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Show U' Population Boom Looms as Jolt 4v The Salt Lake Tribune, Tuesday, July 7, 1964 tv Not Shaking Yet? Waitll fBirthquake Hits Globe numbers of the young, adult and 'Ey Jay McMullen aged, adding to the problems.: Chicago Daily News Service In I960," : Dr- - Rh wrote, Thq worlds underdeveloped some 42 and per nations can have no hopes lor a better standard of living, despite massive Injections of U.S. foreign aid, unless they bring N their population expansion un" der. control. six-tent- So say the population ex - perts. r77: The number of people increases faster than the United States can supply dollars and other aid. i; The worlds population Is increasing at the rate of more than 55 million ft year. . Arnold J. Toynbee, British historian, recently told the United Nations food and agricultural cent of the population was under 15. With the aged added, , it is evident that close to half of the whole population is dependent on the other half. This imposes a formidable impediment to economic progress. the peoples of many underdeveloped countries for a rapid rise in living levels is building up powerful pressures which can lead to violent internal revolutions or tojextemal aggression, . or to both. There can be little prospect . AT THE PRESENT Egyptian of peace or, world order so long growth rate, the population .will as present rates of population double in less than 30 years increase persist ' and hit 70 million- by the, turn of the century. ' And ultimately there must Jones,- - in his report for the either be a decrease In birth center, declared" Uncontrolled rates or an increase In death population growth is making it rates. virtually- - impossible,- - even- - with It is widely accepted that on vast amounts of foreign aid and the average a fixed capital inthe investment, to begin closing of at least 53 is necesvestment gap between the richer and the sary to increase annual output : poorer nations. 51 in the : among countries. THE EXPECTATION Tribune Exclusive Sixth in a Series - them locally. man with the right The salary will be write, giving age, Box J 22, Tribune, Utah. growth and famine. food c last year I t it was estimated that every day 10,000 people die of malnutrition Arnold J. Toynbee , . . The or starvation and that more than future of mankind is at stake. half the worlds three billion-plu- s . people live in perpetual hunger. Whether Americas even standard of living can be maintained in the face of its own population boom is being called available position top-lev- to a Salt Lake City, News-Tefegra- I -- WITH' 1 - MERCHANTS LUNCH ! AT ONLY , an aerosol spray, it stops the smell of hot, sweety feet fat It eliminates odor so effectively because its fins spray penetrates even , the tiniest foot crevices. Cilarlttt, Mennen Foot Deodorant is colorless and will not stain or harm nylon, wool, cotton or leather. In fact, you can spray its cooling refreshment right through hose or down into your shoes to help rid them of lingering odors. Get new MENNEN FOOT DEODORANT with amazing fa t - . mr - -- FIND MYSELF Increas New aerosol spray checks perspiration . 24 hours ! Keens feet odor-fre- e g human .race already on a diet, ft report by Political and Economic .Planning in London noted that to, achieve simple,, dietary adequacy food production would have to be increased 25 per cent ; Wednesday: The conclusion de people have a right to have as , of the many children as they wish? TWO-THIR- STARTS Medical (dentists have developed a new aerosol spray that checks perspiration. '..stops foot odor 24 hour sad cools and dries hot, sweaty feet. Ita Mennena Foot n effecDeodorant with tiveness to: i 1. Kill germs on contact with. a continuous-actinantiseptic that keeps working mil ffnv pit fujif. 2. Instantly check tha flow of perspiration that breeds germs helping block the return of foot odor. I rVml anntha and refresh hot, tired feet making hem dry and comfortable. k Faster, ntri iffectivt rtlitf , Because Mermen Foot Deodorant build- Population pressure is ing up to an explosion. ADVUtTISftMBNT g personality, education and experience. commensurate with results. If interested, education and experience. Address to Deseret i odor-causi- ,An expanding company seeks a pro'ven leader to represent Excellent - triple-actio- AN OPPORTUNITY -- A CHALLENG- E- organization, that mankinds future is at stake in a formidable race between population AT THE W0ED gress in Washington underdeveloped by - THIS MEANS that if the population is growing by three per cent,- as it is in many of these nations, nine per cent of the national income must be invested each year in order merely to maintain per capita Income no improve- - ingly doubtful whether domestic savings and foreign aid together will be sufficient to, allow real progress, if present rates ' of population growth continue - L for long. , .. ment In the average living levels. V- - - Eugene R! Black, president of the World Bank, bluntly warned the United Nations in 1961:' v . :Unless - population growth we can be restrained, may have. to. abandon for this genera-atio- n our hopes of economic progress in the crowded lands of Asia and tire Middle East. ... triple-actio- HOME DELIVERY SPECIAL ONLY V ll tGG FOO YUNG MON.-TUES.-W- effectiveness that n ED. to HAM FRIED RICE - Checks perspiration as it keeps ieet odor-fre- e 24 hours! Thats Mennen Foot Deodorant, by tha makers of CALL DAvIs 37 Famous Quinsana Foot Powder. At drug counters everywhere. . "V" ft r into question. s of the human race lives in the underdeveloped nations where per capita income averages about $100 a year. Two-third- Since 1945 the world rate of population growth has doubled, from one per cent in itself an e to historical high about two per emit a year in 1960. It is still increasing steadily. AT TWO PER cent, our pres ent world population will double to six billion in 35 years, according to a study published by the center for international eco nomic growth. Without reduction of these rates of population increase, the of the people hopes of on earth for a better life are doomed to frustration, the center concluded in a report called mean Does overpopulation Written by Joseph poverty? :;ev,? or::iD chabcdal filter .wave 4 two-thir- r S If S A.GTWATED . Marion Jones. has POPULATION growth turned the vast effort to raise living standards into a grim treadmill requiring intense efforts just to stay even. In the United Arab Republic for example, between the time the Aswan Dam was conceived in 1952 and the time its reservoir is filled in 1972 the population will have grown some 13 million about 60 per. cent. The productivity of the extra land brought under irrigation will be needed just to feed r THAN IN. PREVIOUS FILTER DESIGNS ' :: the nations extra mouths. Rizk, vice presi- Dr. Hanna . dent of the American University at Cairo, recently wrote that x - while the UAR is developing new industries and expanding old ones her labor force is increasing at the rate of 180,000 a year, 27 time the average num- RIGHT IN TAST WITH THE TIMES 6, - - - ;V 6. v- - 4 v;. ' s 'v x. vX;:.: vfV - ' , V SNT S' K - ' ' ber absorbed annually by industry, even with the expansion Ss v s s s prograrfi. v V '.vAir9 SWP v How does all that flavor get through all that charcoal? '' The secrets inthe structure ' w.i b. ,5tv 2- o - I ' . ,An exclusive to one fids, Constant backache and pain. h length of lefts, st heels,' wksa lying oa bock. (Indicating dsfinita spinal svrvatars.) 5DiHtrnc . Malabo (nerve exhaustion). - 114 R. J. RKYROLOTOACCO o ' S process, firmly joins to- gether hundreds and hundreds of activated charcoal granules in a new kind of filter... for & taste too good to miss. Tempo has a white ESTRON filter, too. COMPAIIf, c m- Ap. If yiggit r- r No health claim is made for Tempo . . . only the promise of an easy draw and smoother taste than you have ever before experienced. Tempo is a product of It. J. Reynolds .Tobacco Company, Americas largest manufacturer of filter cigarettes,..' Switch, to Temp o. . .youll stay for tho flavor I "V s I A STATEMENT FROM THE MAKERS OF TEMPO t CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION P.O.Box 6216, Salt lokg City .'fti, r 4 - UTAH f ' , 5 : lt 7 - THE FIRST BONDED CHARCOAL FILTER 5 Fooling of hood bning tilled o ' y 4 3fto-ocvrr)n- 4 " i.i Tempo has a new hind of charcoal filter for a taste too good to miss! back of aock. Orating and popping soitns whsn taming hsod. - ' y pels and mowla g x 4 0 - " 'f. X M I.Psrtldwrt ' " Ctv- a S-- - THE RAPID population growth in the UAR has disrupted the normal balance between the s , 4; u f. ,, |