Show special to the deseret ai ngi i ih GENERAL GINEL washington the chepo PO department has information of temporary arranged arran arrangements gem ns nade made by the vice vlee president of f the T 17 P R ri R for the mails between rhe the termini of the pacific roads telegrams from several parties were received to day offering rag to contract for the transportation por tation of the mails one comes from Brigham Brigl iain lain young the propositions are now nov under consideration with the view to secure the certainty of jhb the service hy by express un until til the completion of the kall kail road velis wells veils fargo eco aco esco are not fhe ftc inclined lined to cont continue continuo inde lauC tha th emall email ali service m n ich longer Phila philada philadelphia dephia e phia 13 consia Consla considerable erable fighting in r is going on in th the sixteenth ward A boy named henry Perkin awas swab shot in the abdomen by deputy sheriff joseph 6 e ph FlaDt gan an and mortally wounded F flanagan anagan was arrested in thin thip ward heavy fighting is reported between tween the police and th the e sheriffs onni ofil cers the judges courts are sitting 1 to grant a writ of habeas corpus in the cases of persons arrested by the sheriffs off omm leens officers both the Democrat democrats 4 and republicans public ans have committees of lawyers waiting in the cou court rt room to defend the clients of their respective parties applying for a disc dise discharge learge li arge under habeas corpus the oregon legislature has adopted a memorial asking congress to subsidize a branch of the union pacific railroad leaving the main trunk in the neighborhood of of salt lake striking across to the columbia river thence to portland and thence thetice to puget sound the nir fir fires es ili in the oregon mountains are driving g the he wild beasts into the valleys where tiey they they are committing depredations on stock and in some instances d destroying ei llly illy 0 ini human life J lit lil chicago the news from indiana shows republican gains in ihu indianapolis the republican majority is 1500 carter beats dan voorhies in the ath district julian was elected in the fourth stephenson was elected to congress in cincinnati the pennsylvania election returns indicate republican majority in lancaster county and a republican gain of seven hundred in schuylkill county oxford ohio the vote is the heava est ever polled runs behind the balance of the ticket the republican vote Is a gain over the vote vate of 1868 pennsylvania penn Penu sylvania townsend republican has been elected in the seventh congressional district leonard was reelected to congress by majority the republican gain is 1500 over last year birks co shows democratic dem i socratic gains thus far columbus city ohio gives 1859 democratic majority the democratic gain is over last year cleveland ohio in toledo ashleys Ash leys friends fear his defeat erie county gave republican majority the returns generally show republican gains in lake county the republican majority amounted to in the 3rd ard district it is reported that Sch seh emell emeli will surely be elected over philadelphia the republican state committee claim the city by a majority of from 2000 to 2500 2600 twenty two towns in alleghany allegheny Alleg hany county show a republican gain of over 1000 philadelphia 4 40 counties show a democratic majority of the same same counties last year gave a democratic majority of there area are twenty six counti esyet to hear from which last year g gave ave a republican majority of the state will go republican by eight to nine thousand majority The firc concedes the state to the republicans but thinks the majority will be much lower the corrected vote voted for major fox democrat shows a majority of 1101 A row occurred near the corner of ath and chestnut streets at 2 this mornin morning during which three policemen shot eleven roughs boughs were arrested the wounded men were severely but not dangerously hurt sn new york 14 A tribunes special from congressman mcclure da dated one this morning states that both myers and taylor are elected to congress and the tho state has a republican Republica ii majority of to both branches of the legislature are republican the republican gains in thenn thann teror geror especially in the west are heavy haat claim the state by 2000 forney telegraphs this morning that the republicans will elect the mayor of or philadelphia by majority chicago 14 1 a m pennsylvania has certainly gone republican the editors of the new york tribune estimate the majority at from to four congressmen in philadelphia city have gone democratic dispatches from the publican republican Be central committee of ohio claim the state by T athe the e returns from indiana are meagre and an the tho result is considered doubtful carters election over voorhees is doubtful niblack beats veatch for congress julian will probably be elected chicago eggleston ashley and gibson republicans have been defeated in ohio schenck kis his is elected randall bandall a democrat is elected to congress inthe in the first district of pennsylvania moffatt democrat is elected in the second second district by 91 majority over leonard myers the republican publican Be central committee in indiana claim the state by from to there are large democratic gains gains in the southern portions of the state t ate columbus 0 the following are the congressmen probably elected first district K S trader dem 2nd and stevenson union ard 3rd schenck union ath lawrence union ath munger dem ath smith union ath winans T union uni n ath beattie union ath dickinson dem loth doubtful lith collson union van trump dem morgan dem wakes union moore union bingham uni union 13 amberly union simpson union garfield union colam columbus bug the democratic congressmen have been elected in the ath ath loth and districts the others have gone publican republican Be the republican majority in in the state is about 15 schenck beats indianapolis 14 both parties now concede the election of the publican republican Be state ticket by two to three thousand majority the democrats have three congressmen the republicans have a majority in both branches of the legislature philadelphia 14 the estimated majorities jori jorl ties in all the counties of pennsylvania foot up tip to it will probably be increased the press says sass the following publican republican Be congressmen have been elected oneill kelly townsend dickey cake mercer packer cessna morrell armstrong schofield Gill fill I 1 phelps and donelly the democrats elected randall bandall moffatt Mo fiatt latt beading reading stiles getz woodward and ead one other policeman young who was waa wounded in a row last night died today to day there were 42 arrests for rioting and illegal voting by the iia Ila mayors police the result in an Cov cohodes odes district the twenty first finst is still doubtful although his election is claimed by four hundred the democrats carried the whole city ticket the council will be largely republican in both branches A correspondent from independence inyo county cal states that a large column of dense smoke kowas was observed rising from the mount mountains aills altis in the direction of walkers bassand Pas sand that frequent shocks of earthquake were felt ackom palled pani panl edby by a loud noise like thunder indicating that there was a volcano in that vicinity N ron FOREIGN EIGN madrid the united states is the first nation to recognize the new provisional government of spain tile the madrid gazette today to day publishes the text of the official recognition of the new government made through mr hale I 1 the american minister the junta has declared in favor of additional reforms among which is the abolition of the death penalty and the sanctity of private letters and policies the junta has ordered the restoration of the bark tornado to england and the dayment of damages for her wrongful retention eten tion and the imprisonment of the spanish officials who ordered the seizure london 13 the daily mews news says there is no doubt that the protocol prot ocal of the treaty proposed by the american minister will be approved by the english parliament and the americ american an congress london 12 the cable of 1866 has been repaired and is now working madrid the following is the substance of what was said on both sides at the interview between the american minister and the duke da D Gat hale addressing the duke said in ili the naine name of the united states he congratulated the provisional government and people of spain on their success so marked in a revolution of such grand proportions helas happy to return the greeting which spain gave the united states on their entrance into the family of free and sovereign people the relations between spain and the united states had always been friendly and under present circumstances all his efforts would be exerted to augment the friendship between both people the duke da D Gat in the course of his reply said that now amid the ruins of the old rule a structure would be formed which he believed would merit the approval and sympathy of the unite united states spain now deserved and needed the support of all free nations and that of the american government was highly esteemed the duke concluded by declaring that thit this interview would serve to maintain unbroken relations between two nations both claiming and exercising successfully the principle of national sovereignty the spanish junta has seized the property of the jesuits and have abolished the order madrid the junta has issued another circular urging the extinction of cfall nil nii all religious corporations internal taxes on home and foreign wars have been abolished paris bauters has the foll following owl spanish news Gira ganti gant is at paris general prim has written the thy emperor napoleon stating that the provisional junta desires close relations with france they prefer a ruler who will be acceptable to france and to europe europeo the provinces of barcelona and valencia being strongly protectionist hesitate to recognize the junta madrid the provisional junta is sure odthe of the adhesion of Ler sundi captain general of cuba dispatches have been sent to him bythe by the steamer which left cadiz on the 2nd and which it is believed will remove all hesitation on his part as to the course to be pursued the times today to day has an editorial on the attitude of parties in the united states in regard to the national debt the times says admitting that both the republican and democratic parties contain large factions who urge the payment of the principle of the debt in paper an american statesman in the present vagueness of law and craving necessity tor for economy may conscientiously hold that view but the times argues el that if this policy polio y prevails the country would be so deeply injured that for all future loans the united states would have to pay a higher rate of interest than six per cent so thab that they would lose in the end and thus these economical objects would be defeated |