Show 1 T TO T tue THE E DESERET NEWS a SENATE senator sumner sumeler on saturday in speaking of americans in europe said th atthe thattie that the united states were disgraced b by uch such men as minister Was washburne liburne ay iy in n V paris and jones in brussels A special order has been issued by tha war department directing the infantry now in in virginia and the fourteenth infantry now in kentucky to proceed immediately to sioux City lowa iowa Iowa lowa and report to the commanding general of the department for assignment sign ment on duty Abill A bill making it unlawful to import immigrants under labor contracts was referred wilson from the military committee reported a substitute for the house army bill the substitute directs the president to reduce the number of enlisted men to before jan january uary Is 1871 and authorizes him to honorably discharge of officers ficere who apply there for be ibre next october buon nuon off omm meers officers to receive extra pay and allowances for two years one and a half years or one year according to the term of service if they have been over tenor ten or not under five years officers who have served thirty years may be retired and the limitation of the number on the vie retired list shall hereafter ba be three hundred the oft officers lears of general and alid general shall be confined to the present incumbents no appointments shall be made to maj major or generals or brigadier generals generale until the number of officers of these grades is reduced to three and six respectively Vacancies occurring in the heads reads of staff stass depart depari departments ments are to be filled by officers having the rank and pay pa y of colonel the grade of regimental a commander is abolished the generals of the army commander of de part menis menla and chiefs of staffs of the departments shall as soon as practicable forward to the secretary of or war a list of omeera officers deemed unfit for the dis discharge of their duty and the secretary of war shall convene a board of fifty officers for their examination on oa the recommendation of this board the president may wholly retire any officer eer so reported with a years pay the scheff schedule ule uie of the pay of officers is the same as that of logans bill except that the total pay of a colonel is limited to four thousand of a col to thirty six hundred of a major to three thousand ten per of the current yearly pay of all officers shall be allowed for every term of five years but the total amount of such increase must roust in no case exceed forty per cent of the yearly pay this is provided in view of longevity the rations hereto fore allowed with full forage and quarters remain as now allowed all continued officers on the retired list shall receive seventy five per cent of th the e pay of the rank upon which they retired the pay and nd allowances of enlisted men remain remain unchanged until june jane 71 officers on the thee active list are prohibited holding a civil office A joint resolution was adopted directing in the he committee on education and labor and enquire into the expediency of dividing the net proceeds of the sales of public lands among the several states for educational purposes and of otherwise so providing by faw law that that all the people of the united states may have an opportunity of acquiring a common school education A bill was passed providing for the the Interior Department of useless military reservations MOUSE HOUSE in the house a large number of bills were introduced including one by sargent for the relief of the people of the united states by reducing taxation it provid provides ea for the reduction after the of jul jui june e of fifteen per pek cent on internal revenue taxes import duties except tobacco in all forms to be abolished the income tax and all special licenses except for distilleries brew breweries erfe erie s nna ana and ap tobacco manufacturers to be also done away with schenck moved that a commission be appointed to procure an appropriate burial place fd for r the remains of gen rawlings raw Kaw lings and that the cost odthe of the same be paid out of the contingent fund of the war department cox suggested its modification so as to provide for the orect erection ion lon of a suitable sul bul tabIb monument over the grave voorhees remarked that the remains of rawlings raw Baw lings were lying in a public vault in the grave graveyard yard in washington the committee on appropriations reported the bill ting one ne million two hundred four thousand dollars it was wat made the special order for may ath poughkeepsie reports of disasters from the tho recent freshet are still coming in a green county has suffered greatly bridges factories mill dams and entire roads have been swept away in the town of dunham two persons were drowned and several dwelling houses were destroyed in ulster county the low lands were flooded and many families residing there were compelled to flee for their lives ALBANY the senate passed a bill appropriating five hundred thousand dollars for fon th the eState state to an and dlease lease elevators at buffalo and oswego MEMPHIS mem MEu A terrible murder was committed on a tow boat near here this morning benjamin kennedy engineer ordered two negro deck hands hands who annoyed him to leave the engine room wh when enthey they thoy stabbed him and threw him overboard efforts were made to save him but were ineffectual the watchman who witnessed the scene and attempted to save kennedy was brutally beaten the negroes were arrested and committed for murder in the first degree alien allen IV wright ight the chief of the choctaw indians issued an address warning them to be pie prepared pared for the c iming aiming chan change chango ge and advising that their lands be held by their organizing immediately as the state of and then ask for admission as a state of the union he recommends immediate action to protect themselves against any apy terri terni territorial torl tori government and adri advises ses the adoption of a resolution asking congress to establish them on the same status as the freedmen he recommends the encouragement ra of railroads the council subsequently passed an act submitting the question of dividing their lauds lands so aa as to be held severally or in common washington the order directing the regiments of infantry from kentucky and virginia to report to the commanding general of the department of dakota removes the last troops from those states it is understood that the movement has something to do with the condition of affairs in the red river country and refers to the neutrality question NEW YORK rumor says that sunday next has been definitely fixed by the fenian leaders as the timeto time to commence the raid on canada chambers who committed a murder in the utica insane asylum says there is nothing the matter with him and lie he will be back in brooklyn in a month or two there have been slight shocks of earthquake felt iu in different sections of california and nevada during the past few days the gas works at virginia city nevada were destroyed by nire fire today to day dak BOSTON the estate of anson burlingame was presented in the probate 1 court today to day and wass was a worn not to exceed sixty thousand in in personal property papers of administration were granted to his eldest son NEW york on the opening of the courtin court in the mcfarland trial dr vance was wag again placed on the stand and testified further farther regarding the mental condition of the prisoner dr parsons physician of the new york lunatic asylum was examined on the same subject graham then read extracts from the testimony of various witnesses with regard to the mental condition of the prisoner previous to and about the time of the shooting he then asked parsons supposing this evidence true what would be his opinion relative to the sanity of the prisoner the prosecution objected the question was answered on these facts that he certainly should deem the prisoner insane the court took a recess special dispatches des patches to washington state that there is an almost certain prospect of an indian war twenty thousand sioux are on the war pathana pat hand troops troop 8 are being hurried to the frontier to me meet et the crisis besides the fifteenth and seventh regiments of infantry which have been ordered to sioux city the recruiting officer in this city is ordered to send every available recruit at once to fort leavenworth general sherman and several of his staff will leave next week on an inspection tour through montana and other far western territories the heralds ds special at key west today says saye the latest news from havana is that count and the political governor of santiago refuse to obey orders from tho the captain general and from madrid the governor of the I 1 carle canle of cabanos also declines to re belve orders from G gen en carbo who endeavored deavo red to take possession of the fortress yesterday the spanish had been routed by the I 1 insurgents neur gents everywhere and the destruction of property in the demitria villas district was immense the captain general is expected to return to havana to city duy an officer of our navy just from yokohama bays says it was ieli reliably ably ascertained there that captain eyre would have stopped his vessel after running into the oneida but for the implore eions of lady temple wife of the british minister who was apprehensive of a ship wreck the opinion at ai yokohama is that captain eyre fea lea is a weak rather than a bad man CHICAGO the Tribune tribunes 18 washington special adys bays says that the spanish authorities ties sent a dispatch on saturday to captain general de do rodas bodas at havana to release the ship lloyd aspenwall of new now york seized by the cuban authorities on a charge of carrying arms to the insurgents tile the release is made upon a formal demand of our government A telegram reports that fechter the actor is seriously ill III at boston CHICAGO the tribunes washington special says the trouble among the indians in dakota lies simply in the fact that the house last session refused to pass the appropriations and to carry out the treaties the secretary of war was at the capitol today to day dayl argin urging 9 early action on the indian bills he says he is g greatly about troops he has ha s not now enough and does not see how low he be can possibly get along if the arny ny is reduced next fall in consequence if his hia representations it is possible that he the proposed reduction will not be made nade till the summer of 1871 y RICHMOND A large crowd assembled this morning in the upper portion of the capitol buil bull building dLug deug where the supreme court of appeals was wag located to hear the decision on the mayoralty case at about eleven the floor gave way beneath the dense denso weight and precipitated the crowd to the floor below which was the house of delegates it is hard to ascertain the present extent of the injuries so great is the excitement but some were killed and a large lange number severely injured many escaped the terrible fall by jumping into the windows when the floor gave way the wounded are now being attended to later among the killed are P H aylett hylett a distinguished lawyer dr J B brock reporter of the examiner samuel eaton clerk to mayor cahoon caboon captain W A charles chief of the fire department N P howard lawyer A levy merchant charles watsen Watson Hugh hutchinson S L webb of this city and a brother of gen schofield P H maury jun senator black colored and powhattan roberts it is supposed that twenty me members ibbers odthe of the state legislature are killed and wounded the judges of appeals all escaped unhurt ex governor wells was badly ida injured ared also L S chandler counsel for cahoon and jas mason and judge meredith counsel for ellison about two hundred persons were hurt by the accident the greatest excitement prevails hundreds of persons are in the capitol square weeping and wailing walling as the dead and dying are brought from the building governor walker escaped unhurt though on the court room floor at the time A dispatch says it is believed that general lees health is failing he has gained some strength by hla hia southern trip but not enough to keep his friends from desponding A s special a 1 says that at the cabinet in meeting beety ag y yesterday e e berday the propriety of allowing the british troops to pass over our soil or through our waters to the red bed ke d river biver country for the purpose of putting down the rebellion was fully discussed and it was unanimously agreed that this thing could not be permitted every member of the cabinet concurred in this view up to a late hour last night president donnelly Do anelly and other prominent officers of the oneil 0 neil nell faction of the feniane were in council at headquarters all the staff were busy inviting indi ting communications to sub commanders to have their forces well in hand and giving other instructions which were not obtainable by the press several ofa off officers iders were ordered to their commands last night iron FOREIGN EIGN LONDON the story of the projected fenian insurrection in london is believed to be a hoax but a large force of police are on duty news has been received that the greek brigands brigande bri gands are closely pressed by the troops that they have cruelly massacred their english prisoners and that the italian secretary of legation at athens athena was recently captured A telegram says that pieces of wood have drifted to shore bhore on the northwest coast of cornwall bearing an inscription that the city of boston soston was sinking on feb lith advices advises from madrid represent violent quarrels a the spanish cabinet and that the parti parji par lizana tizana of asier asler a are re gaining ground |