Show hwe abey 1 el l hag nez cg a n to i 3 boll andl avld d veene rl d s ano uno an fn n and nd around d mat nat toi tot oh I 1 I 1 1 til theatre will VR p a r tenno EV t aia ALA UY ho gim in which me lyric lyrie artiste NONE schiller HElLER Se hiller will appear assisted by therall STRENGTH orthe odthe A ylo yio olti e 0 doors apen at 1 cm tain riss at ata 2 over at 51 i er bvm P wal will ac tat lat dot or the e latest now how york Sens sensation atlon th iche fihe he great origin and picturesque drama of LVE and add LOVE lovel 10 THESE TIMES by Augustine daiv daig 1 esq the author af pf leah neah the forsaken 1 ag 1 G gaunt au em etc entitled EA it to H GA I 1 G etl oil T I 1 produced with new raiv and elaborate scenery bay fay Y mr J GUIDO novel and effects by mr air pener PETER REID keld in fix i eluding the intensely exciting I 1 i RAILROAD SCENEY SCENE extensive properties and land appointments by MILLARD and BAKER narell UNDER THE haa baa created the greatest aurore in this city of any piece ever eyer ind TI prod produced uce having been e n played for sik alk conseen 1 tive five I times imes to large and appreciative audiences audience and will wll be played on this occasion to give our oun patrons from the edu country wio w bo may visit the city with thele their to spend fhe dihe the fourth ai an opportunity of witnessing this Ih rilling sensation sen pen valion ration 0 its Us withdrawal fhe the the fullow ingli Is the cast of this ibis his GreAt goeltl Drama lama L baura r courtland the belle of society I 1 i D ray lendsay byke mr P Alar getts getti ed Deml demilt lt mr A windel i hyde justice J at hardle hardie Coun counselor Splinter Mr J E hyde bermudas lart lurt LM rT C Gral grai Gr grahamm abamo abaro lara iarA peanuts Pea nuis mr J matti Mattl mattinson sarn mi H balne halne J E eval s sergeant seree SerKe ant i 6 3 mr Ir J B kelly policeman sya mr A merrlin martt Martl ny t I 1 peter rich Rl ch masen maser mici it clawson claw son m mab mah 13 1 mr J JM it bartile bembera of gae gre 4 d 3 r 1 6 courtl court i of acers acors dock doe it boys etc ete etc i 1 pearl Court courtland laud land miss adams ni mrs rs van dam Z alss s nellie neille colebrook Colebr dok 11 41 11 rull ruil ss alexander v mrs al G clawson tt sue 1 e nizzie lizzie platt lizzle lizzie le lehton MI ss foreman E doos doors open at 7 curtain TI rises ses af at 8 nie ep performance will wiil with tenny teuny I 1 sons beautiful fui ful idyl of the heart dramatized by edme juile julle de do marguerite in 5 acts act eq entitled tItled V arderi I 1 E E or i T HE 3 ft pax PAI TO afi T tur afe ane produced with new and W appropriate scenery characteristic choruses dances kec ac fec ac annielee annio annie ice iee with songs f MADAME enoch arden zur AMr nir air 1 mckenzly McKenz Mc Kenzle te capt steril Sterll sterling ng hir bir air J II 11 hardle hardie philllp ray bay amr nir air X JO 0 graham reuben P afara Mar margetts getts gelts its walter arden ayden s C calve j v boatswain at mr r A X e tir ejr lil ill mayor mr it matthews h ws peter reter ilane J kelly keily first sailor and d villager mr air J auyde second ailor ano andl villa villager er hir air E 1 D crowther cro Oro third sailor and villager 7 1 mr air H H hanes es MINAM miriam lane lan ef e f mrs mra 9 bowring lio iio rl esthen etther ardeila Ard eilt erit Ms ss Alex aiex alexander adder adden sailors villagers etc tic b by w chorus chords ho aud and corps devall BalleU de e aa I 1 i inboden incidental tai tal th ad M A acl act ct dotibee salor pipe by miss alexander A miss eilie cilie eit elt j old 1314 english by charac characters ers i 1 i j aud and and tha the i 11 vision t udor ador lop rop tale gli til ealm lanm i at tint rint of Pece i apotheosis OF ENOCH ARDEN ana add and aad I 1 cor car C EO US eta ota TABLEAU B LE AU i i L L 1 sohig sorg ty 1 I 1 l full fail company compans j t the performance olance ciance t to calude conclude with wit h the laug blier pro provoking farce faroe of i loo loi lik TOO MUCH I 1 FOR liol NATURE arp chirp target supported jvan ivan pan st Person persona sat at a can order tickets irame ei either elther by 1 mall mail all ail or telegraph and S seats eats will be pe reserved for therm they should besu tate atte late dist diat ht t ly what 83 seats the they cesire desire in thich part of the house honse and whether fo vor for the afternoon or evening children tinder under 12 years of age hw half price to afternoon performance W xit xii i it ssu 1 J art hyt apa N 11 NG Z th jdeen end eed appointed 4 ba 4 holp helP gOate 0 murk murp court 01 0 ol juab Q tors tora of ene estate of rohn JOHN X 0 city ltv ite juab coun conn county jr V U TV TF A 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 u i U we hereby site sive ail all person shaving claims against said esma for gle payment and t 13 es in eget I 1 to saad WM I 1 to settle immediately otoe to I 1 i i rh i aff n toi W ruto rumo na L P tovo co c 1 I ira tra irs 1 i I 1 IMP I 1 1 f 4 1 t wig am i tit tir lit 0 o iiii il tte TIE Y ii ii 1 V gill io i r in t he S e court ort oft veiled stat 1 i y for the territory of ulah utah in the matter of 1 f jj wai WAL H MILES uiles dixy la in bankruptcy 13 bankrupt J to maong wms it olay vicy the undersigned undersigner under signed hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of WM H R MILES UILES jun of lait laue latee city ciry in the county 0 of salt lauce lake and territory of utah Ufah who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon bis his own awn petition by the supreme court of said terni TerrI territory torn I 1 dated at salt lake cit city the day of june jane AD 1868 1968 74 SIN SNOW mow TOW Assi assignee gnep etc i I 1 ai NOTICE OTICE 1 l T HAVE in my possession the following j L animal which if not claimed within thirty days from front the first publication of notice will be sold according 0 law I 1 ji I 1 sorrel 12 year old horse white in face right hind bind leg white branded on left thigh b bas has b some saddle saddie marks mark i T I 1 DAVID UDALL juab county nepal juna june IA 1868 1 1 acob saalie larde larie iriRI card CAND ard AND A RANCH situated about 17 miles from provo and 8 miles iles lles from heber city wasatch county the farm contains about igo 19 0 acres of good meadow land and andas is surrounded by a good water ditch the ranch contains acres in good condition and offers large Jarge pih pit for of an extensive dairy dalry bein being adjacent to the provo ane homestead property consists of W a new Dwelli house of three rooms a rodn rode stable new net sheds and corralls corrals the ranch and yarm are app supplied plied irith with good spring of water watell to tons of last years ears HAY ana and the present crops crots online farm willi williamso aiso also besold be sold to g any jg july suitable purchaser ber on on or before 1 the 1 of P part t payment required at chase f f r good horses teams Team sand and cows cowa taken in exchange stock raisers ardd arid others respectfully are invited to examine tue the above or apody by letter to proprietor let iet 0 r HEV TURNIP SEED li L i TURNIPS TURN aps 1 an gar 13 den tur Turn turnip nip lD arop large good lor for field culture chanles charmis CH ARUiS armis TWEL VF 8 atu at ward waro tap provo v j L 14 s rt tar sar information wm WANTED wishes to ta learn the whereabouts JL of thonas THOMAS from intebi a ard denmark who ho left there for utah in the spir spring I 1 ng of 1865 or holsa ho Is a tailor by trade any person for sor forward wardine ine lne such information I to jorgen sansome street san francisco or t the I 1 NEWS sews office MCC nce w will jil ill confer a great tavor favor on lon his brother JORGEN christensen ehri STENSEN I 1 1 t T f I 1 ti y y qc 02 C 1 alt I 1 1 pl f 5 aj 1 1 in 1 11 1 1 K r ci ai ft PT wo 1 I 1 i m i if n OM w W 17 1 1 y P As good as any in Summit summits bounty County apply AT 1 1 1 1 th fri maim T I 1 I 1 11 L 41 amp imp T r lafe 1 ix I 1 atan aiji f I 1 d L ii i j km oft bilo bilg laia tela 0 1 iti i jit V 1 lal n ein gin I 1 f V turf f r it avii ij f i 1 ig ii til ill on bilt hilt i 11 ii om 98 n j JasU T narth i 1 ux ae ja D I 1 p 1 1 1 IL tf to AN asro asoo ri n 0 P america AMERIC AM erica ERYcA I 1 A EGLIs G rf andl ANDs maan GER aan MAN W 3 01 K ca lt implements jig tools I 1 ir a add and anas ands 5 fa lont FONT treen a anc INC r 2 r larket market i i manifrang SANi sant frano FRANG FRANCISCO ISCO y i tt tra ia f i y fc 0 dealers i in gocr goca Gio gro cerle cerie 4 dry G goods 0 Z clothing boots hoots and hardware etee ered in oden city U T highest est price paid for grain and Pro dro produce duce dace i W 91 lm lla GROSTINE CO |