Show nt nen y gra gha wt 91 THE I 1 I 1 k j h J j i i T nn i I 1 i IN a aletter fettet to ath fiust ii iri ili J D richarda nic Bic hards harda writes writer that lildia oft ari bri dilt viet clear cleared edwith with coalson board boards of from hi candina vla via from great britain while the passengers were coming alining tonn torn M ward wardlo to be booked and dery aay of clearing WA A entend appeared anost 6 atul d pas passage theatt of nihla nihls ad alhia this jeo veo ajro bee bep WW the twenty etiva aw g mc mcl mcI Abos lAbois lo 10 pifei irue S earr the A i arri diu din raddsav mand Rand sAV eider elder of the onith nJohn with CO C nud hud hud bud A 0 andee t i president richards says th that at he has lias succeeded in bailin i selet seltha Is anif cthel fo foy r tso asson ass gers lugt lust and anid art insaf the emerald be passe engerS from Scan dida ufa ther ciofi fassaei pas pae suei on oni vessels vs vas very ihl too hilgh ta unlit of 0 many odthe people coming who vere were anxious to toli tolf immigrate uati bati and i 1 could come roba r coba oba e an M sailing weasels teasels te asels vessels have entered into a band and 4 have hwo mado made lit sever severely bly peo pep al to depart dopart ione lone chis ches they will curry passengers ag aft att auy itlie year tor iss than the sulm they the have even though theli theil vessels faveto ha veto jo sail sall without pas i fi i i i at the thel preset pre serit senit it time everything icon acon i i nested with the immigration of from is ra i jt ibo isil isi ngu thu long tedious and journey ift itt jsn pil IVA 4 OU buceta co ta travel f from narp englan England ii tomm tamm lilt nov fro mt matty tty Y 1 dail f hetter helper af iio ilo jg offen of U h isbeih gm rigid legs leas an dp the pea j rp tile tiie drum bow bew hom lb 1 n e orb th andine anrine T hf halh half AW 1 3 dij uld 11 A ai 0 rn idt idi elp lap tir t i J hf H f li ot cj 1 1 lu fl h x a ai A i 7 na 1 r ak agi h L aly ih thyrl mt th bilat hajI 4 1 I 1 ilau epli 0 Y jhue 1844 1814 an that thae day at stroke ltha oC Jesus us fi V kas mas je bereft ft p f ys y s leader arp t ahad atad d revelator alid af pait pf tits 8 Pa path patt tarch fi loa lon ioa trumped up ebo eho 11 of py were arreatta arrested luup at a 0 fl on juip ilg lip and confined in in t the jail tl lathat ambat cladi place e they were neco anle anie bya byu by byn a u number of th their IF friends mends 1 but butt these were all sent bent a wh 6 and with messages excepting E iders willard robbio s alq John Taylor Telf W I 1 AP V 6 with 1 them the mi I 1 mi ti n i hi pledged the tbt abt ther they y eav HI safety rhe ahe tab jab w rp ellk 0 wolves they 1 thirst thirsts e auw ere efe e di de tt kill them them thum seiyt y their threats throats aud andi va vo the fhe ga 6 h phy oby 0 thos hua hup who knew their feeling feelings St vt sity ire ine insure fe kanety safety ulerv R 0 ftfe f te was u urged rg e d u upon uron on h him i t n but a t w without J effect he rb wasa cutly at the mob have lave their own waymand way tand tand land that their plans inight might not be interfered with hy lieh went into the nau yog yop 0 fi friends d ot i lph ir kid aid ald aid TS r auri ak spee elj 1 to ithem em ifil jho J buides bui den deu ah was wah lo 10 them the neches ty r of being law abiding and the dreadful 4 they would experience if it riot be b he took toor troops with will hinh effii excepting inga y doo cont doomany coni pany called ithe ilbo the carthand Cartha gd oress gress S tab lab were eie dib an to the tho jalil jaitt the hiob hue vue bf all ail these arrangement rhey abey pe C came lo 10 the jail jall with taint Talut tainted painted dd A pretended straggle ensued A a few were fired tin tiu und and then ihen the work bf death bean dr dt richards published a arlei and graphic account of the in mft W an ansga ct vea gan under 6 tille titu ar figu ninn tirs jirs WW oart aa ay dur aders adera e may ripa haye la 11 aud rud if lii ill abig t them ju lle ile 4 ls A ilby ahby libl vor yot of hp pe stairway aatos bains thie of nnie the prison in I 1 the ibi tui goow by 1 many rapid tex tek s I 1 giue vill a eras erns fi atad tmima ir ta taylar and prid aho vho wen erg erp in pie the dign barvik alb closed a the r irowna agai aadi i gaint lyt the enary entry lit at he paa gaa af pf r ahe fhe sta stair aad pd lilac ou ur ganst t all til thero there ero gud god hookfi the pach gach tb that I 1 at ausba blo bio ble yle tle mie yie J 19 A comar hatiej t and ind as lis on a weller waller eel lat tat at th s head api hc ad us 03 et the fi aboor 4 bed 8 d b bee 6 enad ednd ennd pit ild I 1 19 ag p al d K 1454 11 at 9 al 91 t av p h lepa r V ab nd gou ii 1 ga J e TT w 1 j a cal cai fi ii fad fab b d in int 0 of pd and 4 ad 0 o iii M t doba ibb iab r a r 0 b do Y lit ait 11 7 arum when at length jal 14 tj froin rth 19 V R p I 1 hl i geki i be e day was warm v and odino no one t luft butt t bif bly nt 0 dial daal dawer J a er and I 1 flirt 1 1 rt ft appears 1 P ovide eVident t that a ball must ya ya fram through tile tife w shidow jeow dow yeh ach entered MS 19 baak af 64 jue tu 0 r 4 side and pas passing roup gp ga lly fly t 1 1 th n completely ow leg lil itt evua pul variz crystal and faret far 61 onne ofle tit the lip iia hadd hand and masting the shw wi d yv Ya at tle tie ae ime nie tie ins 1 JV th bau 0 e is n nos P 6 i las tas lie be sf tru cru bhe bre noor ex 4 ai now tow aft joa jos ae ads nii lumn turn it ana aua t illi 0 marl W q I 1 af g ar thre w with it ls nis left hand discharged afi ono one I 1 e barrei barrel aird of a is ix hooter pistol at random in in the entry fram rom whence a ball grazed U tea Pea stand stana theoti passed into his hia k kety q were a almed aimed at hi him in 1 and 1 ame balla I jpseph jaseph 1 li e 0 I 1 lapp 1 n ymer lyer and botne olne tho ut mot int in 6 the orth inree phree breo barrels 61 t wacha miss misa are i vw V 0 S mr I 1 ia q iii igi mith with ith a iv aung aing by ya h 1 tide ft edg U c W X dp watne A bop bon d uit v ic lver aver werch e cd kr s th 0 u it a e d w ili ill I 1 ru 1 11 non roo YU 1 e T 0 JJ abaya anaya f inge w apa e t copula iga com cow it tic pg it lach laeh w t 0 o 0 U Y q fe t tUH mies of 11 t the L 1 auns yul ill 11 9 le tha tb revolver faced failed we had bud no tans an and d expected respected an imme 4 q 0 adio haio efio td 4 ao 10 WAY i yn fla 4 at g way in iii t thouria L bup p aa fifo death oma omi T i j 1 IJ n b mayar maspn May pr I 1 1 11 apet chiep iq 1 ia pwe ppe fit t or twenty feet 0 Z am treta th ih groina gro iri uri ini when his bis body booy w wo nearis nearly jenn jena fi a balance alace a bail bait tha ngoi enterer en leret his kis hla hia leg e aid iia lia a bali ball from lil ill edeh a paten patent fc lever ip veat vest pocket near the left br breast breant and smashed pi al leav in ing g the tho I 1 uw s standing at ocl fock fick 16 anaf and 26 seconds the foree force of whre ball bail threw hip hlf 1 2 b hack back 1 k 1 1 on tb the e floor aloi rel rei ad lin d pr thi a ba 4 1 emch gwi ich ieh stood by hi wa h help ap ahro helay halay motionless motion lems lehs tha wa ahe hebor continuing tz him giff wrig irig Uw awaya kyt hyt piece o of f 4 14 lp a argol a knis haud hand and we 60 i lay iny ay qu I 1 k their ea IF huzl XH g tok tob i wh ohp p 1 tx ty t C tia ikpe W then ther guysi I 1 0 the room loom probable J leftt lidid hudec charge 96 aa alna alua ost ua ua in hi me flie file dorider room 0 0 avre h vre vve nse e wit evind dodged aud and ang anu th df a ed the with my atik J joseph josph the ast piort to jeep tw min M ia in abw ow arp orom whence li V nee mr I 1 rs A fell pell when two wal bal balis balls P pierced chidi him bim jf cl 6 ri terje b his right breast riv jio owhy ishu lAhu f and he V out ardi rd ex a ord lo 10 1 dt PU n ry ht feet wept it head ala gia 1 astl rhu ejup esua I 1 j IW ot sWe hwe Ud a althis At this thib cry was raised afos leaped the window 11 and the mob on thin the stairs and in im the entry ran rail out ont i r T I 1 withdrew e w from fro in the windo W t blu bin k ing it of fit tiep use td hleap boutron a bayonets then around gen smiths body ot satisfied with this thia I 1 bagain reached uly hend butof out of the window und watched some sonye seconds to see gee if there were any duy imi life regardless bf my own de etl eti ta see beet the heend end of him I 1 loved being fully satisfied atis fied that he was wasi dead with hundred men nedythe bhuvan bouy and more found round the tUe orner corner of if the jail and a return ta 1 I the prison door doo k at fh the e lead head odthe stairs and through the entry from whence viea ce the firing had proceeded proe proc deded to W learn if inthe the doors into the open onen ahil near the tile entry mr taylor pail ball called d gut out 11 ladke we me 11 impressed my wa ay till ifould I 1 found all ail doors unbarred re turning Just instantly Antly caught mr nin taylor un der my lh yarl yAri arm ard nid and aid rushed by b the stairs stains k t i I 1 into aulo JULU iho tho ibe llo dungeon d un 11 of or vt inner lilb aul all g bol F J liris eirls prison S n t ti r C d tie tio ile florad flor and nd edv covered hid him hin nl qa with ji a bed fh in lucli mahner asfahl dv likly tt b be perc perceived perceive elve eive dl 1 im imi 1 g rl tl haicl to mr r ild iid 4 1 abar I bard w castuto ho irk iny alry lay abu bil oh t the e floor vhf wounds are not fatal fatai I 1 evaa want you to livel cafa taia lory tory I 1 torb bov bou L af 0 nt t stood before word the thy ithen tilea set 1 a 4 ago agg ato I 1 m lui lux i y r ni n n i s boil off ois 4 ii I 1 I 1 af hj if xeng send Sp Kg benc 1 17 1 1 J ti 1 l 1 1 the m foli foll p of ot I i enee ence ne a have s beel heel d can oan nylic pu be ithel if dil pil or prudent q ae ut kemball n i T i r erni at AT tt AE aake cir cie oid inscor obi ins clr cir at tbt re gulaT gular meeting of he acty oty council of this city on tuesday evenin jast jasa the dinst his hondr honor the maspn I 1 announced the death jah q hehir 0 ki dball jawon n on h suggestion a 4 committee w wast pt an ap to of the feelings of the tiie council anthe occasion i i purton 1 1 on behalf of he committee presented t ed the following fo preamble p ania and resolution which were read road and uran unanimously adopted whereas jt at has pleas pless d the allm mighty y in the dispensations of his erdia providence Provia g anceto ence enee to remove from our midst by b the hand of death dath our esteemed fellow citizen and andruch much beloved president la he heber ex 0 kemball Km Kimb balL bail alj who with unwavering integrity ani and untiring izeal za al has lifts ever eyer beedia faithful lalar laborer in the an earnest advocate cate of civil and il liberty and aud af every evers principle calculated P d fo 0 o ennoble le and Therefore q eit it sd brewe 9 iza the hand band of jahe ordia ord ii au things ye 1 jav h j anity has bas iq hj hi death and in in the this bitzen of byli clay city and nod 1 arr mry wry arld arid thel thet latter dwy day sas baa a 4 1 I ts we irli 11 sympathize with hs his famely and lelius friends an lil this their sad bernav eja t tha wha tha the council Cou adjourned without tha thai of further business busi bubi 1 4 DA darelli DArEL dakel A L IF HI wt wells mayor mayors ROBERT campbele campbell Be confer coune chamber CHam her 1 I Salt sait alt ait lake nake oty city june jane V 1 1 I i nj iha P i 1 i 4 i fw i j A fadz i orson nyde HYDE sanf SA N f t 1 li oln oin I 1 ia f t pr fi r 1 to no thARl the bishops shops ot 0 county t A great and i worthy mail man in ju israel is fallen failen pres Prea 11 hi C kimball not by transgression but by bythe the providence of god the distance is too great forus for us to attend his funeral td orrow orr pw this therefore ej is to your teotis to meet aa ta ai 2 p gabd m and their i dolence ih behalf of the family AJ pi thereby 1 ija f j WW HYDE i aceti will bd veld heid held i here hero to worrow at 02 in all AU toe tor to morroN jnorro wr vc rio Plo sare now at half balf mast unest wi wt th tit other tokens bf heartfelt t sorrow and resbert v j i p 0 g pg aw T ab S aeo laboo laE OO ili st org une ac f 1 a it W are assembled fim him lop JOP j gt onie brit borwey bot Bof Wey mingling their haar withy burs li he the t funeral jobse i brother brnt brot beik beil presh pres Pre siMI H 0 e K his bereaved bur Yar fallY faily Vs d deeply pl with with MI fall israel isrnel h hirn hlin w eje xe jun juu 11 T 11 lai tal K A 1 l vii hi ERASTUS erastes SNOW iiii z ay iy s it t ih i nit lit fi a va 6 if 1 l oia bin P c P AO ft it 14 K iou ioe ils lis fis r 1 1 at ki kim m alps alad death weda xeda pe of or my sympathies bereaved uve ive family and the theSa Saints inta for their theu lo 10 loss sa I 1 of so ledd gdud a man wan fri pd aad arieti f ithai othen oiher ili its iti 1 T af pf 11 3 bobp it inu titi ili lui 1 I 1 rit fit F 1 |