Show LOCAL AND OTHER fiTTERS MATTERS Rl FROM MONDAYS DAILY thic THE PRESIDENT AND PARTY the following dispatch was fecel gecel received vod per deseret telegraph line today to day iba parowan carowan iPa Pa rowan A april vo 1 8 editor deseret mews news president young ung and party arrived here yesterday at five pm meeting was held hold at half past nive five elder B young jr addressed the meeting on the education 0 of i children elder AM A M musser followed on the same subject president george A smith spoke respecting the stating that there was not time to settle it again and gave particulars of their present trip south president young followed H he e encouraged the saints to keep the faith blessed them etc A dispatch received just before going to press says that the party reached beaver at half past two this afternoon they stay there tonight to night tomorrow to morrow they go to minersville Miners ville and back to beaver beaverr Be aveni averi IR MASS MEETINGS IN THE settlements on the uit the citizens of st george washington county held a meeting to protest against the cullom bill speeches were made by president E snow and others and resolutions were adopted setting forth that the measure being an act of special legislation designed to control the religious belief and practice of the people of utah was unconstitutional iii character and its enforcement was wag ujust unjust and oppressive to law abiding citizens of theUn the union lon ion the meeting was very numerously attended and the proceedings harmonious mo information WANTED mr art G B stocks of the firm of culver stocks dealers in agricultural implements of clarence mo writes under date of april ath for information of his uncle mr henry stocks and family who he says were ae in the mormon religion and emigrated from england fifteen or seventeen years ago the mr stocks inquired for was a moulder by trade if this notice should meet the eye of any of the members of f this family they had better correspond at once with their kinsman in dil missouri s sour soun who seems very anxious to hear from them B BETTER ETT er LA ijane re T thas THAN n A X nevelt NEVER we b have a ve received the minutes oran of an indignation meeting held on the 2nd and dinst by bk the ladies of midway provo to protest against that bill the action of the ladies ladles of this settlement is of somewhat late date but what it lacks in P point of time their resolutions make up in vigor and earnestness P I 1 FROM SATURDAYS DAILY PRESIDENT idest IDENT AND narty PARTY the president and company left beaver city this morning at ht for minersville Miners ville they will hold me meeting eting at the latter place and will then return to beaver tonight to night indignation MEETING the following dispatch has been received by telegraph To kerville april 9 pm G Q CANNON an immense concourse of the citizens of kane county met here today to day in amass me meeting eting to express the tho their ir indignation against the cullom bill judge winsor was wasi called to the chair A preamble and resolution resolution expressive express iye iTO of the feelings of the people assembled were adopted speeches were made by a number of persons and a unanimous and earnest a appeal najwa was made to the senate of the united states state not to pass said bill M snack SLACK secretary tuk THE JUVENILE lne ine instructor y this favorite of the juvenile population of utah makes its appearance reappearance re today to day and hereafter our young people may confidently expect to receive it every fortnight the tho editor having effected the arrangements necessary to enable him to issue it regularly the contents orthe of the present number include a history of whittington and his hia cat illustrated Oe chemistry of common things potash potash botash salts t missionary sketches editorial thoughts A strange school house with engraving biography history of joseph smith 11 how to be a man fy allegorical selected poetry ithe the two workers 11 ac llo ylo fec a perusal of which will show that this number is fully equal to any of its predecessors in affording amuse amusement nent pent and in inculcating correct principles parents and teachers should do their best bet to increase the circulation of this journal no family or sc school hoolin in th the e territory should be without it conferences IN THE settlements A letter from elder william Wan lag of lehi states that the sain saints tg of that git pit city y had a good time on the ath instant in conference assem assembled tiled good teachings were gle gie given fafri b by BI bishop S ho ij david evans alid apa others to a full fuli congregation the general and alid local authorities thorit thorl ties les were weno sustained and the saints are fully united prospects in that region never were better ahrn n at the present time timea on thoth the ath and alid ath instants conference was held at american fork at which af time of general plea piea pleasure gure was enjoyed by the saints the authorities of the church both general and local tere aare yere unanimously sustained excellent teachings were im parted by bishop harrignton HarrI harrl oxton and add others f and the exercises of atho the conference were wen A enlivened by beautiful music vocal and instrumental DIED diled in dryton dry town n calon calon th UIL ull 4 after a lingering ill ili illness ness miss marj mary mark P clark aged 2271 22 years deceased was the only daughter of W 0 and julia clark dark by whom she was devotedly loved and who during her illness manifested manifest ea a paternal paterna fondness rarely ex habited hibi ted she was a graduate of the state normal Sch school jol joi sol and ana left that institution with the highest honors carrying wh her the tho best wishes and esteem ot of her teachers in the social circle she was a bright orna i ment and her numerous friends and A acquaintances will truly mourn her earl eari early demise her last illness was born borm wik wiz with christian fortitude and she yielded up her spirit spir it to him who gave it with calm res natio conand nand quietly passed beyond the mg dark davk river FROM erom MONDAYS DAILY dalny f PRESIDENT am AND panty A bisp dispatch received this morning per Desere deseret tr tele tole graph line from coye cove creek says prest young and party arrived here hore lorb at six pm yesterday and held a meeting in the evening which was very ably and appropriately addressed by bro geo A smith the party left here heio at this morning for meadow creek where they take dinner and afterwards after afterwards hold meet ing thoy they will drio drive to bo billmore viii Till more moro and hold Ine lne meeting eting in the ev evening tho thov company feel well and appear to enjoy the best of health 11 SHOOTING Scia SCRAPE arn Arr AT A een gen tieman residing in this city who visited i ogden yesterday says about three thae in the afternoon a little shooting scrape took look place lace between the landlady of the ogden rouse house and her partner rhey they fired a shot each but without doing any damage the affair I 1 am hotd took place in the 13 parlor arlor Th the cause of the unpleasant occurrence was not generally known hut but it was be nevea to ba b th rough some pecuniary difficulty I 1 head ahe aho shots distinctly r MASS MEETINGS MEETING 9 IN THE SE t we are indebted to josiah rogerson Bo gerson genson esq ie reporter porter af city f y lowing report received recel vedon on saturday evening by deseret telegraph line gil fil iii lii allmore TIllmore ill more moro april 9 0 i 1 editor deseret news mews A general mass wass meeting of tha the inhabitants of anu ABU a rd coun ty to remonstrate and protest against the passage of the cullom BPI bill was hewat helcl heill at bassage 12 2 m W today to day in this city by unanimous vote J T V robison Bo bison mayor of fillmore city was chosen to preside dethe detho tho the following gentlemen being elected vice vleo presidents culbert kinga king W A stott walt wait walter waiter stephens and george honroe vonroe monroe F M leinan and johh kelly were chosen secretaries and josiah Bo rogerson gerson reporter k the coom cullom bill was read by secretary T S t john kelly keily K ell eil yand yana and the remonstrance and resolutions adopted by the general mass meeting at salt lako citer city ere read by X i M blyman ML lyman also als othe otho the report of the commit tee appointed to draft ac feci which in brief were submitted to tho the 0 meeting and the following preamble presented whereas intelligence has reached u us of the passage by the house of representatives ofa ora of a bill entitled A bill in aid of the execute execution on 0 of the laws in utah ITta hand hana and ana for k other purposes commonly known as the cullom bill and whereas the inhabitants of salt lake cl city ity in general mass meeting assembled on i the day of march AD 1870 v adopted ja ted a remonstrance and certain reso neso t lut iut lations ions lons ions lons expressive of their sentiments in relation thereto which remonstrance and resolutions oni were published in iu the semi weekly NEWS of april 2nd and adt adl 1870 therefore bo be it 1 I resolved that we the inhabitants of or millard counte county in general mass meeting P H assembled ill iii allmore city april ath 1870 do most heartily and unqualifiedly endorse an ana and d sustain the aforesaid remonstrance and resolutions and trust that they may have a the effect of preventing the passage of a bill BO so utterly devoid of every principle of equality and freedom and so antagonistic 4 i to the spirit of the constitution f appropriate and earnest speeches were ma made e by mayor robison thos callister E partridge F M lyman and T R e king |