Show OBITUARY on wednesday the dinst bro henry erekson was thrown from a wagon while de a little hill bill near his hla resi resl residence cence in mill creek ward the loaded wagon passing over his hla body he lived only about two hours and a half after the injury deceased was born in stavanger sfa Sta vanger norway june jane 1792 he emigrated to illinois in aw embraced the gospel december 1842 isu baing came to this valley in the fall of isag 1819 the summons of death though painful to his family and mends friends and sudden and un expect ed to all yet he was prepared to meet it he was always to be lound in the line of his duty and ever maintained that dignity of character that becomes a saint he died respected and beloved by all who knew him A cahoo CAHOON sr in behal behalf rol fol ot family and friends alexander ott died of asthma at his residence in this city october at 20 minutes to tog 9 am lie he was born july 1823 in prussia his father held heid a high office in the prussian government he embraced thet tho gospel in hamburg germ germany arly ally about 14 years ago and emige alea aled to this country in in company wilh with his mother who died on ine plains of cholera lind rna was burled buried by his own hands he has I 1 traveled ran elca and preached the gospel and being a al le to speak several languages and translate 0 oihi tiers rs having had a classical education he was found a very efficient effic c laborer in disseminating the principles of the gospel abroad he had been een sent on two missions one to france and jersey and the other to the states and assisted elder john taylor on the mor mop mornion nion published in newyork new nork york lie me had been for the last two years and was only able to give very little attention to his avocation as school ana and private teacher which pr he followed in this city he lived ary az died a saint beloved by those around him and is now at rest irom his labors COM cox samuel dennis white who died on the instant at the residence of elder A milton musser ward in this city was bom born in st lawrence county new now york march ath 1818 he was baptized into the church of jesus christ of latter day saints in 1838 by elden elder moses smith in 1814 he was sent to the state of new york to preach the gospel and after the martyrdom of the prophet joseph and the patriarch hyrum smith he returned again to nauvoo and in 1846 with the exiled saints lie he coved west and located for a season near winter Qua quarters in 1830 he came to the valley and located at lehl in 1833 1853 he was called to strengthen the settle ment of cedar city and aid in the development of iron in 1858 1838 with others he went with teams to brin bring the saints from san bernardino california in 1859 1959 he located his family at the then new place of beaver deaver after which with a number rot lot other elders eiders he went to the white mountains to open a settlement there and 1866 he was placed in charge of companies detailed to bring poor saints from the missouri river and as far tar as the writer can learn he never shrank from any duty whatever that was put pat upon him by the authorities of the church nor can any one for a moment question his integrity to the gospel and his love lor to the truth he had been sick offard off and on for several years I 1 and at his bis death he was on a visit to the city to attend conference which pleasure he enjoyed only the first day and evening when he took to his bed which be kept gradually growing worse until he fell gently gentl V asleep without pain or the least struggle luring during his late illness president DH D H wells and elders esders P F adrich D richards geo Q cannon B R T burton J C little and others visited and frequently administered aa ministered administered to him while his faithful I 1 wife a sister of R T burton and daughter did everything in their power ower to contribute to his comfort com tort lort he re leaves rebind behind him a loving ani and numerous family an aged mother brother and sister to mourn his early departure from this useful ilfe life COM cox A new disease called swollen tongue I 1 or black tongue is very prevalent among the cattle in washington county illinois at A t the rifle contest now about to be held in brussels the king of belgium gives a prize of or to be shot for by british competitors the slave trade is entirely suspended on the coast of africa cuba is now importing coolies in preference to africans and brazil has given up the traffic A recent disastrous fire at st petersburg is reported to have consumed one hundred and sixty thousand bales of hemp and flax that were stored for exportation por tation 4 A smart inventor in milwaukee 2 akee has made a clock which consists only of glass lass and a basswood bass wood stick of course there is no humbug 0 about it A philanthropic individual attempted to induce the police to interfere with kit burnss rat killing the other day and an enthusiastic sport busted liim him in the snoot severely at the amherst agricultural college the freshmen work two days in a week at corn and potatoes and the sophomores three |