Show si latue lawne mux wini WILI ARISE i apri upright ht light in the tha darkness JP What though every glimmer of light nil Fl lokers ekers out from the path of a saint and amid the dark shadows of night he journeys on weary and faint faith and hope like twin angels attend and the hand band of his father is nigh through the darkness his steps to defend and the sun will arise by and by mid the ballo billows as of sorrow and care gods dear children learn to be great leam learn to laugh at the clouds of despair learn nieam to mock a worlds slander and hate though h i their joys should dissolve into gloom and though darkness envelops the sky leam leab Lear nto to smile at the threatening doom and the sun will wilt arise by and by of the i chailee chalice i of grief you may taste and the te chill hlll of the storm noumay you may feel oer olei hopes towers laid in rum adia arid waste noumay almost despondingly kneel bui rui elltee ge hand that is mighty to kaye saye irm will set up your youn yo ur banner tanner on high th though ough your path he be as dark as the tho grave gravo 01 chesun will arise by and ana by I 1 the tha are jubilant now 1 Ee belong long iong will come bending to 0 thee hee ardithe shadows that darken thy brow ATtil wn of bf tomorrow to morrow monrow shaufler shan shaU dle flee e th Thein w indof gor wor 5 the storm shall shail be harwe barwe brak af e golden golden goiden ve beams a ins shall spread over oyer the sky arieva heart galling yoke soke I 1 and the sun will anise arise by and rind by jeason jP ason 6 fiel fill H E a t |