Show taglo Badge Goes Ogden To Sunset Youth $ SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) -T- Judge Willis W Ritter The judge imposed maximum A member of hree men convicted of printmillion in $6 on brothers Allan D sentences phony Troop 305 of the ing nearly were 28 to sentenced LeMon and Gary LeMon Sunset LDS 5th money brother-in-la15 federal 27 for on their and prison: years Ward he has 29 all of Salt Austin Rackham been an assist- Tuesday Another man after Lake caught City ant patrol leader quartermas-- t cnly five bogus bills reeled off He fined the two brothers $20000 each but waived the e r librarian his press drew a seve-pesentence from fine for Rackham because he US District den leader inw ar structor Wednesday March 10 1S76 r confiscated a press ink and $58 million in bogus $100 bills Gary LeMon was arrested later that day at his home Rackham was arrested two weeks later in Los Angeles and charged with arranging the sale of the money in Las Vegas Secret Service Agent in charge Anthony Sherman said has three children In the second case Ritter sentenced Lewis Corlett 52 of Salt Lake City to five years for counterfeiting and two years for making false loan statements to a bank Secret Service Agents arrested Allan LeMon in a South Salt Lake warehouse May 2 1975 and the phony $58 million was the largest amount of counterfeit ever ' confiscated in moneyUtah and one of the largest seizures in the nation Each of the three men said he was sorry for what he had done But Ritter imposed maximum terms - 11A token in Utah erms in Largest Counterfeit Ring — An Eagle Scout has been awarded Rick badge Cortis 15 son of Mr and Mrs Robert S Curtis of 2542 N 400 W Standard-Examine- Corlett was arrested May 30 giving false statements to 1975 while operating an offset Salt Lake City bank to obtaim’a press in a Salt Lake office loan complex-Fivbogus $100 bills “I was naive and stupid” printed on only one side were said Corlett found on the machine He was on count one atd charged with conspiracy to “Five years two years on count two counterfeit money to begin imTwo weeks later Corlett was sentence arrested on another charge mediately” replied the judge e assist- ant senior patrol leader sen- ior patrol leader and first aid inan young Curtis is an honor roll student and a member of the yearbook staff at Clearfield Righ School He has been president of the deacons and teachers quorums Police Hold Man Utahn Kidnaped - f PRESTON PoIdaho (AP) lice are holding a man who the Franklin County sheriff’s office says is connected with a kidnaping and robbery of a Utah man last Friday i A man who pulled a hunting Knife robbed David Day of Sunset Utah and forced him to drive from Franklin Idaho to Swan Lake Day reportedly stopped to man along US 91 pick up a 1:30 am Police said the about man described as between 18 and 20 told Day to take him to Idaho Falls but Day’s car ran out of gas at Swan Lake r You just won’t believe the value in these two ranges The quality is still Tappan but these particular models will not be repeated at the factory If you own duplexes or other multiple dwellings you would do well to pick one or two up for that replacement time in the future Check 'em out: tine-featu- re Idaho Cjosed to Utahns Lake in r ‘PRESTON Idaho (AP)-Be-c- ause too many Utah residents have been using their lake stockholders of a Franklin County Idaho water company hdve decided to close the Twin Lakes Reservoir to public use Manager Gordon Gailey of the Twin Lakes Canal Co said be open only to stockFranklin County and holders residents Gailey did not say how Utah residents will be kept off the lake a popular boating and fishing site The ban will begin when warm weather returns he said X -- P t i 2 vt ' I ’ - r' 1 savings complete with can motor pump float 4300 CFM reg 18495 pre-seas- on vVv J ! J : broiler units that speed adjustable temperature waist high broiler plus a top that raises and an oven door that removes for cleaning This is model £33-100- 3 pre-heati- at station solenoid timer valve j(t 3A" PVG pipe ng 35-130- V s V ' - ' ' ? -- V r s for sprinkler systems easy easy installation just cut saw and glue won’t rust or corrode our reg 14C for automatic ? r' - 1 - " sprinkling minute watering up to 6 times daily set 5-- 30 RichdeIreg 4695 for automatic sprinkling lt safe corrosion resistant 204LG reg 1295 24-vo- 188 i DO81 J LAKE CITY (AP)- -A woman whose body was found hprth of the Salt Lake City InSALT mower Bayou! & building materials come in and pick up our free yard sprinkler plan sheet to help you get started! really is more fun at samon’s! ' tree gro-lu- x - free on SPRINKLER SYSTEMS per foot t Body of Woman lound Exposure? said 88 per foot -- at stooping over just peer through the window and turn the light on It also has a removable door Both bake and broil units speed preheating And to top it all off the infinite-hesurface cooking units unplug for easy leisurely 2 cleaning Tappan model CP3000 reg 595 reg 28c This one's full of features that benefit the fussiest of home owners: lnfimte-hesurface units that unplug for easy cleaning oven and Look this oven right in the eye for beauty and real cooking and baking convenience No replace your old one easy to install B 1 SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) -Mormon Church President Spencer Kimball’s doctors Tues- died 1- v : religday said the ious leader is suffering from an influenza infection 14 spokesman for the Church of ' Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints said President Kimball apparently contacted the flu visit to while on a three-wee- k Mormon Church members in the Sputh Pacific The leader of the world’s 33 million Mormons returned here last week His doctors said he is suffering “minor respiratory symptoms” and will be “resting and working at home” for the next few days 1 eve level range - 1 - P Down Vith Flu tentional rop X President a cooler pump 4 i LDS swamp coolers S pruner-- white toilet sturdy garden spade exceptional buy our reg 399 Airport apparently authorities drain pipe of exposure She was identified as Ruth Carson 47 Salt Lake City Authorities said she was re-- ported missing march w Briggs & Stratton engine 20" 3 hp model recoil start reg 7995 Dance Scheduled for Bicentennial CLINTON — A bicentennial dance will be held Friday in tha new Clinton LDS Stake U&ise -The dance at 8:30 pm is the first of many planned in the building a spokesman said 'All persons age 14 and older are invited free of charge There will be live music mercury vapor photo electric eye on at dusk off at dawn automatically includes bulb list 6495 ’88 - 3488 u§ a- 1 'two ft wooden poles cutlery steel blades 'cut wood larger limbs ' £3997 reg 1195 white d modern reverse trap less seat 4-- de 000-lbcru- strength sh perforated reg 43C ft close-couple- 8" 88 - wall! Ciifi stowa1 'r? Here’s your new shower ready to install over ' your tub with no Dead in Vehicle XFRUIT HEIGHTS- -A construction Fruit Heights man was found dead in his car Monday of a suspected ed gunshot wound authorities said ' today 7The Davis County Sheriff’s Office said Carlyle D Mais-fe- n 1383 Nichols Road was fpiftid in his car along Nichols Road dead from a pistol wound 2 the chest makes plants grow faster inside ideal for seedlings our reg 2395 t Davis Man Found self-inflict- tough styrene plastic cut with hacksaw by her 1 Officers said the found Tuesday lying body was rf£xt to her car in a muddy field An autopsy was scheduled son-in-la- j Wrench your back no more with that shovel Our 35 hp Briggs & Stratton-powere- d 35TR tiller will do it for you Easy recoil starting Reg 18995 M old-fashion- ed required No walls to rip out No soldering necessary Unit com- - plete with Are the walls around your tub v unsightly? Tiles missing? Need Try our painting or beautiful kit' made of sturdy hardboard with baked melamine surface Apply right over most existing surfaces Our £23 Napoli reg 2749 ‘ easy-to-inst- diverter spout water pipe and shower head Reg 2695 all ’ 88 T U "W" mst u V v - - 'J I |