Show mathematical Pi lomay tomay the new yew york journal of commerce says at or near Warre warrensburg johnson johnann county in this state resides a poor widow woman who has a bon son reuben fleida fielda mere boy untutored and seemingly almost incapable of literary culture who yet possesses most remarkable powers of mental calculation As evidence of this among many other evidences that might be cited a 5 gentleman of bt st louis who had bad heard I 1 of hia hla possessing this thia faculty sent him the following figures viz 3 asking him to square this number mentally that is the number by itself and send him the result with the time taken to perform it scarcely believing however notwithstanding the extraordinary accounts related of him that he would be capable of the task taste in this however he was mistaken as were others to whom the proposition had been named A letter has been received by the gentleman named from a highly respectable and reliable citizen of warrensburg who states that in three minutes time the boy field mentally and accurately pronounced the result or written in words twenty one sextil lions sixty seven quintillions quint illions one hundred and thirteen quadrillions quad rillions one hundred and fifty nine trillions one hundred and sixty three billions one hundred and seventeen millions seventy one thousand and twenty five |