Show BULL RUN rijn MONUMENTS these structures have been reared within a few lays days at the suggestion of capt H C lawrence assistant quartermaster by details from the ath pen ri sylvania heavy artillery and the massachusetts light batteries stationed at fairfax courthouse court house under the superintendence of james Me mccallam Callam of the latter organization they are similar in design and are constructed of red sandstone found in the neighborhood they are of rough solid masonry and are surmounted at the apex by a block of stone and a parrott shell painted black with a pedestal of masonry on the sides and each corner of the pedestal surmounted similarly to the apex one of these monuments 27 feet high is situated on the high cleared knobf where abere transpired the thickest af the first bull run eun battle and the other 21 feet high where raged fiercest the second i battle of bull bun run making them only about a mile palle and a kalf half half apart the first is inscribed on one side agin in memory of the patriots who fell at bull run july 21 1861 11 and on the obverse side erected june juppe 10 1865 11 the tho other is inscribed in memory of the patriots who fell in the battle of groves ton august 11 with the same ob bb verse inscription as the other the london shipping gazette s says S the most roost of april this year was vas the hottest april on record t Che cheering ering cring accounts of wh wheat eat corn oats and grasses throughout the north norths ern eastern and western states have I 1 been received by the commissioner of agriculture indic indicating a large yield of these important staples |