Show LATEST FROM EXCHANGES A WEST INDIAN paper gives the following as a certain cure or for ell oll herla heria take a common tobacco plaz lace a live coal in the bowl drop a itle itie tar on the coal draw the smoke ito the mouth and discharge it through the nostrils tue TUB lafayette indiana oom gerier wirier fer jer of july 2 bays says more rain yesterday and today to day the wheat oats and hay have suffered great damage by the continued wet weather and in some sections will be a total loss much of the best wheat in this vicinity is so badly sprouted as to be worthless A gentleman who has haa just returned from an extended tour in tho the wabash valley reports a similar condition everywhere e re the loss of the wheat crop is a great calamity ON ox the occasion of the nomination for north wilts on tuesday last says sus the london star a rather in genius method was adopted in order to pre prevent an au outbreak two hundred of of the roughest of the mob attracted by the tho bounty of as a head were sworn in to act as special special constables constables A short time before the proceedings commenced the entire body were marched into the corn exchange where they were locked up until the nomination was over the result was that no disturbance whatever occurred d LINES of railway are being established estabi shed in asia minor it sounds oddly to read of them as connecting places once reached by the bleeding feet of af the apostles think of paul and john as going from ephesus to smyrna in the first class express train they could do that if they lived in these days there has lately been opened to the public travel a railway about fifty miles long between these two cities english enterprise is at the bottom of this undertaking der taking spacious station houses have been erected and a hope is cherished of developing a large traffic but at present a single daily train renders sufficient accommodation monthly religious Afaga magazine zinc CAPT moore A Q M in command of the expedition to andersonville Ander sonville I 1 to put headboards to the graves of the he t prisoners who died there has written a letter in which he says the anderson ville valle prison is trul truly a human pen where of our brave brave soldiers were huddled together in an in closure inclosure not yards long and scarcely wide where they were exposed to the rays of an almost tropical sun for months resulting in the death of thousands this risen nisen pen should never bo be permitted to ee be destroyed but should stand until its stockade falls to the ground by decay so that the unbelieving of the north may be able to look on this ground and convince themselves of the inhuman cruelties cruel ties perpetrated by the southern leaders on our prisoners this is about the hottest ottest li place in the south there ario aro yet about headboards head boards to letter and put up THE late law census shows that of wisconsin cities fond du lac ranks next in size to milwaukee oshkosh next then madison and janesville LONDON spreads over more than square miles contains 2600 miles of streets has haa houses a population of OW and an assessed annual rental oi of over thebe there are 1600 male and tm female clerks in the treasury department at washington hington being moro more than two full regiments speaking in military parlance the annual cost of this little army is more than two million dollars PRINCE NAPOLEON and wife have left france in consequence of the rupture between the prince and his august cousin and are now traveling in england where they will probably take up a permanent residence CONSTANCE KENT whose sentence to death has been commuted would shortly bo be transported to F freemantle ree mantle mantie western australia it is said that the information that her life had bad been spared produced no visible effect upon her when it was communicated DURING durang a late debate in the british parliament a member stated that in england and wales alone there were a million of paupers haupers pau pers and five nive hundred thousand more on the tile verge of pauperism the heavy national debt and the high taxes necessary to meet the interest on it were assigned aa as the cause THE midnight meeting movement in london for the purpose of reclaiming unfortunates is proving hig big highly I 1 successful at one meeting ne nearly 1 80 poor unfortunates were present and seemed deeply affected by the ad addresses given fourteen girls were sent to homes homm from the meeting the same night BOMB sour interesting experiment experiments 8 have just been made at ll 11 LU lorient rient on board the coligny coligny the object of which la Is to utilise utilish the t c electric light ight at sea by means meana of a submarine reflector the water was illuminated to a great depth e ath BO so that it was waa possible to look down from the deck and see the fish attracted by the light swimming round the aa lamp as q if in an aquarium according tle to the r report of the experimenters several varieties of fish unknown to nat ura lists were discovered far down in the water including a remarkable specimen with ft a head bead like that thai of a monkey |