Show HOME FROM wednesdays DAILY earthquake alasa AT sas SAN by a dispatch received shortly before going to press we learn that a severe earthquake occurred at san francisco and alio rijo adjoining ining cities this morning about 8 extending as far east as virginia sov hev several persons are reported killed and many houses badly shattered some being completely demolished another sli sil slight ht shock was felt at virginia at half past 1 pm m MURDE MURDEROUS itous Chey cheyenne enno enne seems to be in a class of men who are a curse to any community where they are found the leader of the says this community was again startled this morning 0 by the report of another murder A man is S found with a bullet hole thron through it his head and no on one e k knows how or why to he met his death these affairs are again bo coming painfully painfully common in this community it t is no longer thought to bo be an affair of any importance to take the life of a fellow being pistols are almost as numerous as men and they are whipped out and used upon the slightest occasion another paragraph in the same paper paper gives the murdered mans n namo name as b martin artin blur murnane nane one of the proprietors of a saloon and dance house the evidence on the inquest revealed that he was a bad man and had probably deserved his bis fate two days previously two men thos hand and E P F cheney partners had a violent altercation and both drew pistols cheney chenev shot hand in the region of tho heart hand died immediately these things speak bad of the I 1 magic city GOT HOME homm ve wo had the pleasure of meeting general HB H B clawson last night just in by stage from the east where he had bad been transacting busin business less lass and forwarding the last of this seasons immigration he Is in good health and spirits he in warm terms of dr Du durants rants energy and that of the gentlemen associated socia ted with nim in pushing forward the U P R R the track trade was laid when he passed t to Gran granders grangers Gr angers gerys gerls at hams eort fork and it was ex peeled that it would reach the muddy in a few days from the rate of progress there Is little doubt but the locomotive will be snorting on the banks of bear river elver in a very short time lime snot SHOT HIM at the election in benton on the a man named bell an employ employee eliof of the railway company offered to poll poil his vote when another man named tom mcgraw challenged the vote and he was obliged to swear it in meg yea mcgraw raw it seems weems not being bein g satisfied drew drewanz an d began flouri flourishing stang his revolver in a me menacing nacin manner when bell beil gave him the contents of oi a derringer which took effect in his head lie he was not expected to live shio iso says the cheyenne leader LIVELY ance ANTE lore LOrn one of the objects of in terest to travelers on the continental rau railroad road will be occasional glances at herds of buffalo should they cross the track herds of elk antelope and other game which at times abound abound in places along the line of railroad Lat lately elythe the train from green river east encountered a large band of elk ell a few miles nilles west of benton which for two miles or more followed the cars out of the whole band baud but one was shot shooting was commenced and continued for the whole distance MADAME this lady took her complimentary and farewell benefit on last thursday night in helena presenting the life lille ol 01 an acia acim s arrea adrea king zing of or ner tier i ritu re regard arct arci to this benefit the dost fost says for many weeks she bhe hasby has by he her correct and artistic delineations her classical representations and her sweet songs delighted our people and proved indeed a charm in our oar daily life she has dpn for herself not only the respect dat but the admiration of our citizens and while we regret her early departure we cannot fall fail to testily testify tb that at appreciation and respect by a te test imo nial that will cause madame a in distant lands and in future years to look back upon her snort short visit to helena with kindly feelings and che recollections from the gazette we leam learn that a grand concert was to be given at the new methodist church on broadway helena on last monday which madame scheller had kindly volunteered her services the proceeds being for a public purpose the lady was to start salt balt lake wards after the concert from THURSDAYS DAILY magic professor bascos performance comes off tomorrow to morrow night at the theatre exhibitions of prestidigitation by a competent professor of the art are aro not very common and ana we exp eap expect act there here will WU be a crowded house tomor to mor row e evening e tsie tsee to see the egyptian miza sphinx the intini Int instantaneous iii tit growth of flowers and other remarkable tricks ACCIDENT ON OIT che THE a 1 P R R the tile winnemucca argent of the edth says owing to the carelessness of a switchman the train due clue at am yesterday met with a slight accident the locomotive was thrown off the track smashed down a wooden culvert and landed unharmed over the break frank griffin engineer was stunned severely butwill but will recover was quite spry yesterday GAVE HIMSELF UP geo alias black george who day before pester yester yesterday a stabbed and killed kine dJohn john F ahern alast last evenin evening came to the office of sheriff mulcahy in this t is city and delivered himself up he Is now locked up in the county jail territorial enterprise ter prise enterprise the st george cactus manifested spirited enterprise in having havinga a synopsis of the conference minutes tele graphed from this city elty with the names of the missionaries called to go south and laying in the matter before the people of st arge george on the loth fine wel welther WEATHER THEr then tho the weather is balmy and beautiful for this season of tile the year quite hot during the lay day but cool at night FROSI THE TIIE STATES by letter to bro dro E M T murphy from his son jesse jesso E IN murphy furphy wo we understand that elder murphy ya delacr eider elder jesse W crossby and bishop wm wm 0 A smoot were to together ether at date of or writing within a few miles of rome georgia they had had many calls for preaching and numbers were investigating the truth the country was in a condition conditi on of considerable excitement several fights lights of a serious character having taken place in different parts part and it was believed by many that tho the presidential election would nol nor not pass over quietly but that the contending parties would come to blows tim THE OVERLA overland ND MAIL main yesterday evening wo we saw wells fargo cos gos coaches dis loading a quantity ot of mail matter at the post office in this city which gives an idea what the postal communication across the continent will be when the railroad ia is completed in three days the and instas they have delivered nearly 13 OW pounds of mails malls at the post office in this city these has not all been taken west yet though the com company any are forwarding them aa as fast as possie possible F e but the sending all the mails for and via san francisco by this route has increased the quantity to an extent which was not calculated upon fron from ST GEOEGE we have been favored with the following telegram by deseret telegraph gr h line the weather la Is clear and pleasant no frost as yet thermometer WP in the shade QUIET business 1 Is rather quiet at present with considerable looking among the merchants for goods from the east construction trains occupy the line most ot of the time and freight Is compelled to play second fiddle when it begins to come there will bo be a abush rush BOUND OVER ovee yesterday henry gardner and cherry were arrested charged with stealing clothing his honor alderman clinton bound the them mover over to appear at the first term of the probate court grees river ITEMS we take the following frontier M the and although the date la Is somewhat ancient being now eight days old the items will be new to our readers there Is a stampede for the railroad crossing of bear dear river thirty miles below tae crossing and directly down the valley there Is a permanent and ana thrifty farming community around bear lake with a population of from fifteen hundred to two thousand souls and the depot for that settlement will always be at the railroad crossing fifteen miles above the crossing three saw mills are axe at work in the superior timber umber of the adjacent mountains to the e south two miles ralles ahls this side east of the crossing two petroleum wells are being bored excellent coal fe la inexhaustible quantities is being mined and there Is more men now employed in 1 hat that vicinity than anywhere else along the line of the great continental railway and as everybody areat is rushing brushing for the prospective city we can cau safely calculate on lively times thre there an appointment lor a postmaster there Is already i 1 ec ece elved ived the line of the road is alive with movers for the new place lace the pron Aron frontier tier initz Is wheeling on theand there and ana a magic city Is springing into existence itis it is caud called gilmer the fiat flat has gone forth that bear river Is the place of business the actual winter terminus at half past three this afternoon some words in regard to the election today to day passed between J M thurmond and thos J timith resulting in a resort to knives and pistols deputy sheriff ed gillman knocked pistol epand up and it was discharged in the air last night uhe the dinst barnard alias frank selgie had an altercation with pat daley in the bank exchange daley went out nearly across the street when to the door and fired two pistol shots at dabey wn woo returned one shot which entered kolta abdomen ranging towards and lodging near the left kidney resulting in death this evening was vas a polish jew and mud well known in the mining camps daley was unhurt further than to be lodged in jall jail from where he will be discharged upon the plea of self seif defence the track Is laid one mile beyond bryan tonight and the casements will rush it ahead now at the rate of live five miles per day lor for the next sixta miles up the nearly level valleys of blackis blacks hams and muddy forks of the blacks fork OF of green river the best ground that they have passed over since leaving the main platte valley alley NI lies between bryan and quaking asp hill the latter point will be reached inside of two weeks and irom from there the way is over some heavy work including a deep cut in the divide between the waters of green river flowing into in to the colorado and gulf of california and the waters of bear river flowing into salt lake from quaking asp hul hill fifteen miles descent takes aitto it to the new town oi uil gil mer imer 11 the track Is probably laid by this time ten miles this side of hams hamis fork FROM FRIDAYS DAILY wellsville from bros ricy bjones D jones and john deakin of wellsville wa we learn that about one half of the men from that city with bishop wm maughan are on the railway west on OIL benson farr and bests contract and expect to get through the job they are engaged oa on in less than three weeks the men in that quarter believe in furthering the great national highway and go at the prosecution of the wort work with vim the rn most ost of the thrashing has been done in wellsville and the wheat harvest will average about ten bushels to the acre which considering si the damage done by the grasshoppers Is looked upon as a very good yield the barley and oat crops were destroyed and but little corn was grown fall wheat is being liberally sown there Is some sickness among children principally whooping cough and more than usual among the adults yet though the mortality is above ordinary it Is not very heavy cooperation 0 pe ration matters are progressing ina lna in a lively manner under the spirited teachings and action of president benson and Bishop peter mal nal manghan aghan FROM RICH rlou co A communication from frob montpelier rich co informs us that notwithstanding the grasshoppers which paid them a visit in the latter part of july and a three nights frost in the latter part of august there has been quite an abundant harvest forthal for that region and the potato crop is very good TELEGRAM the following telegram to president young has been courteously handed to us echo oct 24 gos 1808 prest BRIGHAM YOUNG will camp near creek tonight to nig night hl we expect to reach the city on saturday F C axner amder SOX lohr ru rus RUX INTO about half past two this after noon boonas the be wagon of john gubler of santa cirl Clara ciara with th his team was standing in front of bassett Rober robertp tF store his wife and child being in the wagon on the Boise stage drove down the lne tand taud a although F though the W wagon lgon was close by the water sect the stage ran into it smashing the running gear tearing the tires off two orthe wheels and bending sending thle the whole to the ground with a crash mrs gubler and child were in injured although we believe not seriously C M lockwood has the contract for running the malls from the dalles to this city and his agent john A culver igwe understand in the city but we understand that he has sublet sub let the contract from bear river north to this city this wild and dangerous driving la Is being carried to an extent that will not brook of being much longer borne with the lives of the woman and child might have been sacrificed but the driver reckless of consequences dashed his stage stae against a ric ketty wagon and must be satisfied that it was sufficiently heavy to bear the frail thing to the ground we have to put the brake on in thinking or writing on such occurrences or we would use language that probably woula would be better left unsaid FOR FOB ME THE 17 P R IL the omaha herat baates that daring the last twenty days of bep sep there were shipped across the river by the transfer boats of the union pacific company 1056 cars of railroad material and six new locomotives of the largest pattern and all sent west for use on the U P R R the same paper of the says that anad abad an additional dit ional lonal paymasters car Is now nearly finished at the car works in this city it Is about the same dimensions of a caboose but ilis ills it is finished in a very superior manner having a sleeping fc aloon with accommodations for nive five tiye tife persons pe esons a splendid office and an anteroom ante room for the accommodation of the employed emp loyes of the road who have the pleasure occasionally of stepping up to the captains office to settle settie this car will be used on the tho road from cheyenne t to 0 salt lake I 1 AN ax OVATION from the helena 1 M I T pa pers of the we leam learn mat that madam Sc hellers heilers benefit on wednesday ni night rit tit week was an ovation the house being densely crowded in every part and the demonstrations of applause most enthusiastic mr bethun and madame started for this city yesterday and will likely be here in the beginning of the week on wednesday night a gentleman gentiee an whose patronymic real or assumed is the same as that of the great scottish bard burns having imbibed beyond the bounds marked by any well regulated faddle meter was taken in charge and yesterday he was requested to present 10 to the city treasury he Hed did idso so last night charles holley of de scent indulged overmuch and this mornin morning bad had to hand over aux an X J B johnson who has a rheumatism somewhere in his neck which leads him to frequent and diurnal potations rotations ions partook too largely of the fluid most lie he patronizes and this morning he also was called upon for one of uncles pictures represent representing ln 10 isaac matthews was overhauled and hauled up on the charge of steal stealing luz lux pants and an opportunity |