Show hv C 10 K sav wai SAVAGE 1 0 M R pho rho photographer he artist SAVAGE of riNGERS L 16 photograph AND FINE ART GALLERY F EAST temple STREET F T citizens and travelers are respectfully respect fuli full invited to call and examine our unsurpassed collection of art specimens consisting of oil paintings po portraits of leading men and views of the mosi most prominent places and points of interest in the territory wholesale Wh dealers in photographic goods and artists materials orders by mail mall pro promptly ta filled IT litot t t FOR SALE AT A T MOUNT PLEASANT sanpete San pete non BON ACCORD 11 1 COTTAGE with or without SO 30 acres of choice land and a nay hay lot a commodious wheat bin 18 ft by 16 ft built of sawed logs stabling corrals ac the barden garden in front containing 2 acres lib rim riz rods well cultivated to such as can appreciate a good home where facilities abound for plenty or of wood good range lumber and poles in the kenyons close by a social hall already built and a good meeting house in progress of erection the tax on completion of which Is paid ut nip in ml full fuli sch school houses already built in the several wards it will constitute a desirable family residence the house 40 ft by 21 ft with a back kitchen I 1 ft square substantially built of ado bles bies I 1 sein seln shingled led roo roof eight or nine separate appart ments including t hall hali I 1 and up stairs accommodation for this estate I 1 will take A liberal discount awl be allowed for cash to the amount of imo 1300 and the balance in other kind of pay for further particulars enquire on the tho premises or of me personally at sevier county I 1 WM MORRISON 10 40 aft assessor and collector sanpete co 1861 LOST BETWEEN D salt lake city and union inn on the state road roma a pocketbook POCKET BOOK containing i about 20 in greenbacks green backs the nin fin derwill finder will confer a favor by leaving it at the deseret Des eret cret news office or with E I 1 THAME 41 1 union inn state road 10 REWARD LOST a bay spanish MARE spanish brand near hip white hind foot mane on near side I 1 the above reward will be paid for her delivery or a liberal reward for information leading ia to her recovery enquire ol 01 0 G 13 SNOW ad ward or ym WAT SHIRES deseret Do seret news office 41 dik ift imm k MISSING BUSSING FROM lirou nirom the church pasture a large dark U cream colored american SI mare MABE A it E black mane ne tail tall a a and legs e 8 6 years ears old no brands had al a light h ba bay mare maro are colt wi with her e the the said margand mare and colt were fo formerly erly 0 owned n by 0 t V spencer whoever will 11 give anfor information a lon ion or return said aid bonare cnare and c colt coit I 1 will be eli ell liberally e 11 rewarded lirt 41 af BRI BRIANT T STR GAM city NOTICE mile mlle SELECTMEN in and for great salt lake JL L county will meet at the house of orrin orran jef fords fordson on the jordan river west vest of drapersville Drapers vIlle on saturday the dinst at 10 a m to receive proposals and contract for r building a bridge across the jordan river on the county road leading from drapersville Drapers ville to fort harriman harri Harrl man pla pia pian plan and ana d particulars will be made known at said time and place of meeting by order of the county court E W EAST county clerk county clerks office I 1 I 1 city july 10 IW j at NOTICE TO stock raisers owners GORDON nordon S BECKSTEAD WILLIS H U vr BOOTHE of brigham city box elder co having entered in L partnership co a r tn iship in the business an fn of herding ai and ana id hav hay having g obtained obtained license from the probate court of box elder county to occupy for the term of one year from the date thereof the well known and valuable herd ground west of bear river in box elder co are ew now ready to receive and herd horses mules oxen cows and calves for the term of one year or for as short a term as three months at at the rates of TWO DOLLARS a year PER head HEAD payable in M cash sh or produce at gold prices the stock to be responsible for the herd bill until payment is made the herd ground being very extensive and abounding with splendid grass and water both winter and summer hummer those wishing to have their stock herded may rest assured that for good care rich pasturage and safety the present resent opportunity Is unrivalled in the territory territory of utah bring on your stock all things art ari are a now ready BECKSTEAD BOOTHE BOOTHE herdsmen 39 at MAIL main NOTICE N the first thursday in july the undersigned undersigner under signed PIS f wi will commence to carry the U S mall mail irom from GS L city via tia uia uxa E T city tooele thoele ille stockton Sham bip fairall eld eid ceasar cedar fort and and ana goshen to payson rayson and the citizens of these settlements tle ments are respectfully informed that in connection with the U S maits mails the undersigner undersigned under signed will carry passengers and parcels and will purchase goods in G S L city on commission thus affording to the people 01 or these settlements the advantages advantage s of the market prices of this city our oar terms of commission will be FIVE per fer percent cent for all orders exceeding ten Do dollars llara iiara and TEN per cent for any iny order under that sum we nye will also carry p parcels abeels and purchase goods for the people of the settlements aloag the weber ilver river i on the above terms the service on the above mall mali routes will be weekly leaving GS G S L city at 6 am every thursday and returning at 5 p m every wednesday GEO D KEATON uelton 4 EDWIN RUSHTON 19 ngit 9 it oth ward WANTED immediately ash A GOOD opa blacksmith to take charge of a appl appi P ly to 0 R n B malt MAtl GETTS ward 0 1 ft attention A T T E N T 10 N ATTENTION ATTENTION 1 MORMON BATTALION ephe HE anniversary BALL Is POSTPONED J from monday the to thursday the mth until util the return of the president two Tivo dollars per coupie couple bishops please notify y com committee millee 0 LAYTON D B IL BRIZZEE EL martis MARTINI 41 lf STRAYED stir STIS axed ArED from the ath ward herd about lO days X ago a red COW a wide strap around her B leck neck with a board attached to it with G E bourse ie and no 14 branded on it also branded 0 L on nig nigh hhorn hor adl adi J T and figure 2 on nigh hip alry alty any auy one elvane eving information or returning her to 0 E BO bourne rne will be liberally rewarded city july 11 II 1865 41 allt at honses HORSES SES I 1 llave HAVE HORSES in my possession the following stray one iron freyn greyN urey crey MARE IARE 3 years old ohl branded 7 on the left s shoulder c one bay MARE 4 years old 8 white feet white strip in forehead branded HB biffi on left thigh one iron grey MARE 4 years old branded branded HC lic one bay HORSE 6 years ol old oid dwhite white in face right hind foot white branded W w 8 9 on left hip one strawberry roan marn MARE white stripe in face branded J jon J on left thigh one light strawberry roan MARE right hind foot white no brands one bay HORSE 3 years old snip on nose star in fore forehead head bead right hind foot white branded brauda J 0 on left hip one bay STUD COLT 4 years old star in forehead left hind and hight right fore feet white no brands one dark bay blare MARE 2 years old star in face no brands one brown mare COLT I 1 year old str star in face lace hind feet white one bay horse COLT 2 years old stripe in face hind feet white one sorrel MARE 2 years old stripe in face branded C 0 on right thigh ano ono one bay MARE 5 year years sold old oid stripe in face branded J J on rig right ht thigh one bay MARE white spot in forehead branded J C on left thigh one dark bay MARE 3 years old stripe in face branded J on lert left thigh one bay mare COLT I 1 year old stripe in face hind feet white no brands one dapple grey HORSE 6 years old black mane and tall branded 0 on left hip one iron grey HORSE 6 years old black mane and tali tall branded C on left thigh all of which if not claimed proven and expenses pe s es paid by the lath day of july 1865 will be n sold d to the highest bidder at one on said day JOHN GILLISPIE 41 lt it city july 1 1865 1863 AUCTION HOUSE H 0 i sa AUCTION HOUSE of arain south ats 3 DOORS BELOW THE NEW YORK STORE AND goods at private sal sale voz cat 4 rat AT EXTREMELY ga LOW K 0 y I 1 I 1 ALL DESIROUS OF SAVING qa 0 15 15 per cent SHOULD CALL WITHOUT delky DELAY 0 JUST J U sj ARRIVED A A new now lot of goods ft from om the EAST which must be closed out olit immediately ettely i AT 3 wita AT LF 88 3 3 a a jiljan Jil Jaa jaw yvan 9 S k 41 tf J 3 A itji EX diessl AT VA L V AU a 0 WE wn have to announce the ARRIVAL of our FIRST TRAIN from the I 1 MISSOURI RIVER with NEW GOODS bought u east EXPRESSLY FOR 1 THIS TRADE 0 o tulo ar new styles of PRINTS and DRESS GOODS STANDARD HICKORIES DENIMS ani and BED 0 0 T T ON 0 N YARN Y A R N tilo the celebrated grape vine CRADLES NAILS SOAP BAR BAB STE swe STEEL EL choice assortment of W S ja jt M 3 A m ja S ii brass bross kettles and par Far farming minor minot implements lidies limies LADIES ladles FINE CALF 4 MOROCCO i i f BALMOR AL and ICID ICED SHOES 1 THREE MORE TRAINS to arrive in ten ton days addy s with witha a complete I 1 assortment I 1 ai WALKER BROS |