Show FEMALE RIOT IN greenfield GREENF IELI leli OHIO PUTTING DOWN rum BUM too much rum was put down the thrombi throats of the young men of greenfield ohio so the ladies ladles thought and therefore a few days since they resolved 40 ito put down all ali 11 the rum there ere was in town at one fell swoop as macduff sald sad of his chickens they held a meeting on oil monday was washing bingol r day a and passed resolutions deno denouncing duncing ite intemperance apera li and lind in the afternoon of the same day they sallied forth some dozens strong armed with hatchets axes and bright eyes and called at New beeks becks s saloon a loon new was a valorous man for discretion is the tile better part of valor he had shut up his saloon but tile the ladies opened it in short order they smashed in a window then one of them got lili in the most graceful manner malin e 3 and unbolted the doors when the tile lad iad ladies ladles i es madea made a des desi i cent oil on the tile kegs and bottles and alid the way old mother earth drank beor beer tind find forty rod was elou enough b to ma make koier kojer keIer her stagger if anything would then he tile ladies ladles si smashed nashed in the doors of aimis drug store near by and spilt all ail aris liquor the mayor cameon the scene at this juncture antl anti made quite a pretty retty figure in the performance firmance for mance dramatically eon con considered ater by read reading ng the riot act after which he be went home and the ladies ladles went on wi th their high old bust after habinc hunted hinted ju ted all the rest ot of the liquor in town clivy tin rehr relt I 1 on their laurels laurela th v 1 e ilia liia ta 1 s smelt of whisky whisks whisk ever evor CM i nee tee shortly after suits for dam dami A wirt C fenced against tinh hil lii dh by b th thi c polled and forty feen seen t e en auf juf f th til 4 creatures were gly anui anut ne i and held to trial in sum bum t 1 from to answer in the common neimon nn imon pleasa n october |