Show TO TUE DESERET NEWS tg B congressional SENATE the president sent to the senate today the nomination of edmund 11 stanton as associate justice of the supreme court vice grier resigned immediately upon receiving the nomination the senate went ined executive session and confirmed stanton sixteen to eleven the senate passed resolution to print coples copies of eulogies on senator Fes sneden chury introduced a bill to reform the civil service and addressed the thie senate in support of its provisions trumbull from the committee on ju decary reported a joint resolution declaring virbinia Vir ninia as entitled to representation in congress sumner off erred a resolution requesting the president to transmit copies of the correspondence between the united states and england concerning the questions pending since the rejection of the claims of the convention by the senate also calling for reports from captain bryant bryantt and mcintyre on alaska bamsey ramsey introduced a bill for the protection of settlers on the frontier the tho senate went into executive session after which it adjourned washington WASHING ton TOx the senate was in executive session today to day for nearly four hours after the conOr confirmation mation matlon of stanton it is understood the time was occupied mainly by a prolonged discussion on the presidents refusal to comply with the request of the judiciary committee committee ee to transmit various papers in in relation to the nomination of circuit judges none of the latter have yet been reported from the committee the president today to day transmitted to the senate a voluminous document in reply to the resolution calling for information in regard to cuba there is little new now in the correspondence submitted which includes the entire correspondence of the state department with minister sickles and all other parties in relation to the tha matter the question at issue between the president and the senate judiciary committee is settled yesterday after noon after a four hours debate the executive session committee claimed the senate had a right to see all papers bearing on the circuit judgeship and thul the denton calleas call cail was in duty bauni to send scud them to the capital thi thio the president and the attorney generalee nied the committee asked the judgment of the senate on the quesnoy ques quest loi noi conkling Oon gon kling edwards and carpenter were werf the principal supporters of the commit a tees view Morton Sumner and wilson opposed the committee finally tile the resolution was withdrawn A resolution offered by wilson was adopted requesting the president to send to the senate all the information and recommendations ions respecting persons nominated for circuit judges washington VAS HINGTON 21 the vice president called attention to the requirements of the law for filling the vacancy occasioned by the death of senator F fea as one of the regents of xe the smithsonian institute cragin reported favorably with mith amendments the bill to provide for the execution of the law against polygamy in utah warner introduced a bill for the more equal distribution of the national banking capital by providing that the atrio attio amount of circulating notes issued by the banking baquing association should not exceed and that the preference be div given en in issuing sald said notes to sections havin having g the least national bank circulation also requiring the secretary of the treasury to retire the amount in three per cent certificates equal to the extent of the issue of bank notes under this act sumner moved to take up the bill relative to telegraphic communication with foreign counties after a discussion relative to the propriety of giving priority toi toj his bill the senate went into executive session washington the senate confirmed eda large number of nominations in eluding the tho following samuel henderson P al at santa clara california E Y J wilson at vallejo california H T biondy blondy minister plenipotentiary to brazil frederick IF low minister plenipotentiary to china E EE E wing wink minister resident to Equador branch mints J F Cc hemer herner at denver F D Ul hitrick trick at carson city john P taggart assessor of utah G A smith collector of internal revenue for new mexico charles J folger as assistant treasurer of the united Stat esat new york james M marshall first assistant post master general george W howland santafee Sant Bant afee new mexico edgar W collier judge of the united united states district court for nevada N F wheeler marshall for A Cole coie Gov of new mexico ton receiver of public money for utah H C bennett pension agent at san ban erali Fraia francisco cisco elseo J W parsons consul at san ban diego de do cuba navy captain ammer chief of bureau of yards and docks commodore Case chief of bureau of ordinance george R maxwell register of the land office for utah 0 C clements surveyor Burve general for utah P F D turner post master at carson city nev ii D lattimer united states attorney for california in open session yesterday in the senate the house census bill was reported favorably from the committee conkling who reported the bill said the reason for this somewhat hasty action was the fact that unless the bill passed before the tho holidays the census would be taken before the existing laws wilson favored more deliberation in consider considering ing so important t bill and finally a joint resolution was passed suspending the operation of all existing laws relating to the census until february 1870 after which the bill was re committed the ocean telegraph bill was taken up and discussed at considerable a length and was finally re committed adjourned HOUSE kelly presented a memorial of the senators sena Bena tors and representatives from tennessee tennesse in congress praying congress to interfere for the relief reller of loyal citizens of tennessee against the recent or pending revolutionary proceedings in that state and for the maln main maintenance e of a republican form of government therein bills and joint resolutions were introduced trod and referred by poland providing for a free system of national bank banking g by starkweather edther esther to provide fora for a united n eted states district judge for the east district of texas by tanner to regulate taking ball in civil and criminal cases by hill declaratory of the act of july for an american line of mail and emigrant pas pae passenger sengen steamers between new now york and one or more european ports the supreme court has taken a recess to the january the reconstruction to lay day heard a speech from governor bullock relating 11 to the political mairs affairs amm aff of georcia georgia f senator carpenter presented 1 resented petitions petit lon ionn from members of the i s gal profession of N Y for the increase of 0 salaries salaried of the US U 8 court kellogg uel Eel logg 1099 presented a petition from the citizens of nov nor a navy yard at that point referred among the bills introduced was one by Will williams billianis lanis ianis relative to the constitutional power of congress to regulate and limit the tariff extending through two or more states and for the protection of the producing states of the west one by hayes to distribute the number and rank of government employees among the several states and territories one by barnsworth farnsworth barna Farna worth to abolish the franking privilege one by shaffer to set aside certain proceeds of the internal revenue for thep th erection of capitol buildings in arizona dakota idaho montana washington and wyoming one by getz instructing post office committees to incorporate any bill it may report for the abolition of the franking privilege woodward asked information from the president whether there were any citizens odthe united states imprisoned or detained in military custody by army officers if so to furnish the names and dates of imprisonment etc r nd state what measures have been taken for their trial and imprisonment A number of other bills and resolutions were introduced and referred butler stated that the reconstruction committee would defer action for the admission of virginia till after the holidays farnsworth asked for the suspension of the rules to allow him to introduce and put in passage a joint resol lation declaring virginia to have performed the required acts entitling her to representation resen tation in congress the house refused to suspend the rules by 63 to butler moved to proceed with the business on the speakers table in order to take up and pass to the senate a bill to promote the reconstruction of Georgia A motion was made to lay that motion on the table tabie this waw waa understood tobe to be the first of a series of dilatory motions yeas and nays were called and the motion was 48 49 to butler offered a resolution that the rules be now suspended and that the house proceed at once to consider the senate bill to promote the reconstruction of georgia and that at four p na today to day or soon thereafter the house without any dilatory motion would proceed to vote on the passage of the bill dredge eldredge EI moved to adjourn and demanded the yeas and nays after attempts to introduce other dilatory motions which were ruled out the house refu refused sect to adjourn butler finally in a motion to take a vote at 3 tomorrow to morrow which was adopted beek beck took the flo fio floor orand and madea speech opposed to the bill but finally anally yielded to the motion of a recess till half past seven the home house passed a joint resolution to annul the lease of the custom house block of san francisco which was debated and adopted the census bill was referred to td the committee on the revision of the laws at the evening session woodward made a lengthy speech against the bill he appealed to the house to p postpone it fitch supported the bill on ott the th ground that if the compact on which she was admitted congress had the right to resume jurisdiction morgan of ohio offered the bill axtell gave his reasons for opposing the bill one being the provision requiring the legislative ratification to the fifteenth amendment voorhees ascribed the introduction of the bill to the president and declared georgia was as such eral cral government had no power to prescribe how she should organize her hen herleg lature eldredge dredge EI offered the bill and asserted that hat the house had almost almest ceased to be a deliberative body its action was dictated by the leading partisans parti of the republican party cox denounced the bill as a gospel of anarchy and revolution when he found the Gover a state hanging around the halls of congress begging beg ing to have his state taken out of the Union it led him to M inquire alre the reason which he found in a le letter ietter ter read yesterday from the treasurer of georgia charging gov bullock with peculation bingham said the bill was in conflict with every letter of the past legislation of congress on the subject of reconstruction and in conflict with the express order of the pres Fres president ident when he was general of the army acting under the law jaw of reconstruction in relation to georgia and in conflict with the utterance of the attorney general of the united states in reference to virginia under the operation of all the reconstruction acts and in conflict with all past legislation i and of the interpretation pre tation of the constitution he declared the law was not worth a moments eon ton consideration of the house and that he would vote against it he moved the consideration of the bill till the third wednesday in january farnsworth opposed the bill bih and supported the motion to postpone and in case that failed he would vote against the bill paine wittemore and logan supported the bill butler closed the debate replying briefly to the arguments made against aga dinst the bill if oday today to I 1 o day the house proceeded to vote on ginghams Bing hams motion to postpone which 54 to the republicans voting for it were bingham farnsworth and Tin kleburg the amendment of beck beek was rejected and the bill passed by to 51 among the negatives w ware were re farnsworth and bingham voorhees depreciated the discussion since the resolutions had bad been adopted as any negative action would be construed by the civilized world as diere disrespect 8 to the man whom the civilized world delighted to honor he said his sense of propriety forbade him to allow the discussion to proceed any furt herand he moved the previous question after several motions intended to defeat the resolution it was adopted in a modified form authorizing the president to make suph preparations for the reception of the body of our distinguished philanthropist as it nib merited by his glorious deeds in a manner coin corn commensurate men with the justice magnanimity and dignity of a great nation the house adjourned till tomorrow to morrow with the understanding the session shall be for general debate alone the senate passed a joint resolution suspending the existing provisions of the law for taking the census niblack offered a concurrent resolution extend the recess from january ath to the loth adopted jones senator from kentucky then called up his resolution requesting the president to detail one or more ships of war to meet at sea the english war vessel coming to this country with the remains of the late george peabody and convoy it into port and supported the resolution in a eulogy on the character of peabody schenck moved to adjourn giving as one reason the motion was to give gentlemen time to consider the propriety of Incur incurring zing the expense which the resolution would render necessary he t thought bought congress had already given p public bublic testimonials of its respect to P peabody ungracious aa as it might be h he e would say he would rather divide a little of that respect and attention by sending shipston ship sto meet the body of some humble individual however poor he might be who in the struggle of the war going on for the life of this nation gave his time his energies his hopes and his endeavors along with his sympathies for the union I 1 stevens presented a petition from a number of citizens of cincinnati Cincin uati for the ammi amendment dment of the revenue laws so as to permit distillers of grape and peaches to use lise a drop of beer for distillation setting forth that a million dollars are invested in the business the following bills were presented A bill extending the time for the completion of the atlantic and pacific railroad one by washburne of wisconsin for the establishment of a collector alli al list stand and aud port of entry LaCrosse at wisconsin one by lawrence proposing an amendment to the constitution the house then went inq ino int a committee of the whole for a general debate callnin addressed the committee on the revenue now lost to the government which might be secured by the passage of appropriate laws I 1 bills were introduced and referred by walker to abolish im imprisonment p rison ment for debt in the district t of columbia also to supply artificial limbs to discharged soldiers and sailors A bill was wag introduced by sheldon Bh eldon eidon of la for the better organization of the united states court in louisiana one by boyd subject to apportionment portion ment under the next cong congress rut but desiring it to be carried out so far fan a as to apply next congress favoring the increase of representatives to at least east three hundred and intimating that at no distant day there would be an an amendment of the constitution to change the basis of representation in the senate GENERAL CHICAGO washington specials state that the delegation from florida hereto here to obrain tin government aid to suppress the di order in that state say that a bitter spirit still prevails in the western section and the governor cant organize the military without federal troops as a |