Show I 1 MR or to jc desei DESEE 81 ir congressional SENATE in the senate yesterday a bill passed prohibiting relieved officers from being assigned to duty which entitles them to full pay howard reported a bill regulating descent in utah sum sumner n er reported a substitute for the bill regulating cable telegraphs which provides that the government of the united states shall shail enjoy the same privileges as hs foreign countries these coun countries tilee pre pro to be allowed the use of their ea one hour in every twelve for or the transmission of message messages s by allias ali al all lits its own operators buch such ines message sabe sage to take precedence delice derice of all others A union of interest by two armore or more cables shall be unlawful without the cons bons consent elit of the postmaster general ae on the expiration of the morning hour mortan spoke ID in favor of the admission i of virginia steward suggested the propriety of substituting the house bill for the pending measure and imbued to table the senate bill which was agreed to yeas 23 nays 23 all the pacific racine senators voted in the affirmative the house bill was taken up and read the second time edmunds offered an amendment requiring the interpolation po lation of an oath for r or state officers and members of the legislature after a lengthy discussion the senate went into executive se session selon A large number of petitions were presented for the abolition of the franking lit lis privilege Oas m lepor reported ted with amendments a bill relative to the agricultural college lands of california drake introduced a bill to regulate the appraisement and inspection of imports in certain cases and providing for the transportation of goods in bond at various interior ports of entry abbott introduced a bill to increase the efficiency of the army hamlin was appointed to fill the vacancy ean can canclin cyin an the board of regents of the institute vice yee Fee fessenden senden A resolution relating to the distillation of spirits in california was discussed till the expiration of the morning hour when the virginia bill was taken up thayer resumed the floor in opposition to admission without guarantees for future security nye hye replied that he believed good faith on the part of congress the unconditional admix admission of virginia drake assert assent asserted his di distrust jbf jbf the virginia Legh legislature lature and insisted upon the imposition of a fundamental condition to enable on gr dressm essm ore wea iea readily dlly dily to deal with virginia if she bhe stewart read a telegram anno announcing the ratification odthe of the fifteenth amend men mentry ment by y the rhode island legislature and said that virginia if admitted would woula gom pom complete piete the nat hat of states vote was waa necessary to make ment a part of the constitution morton delivered a lengthy speech on the reconstruction legislation in the course course of which he said a military commission was wa now in session in at landato lan lafi tato tito determine upon the qualifications of the members of the legislature and that they were exercising an authority equal to that of the queens of england in reply to a remark of edwards morton said that affairs were as he stated and this was vas but one instance of the unwarranted use of power in the south und erthe acts of congress which were practically defeated pending the tho conclusion he gave way for a motion to adjourn which was adopted Several petitions were presented for abolishing the franking privilege which provoked considerable discussion drake conkling thayer and howe favoring the object of the petitions thayer thought it unwise for the post office department to undertake the bringing about of legislation by circulating the grossest misrepresentations in the shape of circulars to postmasters Pal pai pa tt terson erson presented a memorial calling the attention of congress to the wholesale smuggling of merchandise into the united from mexico at matamoras on that portion of the territory known as the free belt the mex ican government had refused to abolish free belts and some remedy fon for the evil was now imperative Several beveral bills granting lands to railroads were introduced the virginia bill billa wis as then taken up norton finished his hii speech in favor of the bill morton corrected cor erected the statement made by norton that a military comm mission is noy moy nom now F rj in ift a session ealo eglo in geors r w glad ath take action ac heis hels unil mm members fibers 61 OL the leg legislature filature ld the members of that board convened simply to take evidence and to report to gen terry on the required qualifications of the members norton said his complaint was based upon the interference of the military commander with the civil administration the georgia newspaper this morning stated that gen ames had been elected senator from mississippi when he was not even a citizen of that state but was only there by virtue of his position as a general in the army yet he ne was enabled to control and manipulate the state el election eption he moved the bill be referred to the judiciary Coni committee mitte e trumbull appealed to the senate to dispose of the bill u upon p on its merits if the majority of the dehate had determined that the state had complied with all the conditions admitted if not hot they had better say so dire directly 1 etly sumner said he was unwilling to admit into the union a state still rebellion and asserted that the last election in virginia was a huge fraud morton favored an ame amendment Adment to the bileto bill to declare specifically that theados thea the adoption pf af the constitution in good faith was wash the condition of its admission such a provision would prevent nullify catlon catson the senate received memorials from many officers for an increase of pay petitions for the abolition of the franking privilege were presented and referred the latter occasioned some discussion bayard and thurman ani ant upon the action of the postmaster general in instructing the postmasters to procure signatures to such petitions as improperly attempting to forestall public opinion sherman reported a verbal averial amendment to the house joint Te resolution solution construing the law relative to the tax on salaries after some discussion the resolution went over for the present pomeroy introduced a resolution for the amendment to the constitution providing that the basis of suffrage shall bo be citizenship and that all whether native or naturalized shall enjoy the same rights and privileges of the tha eleb elective tive franchise each state shall determine the age and ana time of citizenship required for the exercise of the right of suffrage which shall apply pl equally to all citizens the he virginia bill was taken up tru trumbull M denounced denoun eed dawes misstatements misstate mente sumner censured the action of the judiciary committee in refusing to hear the arguments and statements of certain virginia loyalists with regard to the virginia election and of bf gov walker and assurance abd enn eff effrontery iu in assailing other representatives and Sena senn senators tois referring to the assaults us of senators upon sumner when the thu party was do vui rui ant in congress he feared the senator hail too well followed the action of these b u mine ering eting slave in masters sumner iel lep led asking how trumbull became tiia tho r itie daic itic of himself and aud suid said that from ibo iho finst first li day the proposition was introduced into the house to confer the sunn suffrage rege rage upon colored men Ls had been its its unrelenting enemy he denounced him as the representative of the ku kius klus IU kinu klau au in opposing the georgia bill hiso for voting against the we impeachment of andrew johnson sumner concluded ina in a similar strain quoting from letters correspondence and speeches purporting to be made by governor walker to show the revolution revolutionary ar intent and disloyal sympathies of Z the people of virginia the chair reminded him that he had used improper language toward another senator but sumner disclaimed any improper intention upon the tho conclusion of his bis remarks the chair stated the question to be upon drakes amendment to admit virginia upon the fundamental conditions providing no change in the state constitution ution to deprive citizens of the right to vote schurz moved an amendment by placing in the amendment the words or hold office or to prevent their exclusion from office bathis by this thib change in the state constitution any person would be allowed to hold office schurz amendment was rejected 28 to 31 drakes resolution was adopted 32 to 28 cole corbett nye hye stuart and williams voting in the negative drake an amendment by imposing a further fundamental condition that it should never be lawful for the state to deprive any citizen of the united states to hold office on account of color race or previous condition of servitude adopted 80 to 29 wilson moved that the fundamental conditions of the constitution should never be amended BO 5 0 as to deprive irve live any imy cruzen lof school school apri adopted yai yeas s 31 neyr 29 2 1 g norton offered a substitute Z th thet thel preamble adopt adopted edby by the house honse e wh which ich ei was adopted 89 to 20 therill the bill wa wag is then L passed 47 to 12 ISby by a strict party vote on motion of bherman sherman the currency bill was taken up and laid over on order adjourned till monday A number of bills were wore introduced including one authorizing the postmaster general to conti contract adt for the con COA et st ruction of telegraph routes rouges and to establish postal tele telegraphs grablis in connection with his department cox offered a resolution constituting eight hours a legal days work for all government mechanics chanice cs referred mcnally offered a J oili instructing tho the committee on oli banking and currency to report a bill providing for tha withdrawal circulation of national jauk lauk bank jank notes and the substitution of greenbacks green backs the house refused to suspend the rules 73 to and the resolution went arver over 11 the house took up the bill for the transfer transferor of league island navy yard dawes opposed it because under it the secretary of the navy could sell three millions cortri of af property at private sale bale to whom he pleased and on what whit terms he pleased he said that thai the treasury had not funds to undertake the enlargement of any navy yard in time of peace dawes criticised criticized the estimates of the navy department for the year and said they did not inspire him with much confidence although the Sebre secretary tary promised to dave save bave save two millions anthe on the articles of coal and iron fron which only cost a hundred and fifty thousand during the last list two years that was an achley achievement ement in mathematics he fie said which found a parallel only in the achievements of the postmaster general who proposed to saye save saye save five millions yearly by abolishing the franking privilege while the franked matter would not produce tw two 0 hundred thou thousand the i estimates for the next neit ascal fiscal year co contained appropriations for the public ublia service bervice of nearly against a appropriations p for the same objects last year of five and a half millions andrew johnsonb administration had been arraigned on a charge chaice of profligacy iiga liga of expenditures and found guilty but andrew johnson in the last year of his administration estimated that he could bundred hundred carry on the government for three bundred bundled and three millions minions that amount was cut down over twenty millions the present administration demands three bundred hundred and eleven millions being an increase of over twenty eight millions beyond the amount allowed to andre andrew johnson this estimate hh has a little sugar plum of eight hundred thousand for league island besides seven beven millions which the senate adds to ithe appropriation bills he said in this house the pledges of the republican lican ilean party must be redeemed rub Bub publican dawes awes proceeded to urge economy and tha reductio reduction lil ril of lof b burdens u adens and called balled on the tho house to stand by him in redeeming tha pledges which it gave the country to cut down the estimates below the figures at which the country took the power from andrew johnson johhson they must forego private inte interests and imaginary political gains in certain localities by the expenditure of money as a test question and he moved to lay the bill on the table tabie demanding the yeas and nays so that the people might know who would stand by the committee on appropriations in their attempt to curtail the expenses of the government very marked attention was paid by both sides of the house to the speech of the chairman of the committee on appropriations kelly helly followed in a reply but during his speech the morning hour expired and the bill went over under the rules the house took up judds apportionment bill Speeches were made in is its favor and by hoar and willard a against ainest it schofield moved to refer the ball bill to a committee ef of the whole which was agreed to to 64 the votes were principally sectional one of the western members not voting schofield offered a resolution asking the secretary of state what disposition had been made of the six hundred thou sand dollars allowed for aggressions on american commerce commeree by japan adopted slocum introduced a bill for the erection of a post office building labrook in brooklyn I 1 a a and 1 A for removing the brooklyn bavy navy ivard yard martin brooks was directed to inform the house by what authority generals reiger hazen major goodfellow are jj f wa fr W V acting as ta t hel bel Georgia L a K f f wheeler introduced abill 9 granting the b right of wa way of t the e national central en R railroad all ail road states introduced a cdx resolution for adjournment on the second tuesday in april ingersoll Inger bou soU introduced a bill providing for the construction st of the niagara ship canal referred A the house resumed the consideration of the bill transferring the philadelphia navy yard to league island loland randall bandall to obviate the objections made i yester e day by dawes offered an amen amendment dment providing that the proceeds of all bales eales be paid into the treasury hoar roar Committee the of ways way a and means reported a joint resolution for the continua continuance noe or the income tax which passed the resola 1 giop tion dalares declares that whereas doubts have anipen with regard t to 0 the construction of the income tax laws the intent and meaning menning ng of the laws determine that the income tax must be paid to the end oa the tha year 1870 the house went into a committee of the whole on the ap up bill appropriating a 30 including for foi the army after a discussion the bill pass pasa epand ep and was laid aside to be reported the house committee then thea took up the westpoint west point academy bill which I 1 waa was approved schenck obtained permission for the committee on ways and means to ait alt during the session of the house he said he expected that very early next week probably on monday the committee would report a revision of the tariff bill and at the first fitting op port unity would move to go into a committee of the whole to take up the revision of the tax bill 11 t garfield obtained leave for the committee on banking to sit during the session during the morning or ning hour the house considered several private bills butler desired to review dawes speech in the house of representatives and moved that thit the house go into a committee of the whole be me said add dawes express expression loi lox came camb from a false |