Show TO HE MERCHANTS OF eli RAU 0 0 A T greers ilir leta lesa ie ban bun successor to 1 aames JAMES line lyne commission merchant J a 3 rn ONT STREET T near sar SAN and MACHINERY crt ERT of f all descriptions purchased or imported for ira IMA H on the most favorable terms te I 1 and at lowest current rates the near approach of the CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD to the principal business points in ith affords an opportunity to merchants to quickly and fre frequently ineptly replenish their stock stocks abany at any season geason of the year many articles ot of general consumption both production and ture can be obtained at less cost from san cisco than elsewhere california and oregon mado made woolen goods blankets and clothing such ruch as underwear and hosiery are superior to anything imported and intrinsically cheaper making SAN FRANCISCO unquestionably the ker ket for fol utah and ahead of all others in the advantages offered actual market quotations and all necessary information furnished to merchants on application having raving been for tor the last sixteen years engaged ean in the wholesale trade of this city and acquired I 1 tv red a general knowledge of this market and uhe the wants of the country merchants through direct intercourse with them I 1 feel feet justified in saying that all orders for goods of any description tion or any other business In lu trusted to my care will be attended to with satisfaction to my patrons roin respectfully fully sol soi soliciting a continuance 0 the business as heretofore confided to mr linforth I 1 bee bet to refer by permission to the fol foi following lowin gentlemen A T grees GREEN no 3 FRONT STREET SAN FRANCISCO references jas linforth esq of linforth kellogg rail rall jonathan hu insurance co A A J ralston esq hee see pacific insurance co balkner falkner bal Kal kner bell co badger d 12 B benchley esq meagher col cot ja J esq of donohoe kelly C co 1 roberts fe co ly 1 E EARE ARE NOW manufacturing G IN connection WITH THE st LOUIS STAMPING SWIPING COMPANY I 1 anew line of TINNED and POLISHED WROUGHT IRON WARE suitable alike for I 1 10 U S fi 01 10 1 a D biners OR OP CAMP USE and take pleasure in calling the attention of stove hardware and general dealers to the many mahy desirable qualities of chis NEW WARE not only as an article of trade but of UTILITY eom combining bining as it does NEATNESS I 1 CON convenience VENI and LABOR saying in the care of utensils that are in every otay day use in the most important of all HOUSE HOUSEHOLD HOLb departments we desiro desire iro ire anu and request ekesy house housed keep keeper r to seo our tea li kettles ettles sanco sauce rant pant R e M dish bans inns wash basins polished hp pd e stew nua aud fry pans as we are ara sure they have only to be seen to be appreciated many of the articles are made entirely entirely y of one piece of wrought iron which during the process of manufacture receives several of block tin this leaves a surface when finished perfectly smooth easily kept clean and entirely protected against rust the cost Is but little more than common tia tin ware and every article will do ten u t times es the service the shape enables us u to k the various sizes in nests so as sis to mccu occupy y but ut little space and being but a little heavier than the cost of transportation la Is very small at present our assortment consists in part of tea 1 kettles Lett letl less legs camp kettles mess meas bans pans dish pans sauce sauco rans pans dish kettles Hett les ies fry pans paus ils ill kiis bris ills ac A 4 c 4 ac c we are now preparing a new catalogue and price list and we believe stove and hardware aref dealers will find it to their interest to sen for a copy of eacil before parch purchasing asin elsewhere address t ex excelsior c ealor company compan b ST puis puls 1 sm 4 i i i i woodmansee woodmansee D DEALERS E ALERS alens in DRY GOODS GROCERIES and J GENERAL merchandise STORAGE AND commission MERCHANTS fireproof fire proof building main train street k R B 4 CA particular notice to the customers of I 1 ROSS ba BARRATT AND ANA to all others who wish to be As the railroad Is rapidly approach approaching in this place and as in consequence of this t the 00 rate rato of freight this summer and fall will be greatly reduced and d aa we are always anat anxious ous dan aan to benefit our customers to m ers and the community at large in every overy way possible but particularly in furnishing famishing them the VERY BEST GOODS at the LOWEST PRICES we will from this date bell BROWN SUGAR CLARIFIED CRUSHED CRUSHER SUGAR COFFEE FINE Y H TEA FINE G P A SODA and SALE bale RATUS NAILS cali caig OIL etc etc ete etc at greatly reduced rates kates m we will have in by FIRST TRAINS from the EAST quantities of goods gouda which will make our assortment complete in all KINDS of STAPLES may ji v 7 t freighters WANTED 0 o ONE OE D TEAMS TO HAUL FREIGHT froni from the Term werm lilius orthe of the tle union I 1 I 1 I 1 1 P pacific aceil lc ar kail ail all road I 4 W ELDREDGE I 1 I 1 I 1 gio R homemade HOME ONE MADE MAKE CLOTH r i ON HAND and for sale at 0 j reasonable nea Kea rates A LARGE assortment OF f fr f r f the best bese homemade home made cloth cioth in 1 the territory AtT at resident president B gums youngs mums WOOLLEN FACTORY at the mouth of Kanyon creek near groat great sait salt ilalee city cily city y T the he P proprietor will exchange cloth clot an some Yarn yam for WOOL A pine pipe variety of homemade home made claths cloths I 1 always on hand at the factory 0 CT BM IOTT lott co corner sonth hast wast east temple streets wh and retail dealers in A mohra uria cwb w stationery constantly on hand A assortment or of SCHOOT SCHOOL i BOOKS miscellaneous historical scientific and works blank bianu books hooks laper nud aud Envelop esy esp rens bens ink ac c ac i TO THE or irray urau TE Pame phwe basina hasina on Commissi commissions onT W ax H ms so no bolm st NEW W ILL purchase and forward with prompt V T ness and dispatch ail all kinds of machinery merchandise mechanics 1 tools stock and material he will guarantee satisfaction to all who will win entrust him with their orders A small commission only will be charged references to GEO glo Q ca caynon casson non son nox and JOSEPH BULL bunn bu esaf deseret news office salt lake city allt T T s 63 I 1 m WANTED immediately 1 soo till diio I 1 diglics t wages waa wag os inia lnla paia raid IN eash 2811 monthly quarrymen quarry men stone masons and TO WORK 0 ON THE RAILROAD kobic noti c but good men need apply mj aal taL Apply aply immediately at the mouth of t i SHARP toung YOUNG henny BIERY manufacturer of every description of lu A ju m I 1 N ja vv m T IV ai am t EIST TEMPLE temble STREET salt lake city WHOLESALE AND RETAIL H AS a large stock of good oil painted F fa y U 3 W g RM dys ra RI B I 1 T ef R y U I 1 ienn ifft R 0 P E constantly on hand I 1 FAM I 1 LIES lles SUPPLIED gon Uca th the department is also appropriately furnished I 1 G W D I 1 thomas sr BD D Megeath mes HES el A TH IJ affire I 1 jr receive and forward goods to the territories of COLORADO UTAH MONTANA etc charges for advancing storage and dor por for eor warding carding at reasonable rates REFERENCE to t the he merchants and banke rs of omaha omahr den denver and salt lake lahe city generally 0 manik MARK FREIGHT HT colorado and new mexico arre of co che cheyenne enne v maha maba and for utah and montana care re co end ot of Track IV PR yiu B R va fa am i jas Lb virta Virth K E B jail rail F D kellogg el logg MORTH mw 4 RAIL ibi successors sow som to L B benchley rench Bench rcy lcy i co IMPORTERS AND axi OF american i and asad gedman german mil mik J ami cai air ain 8 ya v dwa vir vor cal dil SS r y a iao y agricultural implements and MINI MINING TOOLS I 1 I 1 V 1 nos 3 and 5 FRONT STREET near sear market SAN FRANCISCO |