Show I 1 STRAYED AYED FROM fou rosf roif A 0 smoot 4 cols cos woollen F factory luetory sk etory on the dinst a SPAN OF HORSE HORSKi 3 one a roan mare branded J W pa aeda thigh ayears 5 years old ithe othen other Is aroa pinto livorse boldface bald face gla gia glass glasa ss eyes white feet branded with a combined MH on lett left thigh I 1 6 years ears old oid Each Eachl had a lariat around the eez eee information of the above horses gliver given to george tanner tooele thoele city will be yr rewarded d ed I 1 I 1 V ESTRA ys VS t f mantl manti july T nave HAVE the fonow following ingi described animals in I 1 JL my possession which if not sooner claimed will be sold to he be highest bidder on the imd ird ad day of august next at the pound in mantl manti city at 10 AM one pinto roan norse HORSE white stripe in face left hind leg white to gambrel and the leff sore fore leg to the knee unee andi and right hind foot branded T on left thigh 7 ora years old one brown HORSE white tripe stripe in f ace branded on right thigh JA and XV rv 7 or 8 years old 06 one brown MARE HARE 8 or 19 10 years yeara old light spot in forehead grey grev in flanks and tall saddle marics marits I 1 one brown mare COLT ir 2 years old has ft a small white spot in forehead one yellow MARE white while stripe in IA her face 16 6 or 7 years yearb old spanish brand on left thigh bas has ba a yearling coll colt with her very much mush ilse lite herself 11 HAMBLETON D l 1 bounty county W aire atte will sell the balance ef of our COMBINED champion belders and mowers self raking J to any settlement or responsible individual and take our pay in grain or cash after harvest aea ahidley i e 1 leotos flie fire proof saie sale and feed stabler second south st 14 IA city 1 are prepared to accommodate the publio public WE VY 1 with l ith livery and feed in all ita its branches stock haler sales promptly attended to ff J faust laust d 1 ssi ly J Y S HOUTZ administrators notice I 1 been appointed by the te probate HAVING a co court urt url ol 01 juab county v anty administrators of we tue estate or of the late JOHN HUTTON of nephi cl city ty juab county UT itt we w hereby glye notice to all persons persons persona caving having claims against said haid estate to present them for payment and those knowing themselves indebted to raid said estate are aru requester to settle immediately n w e 1 addressed to A F MACDONALD provo city UT mrs marte marve SUTTON A V F MACDONALD jane im 1868 jve vla am r strayed STRAYED AN af f likely black mare mules HULES one asi aspan of r which bas baa a small white collar mark on oil tho the right shoulder the other a similar one on each shoulder some old brands though not very legible manes broached and hod thod t all around last seen on friday the ad dinst in grass creek kanyon near the church coal mine utne any person who will return them tome to me at salt sait mt lake city or give glye lii iti formation information th that atwill will wiil lead to their reco recovery very verv wil will I 1 be liberally rewarded ef 1 JOHN M BERNHISEL j july N lse ise STRAYED OR olt STOLEN 1 SPAN of offlie tive five year old norst HORSt sone Bone 9 one la Is V ONE black and the other a light both are branded T TO C on left ht p hasa white star taron on forehead were last seen about a month since at porterville morgan co those know ling ing anything of the whereabouts of the above will please forward information to this thia office JAMES adamson 11 1 1 7 24 2 american fork york |