Show MINUTES OF A A conn coyn rena renn REXa of the church of jerus jesus orist christ of tier day saints held at sa george on jafri M day saturday and gunday sunday yv 1 ov 20 21 and 29 2 2 9 1868 elder erastus snoie snowy presiding i ij 1 H friday lb 30 a ini was vas as called to tb ogar orden order afier afler after singing and prayer pray erl erp mcade 06 jacob gates when tile tiie the m beet I 1 in w a 1 I ilski I 1 lie ile 74 11 eds 0 dj to 4 bip X i t j called td I 1 otter by praia dent and opened in the i usual manner marksT feea feda re lirk he saidi we need much on principle and Odet doctrine rind tind wo also aiso ne ledlin 1 st ruction ba questions affect affecting tinge our ofir grow growth th in powen power and ib fluence influence as ad a ped poa a 1 pie he wished a and na instruction ti 0 n of the recent at salt lake Ci city to ien len Ier pervade vade the pre present sent con cong ference that the people detho in th south bouth might intelligently unito with those in the oni the vital question of adopting measures to render renden themselves a seif self 4 peaple i I 1 i i i bp william wliilam snow poke pointedly on the i among ahe people ammata 1 E we on the bame same forth itus ane asas afta ad vantages to be derived from wilting falth faith grayard pray erff and means to sustain ourselves and collectively hed d cooperation operation co to produce increase tt numbers of sheep and increased ties otwool i j i T 1 nac quo t i saturday lam iam in 1 thu the g ty y pidel lidei 9 henry to johh neb ebeier eb eker and lev levi I 1 W rH aucock ancock 7 bp ep it R DV di covington oving i related e ri a t d some bf 01 his 25 years yearb ex experience pe flence fience H he referred to the condition of the lam etli esy eky and solicited 1 the tho people to them with labor andt anat then to goy goj pay them food rood hd 1 clothing that theyan be encouraged ed to be industrious J i president t snow spoke ampro approvingly bingly of the remarks rela reia tion to 10 as assisting slating the nama Lama and requested the people to give this matter their patient attention j 11 1 1 pm eider elder joseph lee lea briefly reviewed experience while on a ace aTe cerut cerit mission to europe L elden eiden joseph W df bulf the i lid kid we have haye dur nur indries in utah friia n amber j by rehi hing ging atheni hegh has h owed conclusively that ahe aha aid ald thus 4 hiro afro crded by us yasa ini the tug hanu hana dut out enem rek kek ug andt and our interests he eaid eald that the Mereat itile coop co op pratlie duo ano should be bo ed hered into with sith bp spirit irit lut fut bug this should be us used gd only its as in a temporary measure akasu L rai for independence source if wealth consists in iuan yuan mr o own wa ap apparel pareli aud and otherwise sustain ing ag a judicious combination I 1 f laborg labor p president enow snow gave soine nie fic of lie he amount expended by the people of phe he southern thern mission during tHe j welve in purchasing merd bau ban tise lise fron from hose bose dot hot afi our faitha and arged the necessity of increasing tho the lumber of OK our sheep i 6 pm ehla thia evening the acting priesthood of be he southern mission corveu convened nd bp hb wl NV klamt spoke on the ben benefits eli ell ts f cooperation operation co I 1 Reports from various committees and dersons were made representing the lish rish of most of the settlements of the mission in relation to coope co o ope e the general wish expressed bebing beang i engage in an tta association of this thia ind sunday 10 a am m bp H lunt spoke of the union that among the latter day saints a spiritual matter sand exhorted those resent to becom beco meas united in financial I 1 affairs lei IBI isidero elder eider derc derO J pi P tilston related gome some of ochia his experience in the and iha ifa his uis int mission to england J gates bal theod ess of god as his deat deal i digs with thel church for foi the past 8 1 i ears and of forcibly urged theeb the ec etsity 11 f combining guf gur our financial 1 ihn ilg 1 10 sy president ent tnt snow adaz ide ife PM mia priests and seventies in the verai veral wards and branches to call meetings iee ice tings and labor toi tot to i instruct each ther therin in their duties and anajo to assist their I 1 pee pec spec tive bishops he fler advised the bishops to draw around themselves ives the thie lents of the members of ott heil hejL wards id after getting all ali he digh possible om such sources sOur ces cea io or ie dictation of tle tae the spirit struth of truth to lable labie them to rule in righteousness ie said tha the timet tima bad had come to cesse cease tra ng with those who have proved themi ives to be opposed io fo nub our nur faith falth arnd arid lity and abd called balled tihon libon the to ani test fest by uplifted hands if abby c cease rol roi with uh r 0 ahls tere w wag qa la 11 u duh response he UP re i we ive botio feat that a at 6 adock in the ov aveni e n g con oon convention v antion odthe of the iders pros proa ent ept at nor this thia conferences C on ferenc fod fop e purpose of loner lonen lone i br more moie er cantile association associations sI fat southern tah tab jar w j the general rth fth hurcle hurell V 1 were presented euid talked by ltv Y vote to aled V I 1 the g ibeal lb ehi cai presented se sen ted kyl kli finah u 1 sl j bush it lined president oarth of rn T mis uis josephw joseph ose ore W young assistant apt snow now and president bf the settle settie ant mens 0 on 0 endich enrich of the settlements ett lenient ad may be formed on tiac lower lowee 1 robert bardner walter waiter E odge james 0 bieak bleak B david H cannon edh nO OI 01 LAngu lanau L ail ali au daniel D mcarthur taylar rebind wal empey erastus W mcantire samuel liea lies iles ilea and john B rf xoung members tob too tue the high j i i lit ait e of thia the high pj P j i va eldens eidens aval thaher kr qa of themi the elders borum ank oi he pap 4 al and legh begh agre j sus bus hnidj tal tai nedi 4 robert hobert er george ute uta per peri kins amsi ward qt ceorge jeorge 3 4 eorge henry evy ept eye eyt inga 24 ard fi Eeg george geqrge geo rge daniel D mcarthur ad ward st george robert D di covngton aos oos joshua huaT T 15 billisi Wil wll 11 ills liis lisi edward bunker sadita garifa U geif gelf julara ra lorenzo W roundy boundy ka ciarra ili ilk IIi il ouD soud pace harmony cwm snow ine vaney vahey richard alex ales fearron FB arron panacea mel mei ted tes I 1 james leithead bac thomas h 41 majl maH Bei begnett inett luett st sije 61 bv se seph pIti henr henn henry y iua lun cedar q ansoms grafton Gr aiton alton chades Q harle harjo N X smith drafton grafton john johr barmer barter ct jB benjamin enjamin glem gilm act n harris burg I 1 I 1 tle tie aiso riso W counsellors Coun and epresi i I 1 of the foil a 4 they may their thein desp tiie tive Ps hops i erasto Er Eras tj spew gardner and FI B trustees zor Jor building the gt georgei 1 I j henry hhenry mot wot hd priest quorum 1 I 10 i aai fai bj t r jc b thet thea teacie Te golf AcIf ora era quorum i oli ia ia 1 t laraine wilson of the th pis gis i ao ij ii jame orf i lri iri L i C conference n tUL lOam on oh the E it may i j r benediction n ne diction by bp R robert roberh obert gardner c ir JMES jae co lerg ierg o opa conference d r I 1 I 1 a 0 |