Show ogo OTO LO correspondence ilien irien filEX OB i 1 1 1 1 dec loth 1868 1668 I 1 juNCTioN boLis bolls sly ma the supposed it iture future 1 I Junction tuy tur opo oro li Us 6 dathe he great road making maink feat no allusion to W the feet which are staked off in hundred bundred sy on the lin iines lines es norto ething feet has at aft the present a ra ther I 1 uncomfortable appearance soft snow abow has been falling ally all nil day th the a roada are slushy and cocktails are in demand among the transient loungers lb in the hotel barroom bar room great expectations bre are J just ost now entertained concerning ogden In inquiries s are made raade almost daily dally with regard to the prohn proun probability of obtaining ini licenses to run whisky mills but t there he er Is Is a difficulty in the way the people eop d here far arh ar generally 4 too busy basy aay to get tight 1 1 twice a day the municipal authorities too are averse to stripping the liberal souls who would give their last dollar for a license sim bim simply ply to accommodate the great public without hope of increasing their store and the likelihood is that ogden will not go madly on a burst yet awhile billiard saloons and a dance danoe house are institutions talked of but then I 1 talk is not all ali sufficient it is probable the latter highly intellectual place of resort will not make its appearance yet awhile though the cues and balls may be more successful ogden will most likely be a place of some resort this winter but the elements are not congenial in and around it for making the railroad town which some bome look for the westward march of not civilization may halt briefly in passing along the line but I 1 do not think it will settle in this quarter it cannot if the ahe peace loving orderly and law abiding are true to themselves their religion and their god BUSINESS Is not extra brisk there are a great many teams travel traveling ingup up and down the road but their owners or teamsters appear to obtain the bulk of their supplies from other sources the other travel is mostly of two kinds those who pass through somewhat hurriedly as their business presses them and thosa those who also aiso pass through hurriedly because they have no business to detain them of this iatter fitter glass piss n umber number are cpr haying adopted the G grecian be bend nd te rann ien len ier stra stepped ped between their is duly and ano with a 0 soft toft rock for a pillow doea duty to the thel carrier as blankets and ana with their ameir backs bachs up upa ard and their pockets down down they trudge along aia ala and aid where two are together and en mlle mile are before xer them for fon supper they console them with tho iho happy i reflection an that 11 its only onik oni pye five apiece su sure 11 I 1 two stations are ta be erected here abe por Ifo for reach each com eom company pany paDy the grading parties are hard at work pushing 1 X the t evline elline linea elliner 4 along west of this city they are nearly half balfa a I 1 mile mlle apart but baittle aA a little ittle further north they come close to each oth other berwith with a seemingly fraternal embrace the theara gra ding diug parties on bd each being about five rods apart the frozen ground in the work difficult md unless in the fhe afternoon for the scrapers to 0 o work at d during flygt the a next day pro progresses gressis usand damage to W plows considerable on tuela Tuesday 1 one adall small grading party near as I 1 was informed ebere there broke three plo pio alors various parties talk bf giving U up p work on th the e light g crade grade grade while the them ground is BO so hard hat d f frozen gli gif those on oa heavy cuts and mis fills will hibst probably work right alon aion alfongs tc I 1 they can nor for 0 storms t rm that part of the C P pir clr IR af most difficult to do account on of frost from ogden for thirty milea north aila aija and We west stivan can be finished in IV about twenty days of favorable 1 weather sa a goad goodau iau tau dhority informed me ut th the e u tion when will the twenty y did OID dalp yao of favorable weather come if it does not come till spring opens and the reason is too far advanced to hope hore otherwise this part of the gradington grad ingon I 1 on the western li line newill will not riot be till that time men working between ogden and land brigham city tell me they will have to give glare cannot opeil opell the ground it is BO so hard frozen already it 1 is highly probable probably that notwithstanding 1 the herculean efforts effort s m made a d 0 b by both companies work workman may h have A ve i t tobe tole ole sus appended ona on a large larget portion yefto ye to be done the elements ard are obstacles which even railroad enterprise and energy tim times is cannot overcome i i are livey tri lri this ihla region a healthy substitute sti tilte for some other means of spending ng dle adle die hours which are bought sought to be introduced Toti reak the tho of hard kard work mr J B S Lang rishe and troupe opened for six nights in bri brigham ham city and played to Jo fair business cabs ass gassing an ogden and nd open tonight to night with tife tire the eair pair maid mald maldof of cromey crowey crole Croie sey and nature N az and id philosophy 4 he perfo i ivi ivl commended b propst ig i 1 q 1 I 1 pe uto tto t to ogden iza I 1 every evory body know knowel or settle soonee tor later laten ra reflect elect the greater brillion brill brUl ian Ign iancy lancy cy Is pre dle die dieted dietel d to ano wha redi redl the badly balanced mind t that h t gave ave avo the name of ogden haie haje ito to iq ort ont ogden I 1 lam iam am not sufficiently post bosted e d id iri t the p ancie ancient history h ot of the areat basi 8 i trappers rat to osay obay say bay but it t is an 41 favo favored 0 o ed misnomer located in a bemid for forica ai i 0 by the mountains seven milea lulie nort of its more pretentious namesake it isa is a nice place for well weil shelter sheltered gd with good gooda soil oil and water and having allne afine a aane fine view of the south houth it bears the evidences of thrift and progress has just hired a school teacher rana vaCa at a fixed and liberal salary and unit agrees to pay him by a property tax leaving Willar and dand brigham city to the north crossing over the two lines of grading and across the plain west we will pay a brief visit to PLAIN CITY chichis which chis ohis is about ten miles hearly nearly west from ogden and is notable for several things not generally known owin owing g to a peculiarity in ih the soil rainfalls rain falls are rapidly absorbed melting snows follow their example and dry clean streets and roads are the consequence riding biding into it after sundown sun down I 1 it teemed one of the neatest and cleanest bettie Bettle settlements ments I 1 had ever evor visited the fences principally composed of earth dykes topped with wickerwork wicker work the dry level streets and the neat looking houses houmes and cabins give a most favor able impression to a for the thee first time bud but plain klitin city has some other peculiarities it rejoices in moun mountains coyotes so familiar as as to be positively innumerable a little west esi est of the ther vidde place rand wild ducu duck and geese in great abundance the thu sage bage brush is 19 agrest feature it is not the tiny stunted growth grouth ithac Is little better than a weed scarcely reely enough to be called a bufer buta with tops brad broad and bushy and trunks that furnish stove of notable size wood a distant and aud difficult to be obtained and this heavy growth of sage bage found seven beven miles west is hauled for fuel every domicile has its mountain and fancy pictured a maiden murmuring the question with downcast eyes gyes before ehe ebe gi gives es an affirmative response rev to her persistent pera lann laWn t adorer hoir much sage saga have you you vou piled up win in ter tha the subject is verging merging on the del dei spate and 11 will drop it artl articie arti oin cig n estion makes ex alieni allent fuel fuei wh whether ethert tho the fuestion lu e tope tops are burned burnea on anipen an open hearthon hear tuon thon or the tho wood rood in a stave the coyotes area are arem a mul mui nuisance sance they come como into Anto the ther city with all nil imaginable I 1 nonchalance chalance and alte bite t tha hat heads of ehi chi chickene ekens spart oxblood or blood I 1 I 1 this morning one impudent little fellow trotted along the opposite bide boe ede of therence the fence squinting dvera overa me with wita ah an oh you youre re there thero r lop jop and coming fo ja a gt gap t turned U a arounds aroun ouno dj set apt its oro ore gre paws ont on 0 1 dyko tyke aad gazed at me ne m with ab easy famili law lam larity A 4 bullet flom from py yay limping 1 ehg leisure leisurely li awaya sJ i f fen even that W wpc us I 1 inot fiot a sufficient incentive to 0 hurry jt it but yon may become tir tired pd of vibrations u f Vb rAtions and so t awill w ili lii I 1 JJ ul I 1 i |