Show THE the bill abolishing polygamy as it passed the house seems beems to us impracticable the country having buffered its existence for BO so many years I 1 it ought not to disturb the relations thus formed and brand the women with disgrace and bastardize the children it seem seems to us thata that a law preventing the contraction of polygamous marriages in la the future and presenting to the people of utah the alternative of either elther emigrating from that territory within say three years or of compliance with the law would either induce them to give up the pernicious practice or to sacrifice their homes if they are ara BO so wedded to polygamy that they are ready to emigrate to mexico or some other country they show a devotion to a bad cause which ought to command respect the alternative presented if time were afforded for a thorough discussion might induce a majority to vote in favor of remaining at their homes rather than to continue the state of polygamy which is so contrary to the moral sense of mank mankind ird at any rate it would avert the calamity of war and a war too waged against a religious tenet which ought if possible to be avoided civil service journal |