Show july 1868 editor fieret dews jeus tn rna A late lafe lue of your valuable paper 17 1 descove discovered ted thau that a chicago writer alyes to the late ate hon hou S A boulis Dou Io glass glasa the credit of drafting the bill prohibiting polygamy in the Terri territories jorles but that the bill did not a law until after ahe the death of its framer the aboya statement brought most vividly to my mind a conversation between joseph smith the prophet and the honorable senator at carthage lil lii if I 1 mistake not in the year 42 or 43 to which conversation 1 I listened with miach much interest the prophet said to mr air douglas among many other thi things you will aspire to the presidential chair this is all right and you have hav emy my good wishes for your success but 11 continued the tue prophet k mr douglas I 1 wast you to remembert remember athla s one thing if you ever lift a hand or a voice volee against the latter day saints you will never be the president Pre aident of the united states it tap tae appears pears that mr douglas did raise a h hand a against aga not the lat lai latter after fter dax day saints by f framing r ing the above mentioned bill and t that h t he e did lift a voice against us in his springfield speech recommending the cutting out of the loathsome ulcer and it would almoite seem that an untimely death vetoed his rapid strides up to the temple of fame fawe the prophets words were fulfilled and the nation mourned the loss of one of its most able and shrewd politician sand possibly one of its wisest statesmen mormonism is a difficult question for the children of this world to dispose bf god is in itt it and whoever attempt its overthrow whether as individuals ora political pary will like mr douglass douglas die before they gain the honor they seek does any one think that the railroad will confound the sun moon or stars or any other work of the creator all ail men may yet nind find out that thab paul spoke truly when he ho said isaid ye can do nothing against the truth but I 1 for the truth I 1 ORSON HYDE salt SAIT LAKE lare CITY july 21 ISM editor evening news mews I 1 have travelled from the south up as far as ogden and have carefully noted the crops ana and my judgment is confirmed that fair average ci crops ops aps may be expected I 1 rode roue rode around ogden through her many sha ded ianes laues enjoying vastly the scenes of promised plenty millions of grasshoppers gras shop were oo 00 the diug winf seemingly destined for the lake snore where their companions lie lip in heaps in a due state p af pf preservation reservation 1 noticed among the tho many solid improvements prove ments at ogden bishop west westa nine fine rock floering flouring flou ring mill beautifully an and substantially built containing four run pf af stones with ample provisions P siong for cus atom om merchant work and storage it cost coat 1 I paid a visit also to the excelsior woollen mills owned by randall bandall co they are in every way worthy of their name I 1 pent spent sunday in the tabernacle occupying tho the nice clean carpeted and stand and spoke to thet the people of the comfortable things or egdom to me a pleasure which was enhanced ce by the sweet tone toned i of the tho organ arkan and benoir elder bessec jesse C little littie was present and with his bis indomitable will w was pioneering aneer the way of his great manu manufacturing association capital iu in shares at 50 thus putting this thia essential scheme of co cooperation operation co within the reach of thousands success must attend bro jesse during his discourse so eloquently and reasonably urged lie he ek exhibited albiter some fine specimens of wool sent from kentucky by bro laft bianey aney anex no now there on a mission I 1 thought if the te h pop people e e could bouhl only be induced to c change h e the order of af their stock raising an and angco da adopt pt the plan pian of isai Isal isaiah ahsee see bee chap chip 7 merses 21 and 2 23 we vve vie would have fine line wool and butter plenty I 1 am tn told that hat in kentucky they will get sixteen pounds of wool ata at a clip from flom one sheep sheep here T have seen nearly sixteen sixten sheep clipped to get one pound of wool wooi and there is also a great scarcity of butter considering the number of cows milked bya byn family great greit preparations are aro re being ming made to celebrate the I 1 visited the sunday bunday schools here and found them somewhat deficient in books and aud rew rewards bedwards Be wards edg of merit 11 I 1 thought if the superintendent could have had but a glance of your choice stock land and knew the low prices at a which you are se selling I 1 ling them the little folks would soon h have alethe thoi I 1 incentive nce uce nive some I 1 know ob object act to t this j is giving rewards but butti have seen us old oid children like a present or reward as ps an incentive to endure to the endi was im impressed pressed here as elsewhere in m my y travels with the great inere of waters to me i although L the denizens of the tho low streets in ini meyeral era I 1 0 of f I 1 our cities would yet be gladia giad glad to g cecon n the bench for the water wafer marks manks are gaining that way it is a great treat to travel u up through davis and weber counties g the a impression you get is that te the people liw at home and yau you feel a aa though they know and ap appreciate p te coq it IT ITEM 61 |