one year soo 5 00 4 tt cdx 2 CO 60 4 p three months month 9 in rf ilie llie UE bews heys semiweekly seni SEMI WEEKLY f I 1 0 one e copy one ono year tear 8 00 11 j t siz sli months am 3 00 throe three months 1 0 THE DESERET EVENING NEWS t ono ong copy cory one year lo io 10 00 tt six elx months 5 GO 60 three months 2 to 0 georgh Q CANNON CAN ean NON now t EDITOR AND subscribers lu in i he the country can at ai any timo time the date on which thoi thet subscription expires by referring to the num bers attached to their name on their paper i L e 1 4 3 moans means atrat day fourth year or april 1572 7 2 means july deo to feo those names having no numbers close with ae the end of the volume subscribers this will be able to derew their sauget subset prior to that t ume ime so that their papers may con without in |